Country Statement 2000

Country / Pays : Ellas


Following the dispatch of the TC1 & TC2 tables by e-mail, we forward you the following remarks and observations :

The mean total production � collection of roundwood in the last three years, was 1.800.000 m3. (1.250.000 m3 were fuelwood and 550.000 m3 industrial roundwood (wood in the rough).

There was an upward trend in the production of industrial roundwood the last year. There was also an upward trend in fuelwood production

Sawnwood imports were about 890.000 m3. (577.000 m3 were coniferous sawnwood and 313.000 m3 non-coniferous sawnwood. According to the data obtained by the National Statistical Service of Greece we estimate that sawnwood imports shows upward trend due to the demand manifested in the Hellenic market.

Imports of plywood show an upward trend: 15.000 m3 as well as those of

particle boards: 680.000 m3 and fibreboards : 300.000 m3.

The Director



E. Papaevangelou