15 October 2007

Joint UNECE Timber Committee and FAO European Forestry Commission Policy Forum

Opportunities and Impacts of Bioenergy Policies and Targets
on the Forest and Other Sectors

What is the future contribution of wood to meeting UNECE region's energy needs?


> Background & meeting documents

> Presentations

> IPCC side event

Background & meeting documents  

Title Author Download
Background paper:
Wood resources availability and demands - implications of renewable energy policies
Mantau, Prins, Steierer, Hetsch [882 kb]
Press release UNECE/FAO Timber Section
Chairman's summary Johann Dengg
Provisional Lists of Participants, as of 1 October 2007        
Programme UNECE/FAO Timber Section        
Provisional Agenda (English)
official UNECE Timber Committee document
UNECE/FAO Timber Section        
l’ordre du jour provisoire (French)
official UNECE Timber Committee document
UNECE/FAO Timber Section        
предварительной повестки дня (Russian)
official UNECE Timber Committee document
UNECE/FAO Timber Section        
Information note UNECE/FAO Timber Section        

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Presentations (download all presentations as zip-file [8.3 MB])

Title Author Organisation Download
Wood energy policies and recent developments in the OECD Jack Saddler   University of British Columbia
Wood energy in Russia - Policies and interaction with the forest sector S.E. Gryaznov St. Petersburg Forest Research Institute
EU policy developments and the forest-based sector Jeremy Wall

DG Industry and Enterprise, European Commission

Wood resources availability and demands - Implications of renewable energy policies Udo Mantau
Kit Prins
University of Hamburg
UNECE/FAO Timber Section
Mobilization of wood resources Gero Becker University of Freiburg
Bio-energy and the European pulp and paper industry – an impact assessment Bernard de Galembert Confederation of European Paper Industries - CEPI
Wood supply for energy use in France Patrick Vallet Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Engineering Research - Cemagref
Contribution of agriculture to biomass supply
Dietrich Klein COPA - COGECA
The role of bioenergy for energy objectives Björn Telenius Swedish Energy Agency
The forest products industry role in meeting energy-related challenges Jerry Schwartz American Forest & Paper Association
Certification of biomass & environmental impacts Ishmael Dodoo ProForest
Bioenergy – a future with European family forestry Christer Segerstéen Confederation of European Forest Owners - CEPF
all presentations (zip-file) all  

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IPCC side event  

Title Author Organisation Download
The role of forests and bioenergy in climate-change mitigation Bernhard Schlamadinger Joanneum Research
Adaptation of forests to climate change Andreas Fischlin ETH Zurich

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This website presents the activities of the UNECE Timber Committee and the FAO European Forestry Commission who work together to promote sustainable forest management in Europe, EECCA and North America