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Forest Products Annual Market Analysis, 2002-2004

Timber Bulletin, Vol. LVI, ECE/TIM/BULL/2003/3

The UNECE/FAO Forest Products Annual Market Analysis, 2002-2004 provides general and statistical information on forest products markets in 2002-2003 and forecasts for 2004 in the UN Economic Commission for Europe region (Europe, North America and the Commonwealth of Independent States).

The Analysis begins with an overview chapter, followed by a chapter on the policy implications of market developments, then a description of the economic situation and factors affecting forest products markets in the region.

Market developments in five standard sectors, based on annual country-supplied statistics, are described for wood raw materials, sawn softwood, sawn hardwood, wood-based panels and paper and paperboard. 

Regular chapters discuss markets for certified forest products, value-added wood products and tropical timber. In each chapter production, trade and consumption are analysed and relevant development on specific markets and policies are included. 

Tables included with the text present summary statistical information.  Additional statistical tables are presented in supplementary files for most chapters.

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Forest Products Annual Market Analysis, 2002-2004

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    Executive summaries:   English       French       Russian

    Table of contents and all pre-chapter material                                                                        
    Chapter 1 - Recovery of forest products markets in the UNECE region
    Overview of forest products markets and policies, 2002-2004  
    Chapter 2 - Policy implications of forest products market developments in 2002 and 2003
    - Forestry law enforcement, governance and trade
    - Certification of sustainable forest management policy  evaluation
    - Policies for sound use of wood, wood promotion and building codes
    - Industrial development policies and structural oversupply
    - Climate change policy
    - Wood energy promotion policy
    - Trade policy, tariff and non-tariff barriers
    Chapter 3 - United States housing remains strong despite economic weakness in UNECE region 
    Economic factors affecting forest products markets in 2002 and early 2003
    Chapter 4 - Raw material consumption on the rise despite weak global economy and local oversupply
    Wood raw materials markets, 2002-2004 Tables 4  
    Chapter 5 - Increased globalization revolutionizes sawn softwood markets in 2002-2003 
    Sawn softwood markets, 2002-2004 Tables 5  
    Chapter 6 - Sawn hardwood markets stabilize in 2002-2003 
    Sawn hardwood markets, 2002-2004 Tables 6  
    Chapter 7 - Panels' production rising despite falling prices and current overcapacity
    Wood-based panels markets, 2002-2004 Tables 7  
    Chapter 8 - Upturn in 2002 yields uncertainty in 2003 for paper, paperboard and wood pulp markets
    Paper, paperboard and wood pulp markets, 2002-2004 Tables 8  
    Chapter 9 - Markets for certified forest products, 2002-2003
    Chapter 10 - Trade in secondary-processed wood products slowed
    Value-added wood products markets, 2001-2003 Expanded Geneva Timber and Forest Discussion Paper Available
    See also Discussion Paper for more complete information 

    Chapter 11 - China's imports drive tropical timber trade
    Tropical timber market developments, 2002-2003 Expanded Geneva Timber and Forest Discussion Paper Available
    See also Discussion Paper for more complete information 

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UNECE Trade and Timber Division
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CH - 1211 GENEVA 10
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