Status and Trends in Production and Trade in Forest Products in the Russian Federation


Economic situation

In 2000 the process of stabilization of economic situation was going on and the industrial product output in the country in general and in the forest and forest products sector in particular continued to grow.

Over the first half of 2000 the gross domestic product of the Russian Federation increased by 8.4 % against the same period of the previous year, the output of industrial products increased by 10.3 %. Over this period there was an increase in export volumes, retail turnover, population incomes.

In the forest and forest products sector over the period of January-June 2000 the volumes of wood removal increased by 10.4 % against the same period of 1999, production of sawnwood increased by 10.5 %, plywood � by 16.0 %, particle board � by 22.3 %, fiberboard � by 19.2%, paper � by 16.1 %, paperboard � by 27.2%.


Export of roundwood

Roundwood occupies a leading position in Russian forest export. In 1999 its share in total currency earnings from forest products export accounted for 36 %.

In 1999 export of roundwood amounted to 27.6 mln m3, which is 138 % as compared with 1998.

The structure of production and export of roundwood by assortments is presented in Table 1

Table 1

Production and export of roundwood in 1999


Production, ths m3

Export, ths m3

Share of export in total output, %

Softwood logs




Hardwood logs




Coniferous pulpwood




Broadleaved pulpwood




Other roundwood




As it is clear from Table 1, the major share of the total sawlog export are softwood logs - 98 %. As regards pulpwood export, the share of broad-leaved pulpwood is 52 %, coniferous � 48 %.

In the first half of 2000 exports of roundwood accounted for 15.5 mln m3, which is 12.2 % higher as compared with 1999 level. The main countries importing Russian roundwood, are: Finland and Japan, their share in total roundwood export is over 50 %. These countries are followed by China, Sweden, Republic of Korea, Turkey, Germany.


Export of sawnwood

Sawnwood accounts for 19% of the total currency earnings. Mainly sawn softwood is exported � over 90%. In 1999 the total export of sawnwood accounted for 6.4 mln m3, which is 36% more, compared with 1998.

In the first half of 2000 export of sawnwood amounted to 3.9 mln m3 or 130% as compared with the first half of 1999.

The main countries importing sawn softwood from Russia are: Egypt, Japan, Italy, Germany, Great Britain, Netherlands, France, Finland, Baltic countries.


Plywood export

In the recent years export of plywood from Russia has been stable: in 1997 � 631 ths m3, in 1998 � 737 ths m3, in 1999 � 913 ths m3, in the first half of 2000 � 512 ths m3.

The main countries importing plywood from Russia are: USA, Great Britain, Egypt, Ireland, Estonia, Germany, Italy.

Export of wood-based panels

Export of wood-based panels from Russia is not considerable as the major share of its output is consumed within the country. In 1999 export of particle board accounted for 95 ths m3, export of fiberboard � 246 ths m3. In 2000 some increase in export of wood-based panels is expected. The main countries, importing wood-based panels from Russia are: CIS countries, Turkey, Egypt, Syria, Morocco, Italy, USA, Estonia.


Forecast of production and export of forest products

for 2000-2001

Taking account of the general economic situation in the country and the Government Programme further growth of the gross domestic product and industrial output can be expected in the second half of 2000 and in 2001. According to estimate under these conditions further growth of forest products output is also expected. The general data on production and trade in forest products for 2000 and 2001 is presented in Table 2.