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Country Market Statements

UNECE  Timber Committee 
Sixty-first session 7-10 October 2003

Country market statements address the following subjects:

           1.  General economic trends affecting the forest and forest industries sector 

           2.  Policy measures taken in your country over the past 18 months, which might have a
                bearing on trade and markets of forest products. 

           3.  Developments in forest products markets sectors (major emphasis)  

                A.                Wood energy, with a focus on government policies promoting wood energy

    B.                 Wood raw materials (e.g. roundwood: sawlogs, and pulpwood and fuelwood)

    C.                Implications of forest law enforcement, governance and trade (FLEGT) on markets

    D.                Certified forest products

    E.                 Value-added wood products

    F.                 Sawn softwood

    G.                Sawn hardwood (temperate and tropical)

    H.                Wood-based panels (particle board, fibreboard and MDF, OSB, plywood)

     I.                   Pulp and paper

           4.  Tables 
                 Economic indicators 
                 Forest products production and trade in 2002, 2003 and 2004. 

The Committee encouraged delegations to submit Country Market Statements in electronic format.  The following Market Statements were received and are set out below without any changes or editing.  Other member countries wishing to be added to the list are invited to send their texts to the secretariat at the address below.
Documents are available in  PDF   format in the original languages received by the secretariat. 
                             To read documents in PDF format you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader.  This software 
                              is free-of-charge and is available from the official Adobe WWW site: [ACROBAT]
Austria [pdf]


Cyprus [pdf]
Czech Republic [pdf]
Finland [pdf]
France [pdf]
Germany [pdf]
Hungary [pdf]
Ireland [pdf]
Latvia [pdf]
Lithuania [pdf]
Netherlands [pdf]
Norway [pdf]
Poland [pdf]
Romania [pdf]
Russian Federation [pdf]
Serbia and Montenegro [pdf]
Sweden [pdf]
Switzerland [pdf]
Turkey [pdf]
United Kingdom [pdf]
United States [pdf]

Information about the documents or any other aspect of the Committee's work may be obtained from the secretariat:
E-mail: [email protected]
Timber Section
UNECE Trade and Timber Division
Palais des Nations
CH - 1211 GENEVA 10
Fax: +41 22 917 00 41