Forest Products Markets, 2002 to 2004

Speakers presentations at the 2003 
Timber Committee Market Discussions

Theme: Market Effects of Wood Energy Policies

1.  Market Effects of Wood Energy Policies
  • Introduction: 

  • Mr. Ed Pepke
    Forest Products Marketing Specialist
    UNECE and FAO Timber Branch, 
    Trade Development and Timber Division
  • Mr. Bengt Hillring 

  • ExpertPaper

    Associate Professor
    Department of Bioenergy
    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 

  • Mr. Hans Jansen

  • Project Leader, Trade Development and
    Timber Branch UNECE
2.  Wood Raw Materials Markets
  • Mr. Volker Sasse 

  • Project Leader, Outlook Studies
    UNECE and FAO Timber Branch, 
    Subregional Office for Central and Eastern
3.  Illegal Logging Effects on Forest Products Markets and Certified Forest
     Products Markets
  • Mr. Ed Pepke

  • Forest Products Marketing Specialist
    UNECE and FAO Timber Branch, 
    Trade Development and Timber Division

4.  Value-added Forest Products
5.  Sawn Softwood Markets
  • Dr. Chris Gaston 

  • Group Leader, Markets, Economics 
    and Library, Forintek Canada Corp.
6.  Sawn Hardwood Markets
7.  Panels
  • Mr. Jorge Najera 

  • Panels Expert, UNECE and FAO 
    Timber Branch, Trade Development and
    Timber Division
8.  Paper, Paperboard and Wood Pulp
  • Prof. Eduard L. Akim, PhD 

  • Saint Petersburg State Technological
    University, All Russian Research Institute
    of Pulp and Paper Industry