Industrial Restructuring & Enterprise Development
Industrial Restructuring, Energy and Enterprise Development Division

Entrepreneurship in Poverty Alleviation

The Workshop on "Promotion of SMEs - Development of Youth Entrepreneurship" was held in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, on 27-28 March 2003. It was organized by the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) and the Representation of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAF) to Turkey, in cooperation with the Youth Business Centre of Moldova and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). 42 policy-makers and experts from eight BSEC countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Turkey and Ukraine) and from Germany as guest country attended this Workshop and Conclusions and Recommendations were made. 

The Third Session of the Team of Specialists on Entrepreneurship in Poverty Alleviation: Youth Entrepreneurship was held on 12 February 2003, selected its new bureau as following: 

Mrs. Stasa Baloh-Plahutnik,
State Secretary of the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs (Slovenia) 

Mrs. Golden Rachel
, President of the Golden Foundation (USA) 
Mr. Youri V.Sosyurko, President of the All-Ukrainian Leasing Association (Ukraine) and 
Mr. Jean-Claude Strebel, Director and Vice-President of the W.A. de Vigier Foundation (Switzerland) 

The Team of Specialists elaborated its Programme of Work for the next biennium 2003-2004 focusing in the following activities (see Report of the Meeting TRADE/WP.8/AC.2/2003/12): 

1. In order to fulfil the aims of the Millennium Declaration on Youth Working with international initiatives including the following: 
(i) Youth Employment Network established by the UN Secretary General.
(ii) Youth Employment Summit Campaign established as an international NGO. 
(iii) Youth Business International; and 
(iv) Junior Chamber International.

2. Raising awareness on youth-related issues. Organising sub-regional workshops and forums. 
3. Development of school businesses; 
4. Creation of project on match-making jointly with the World Youth Bank; and 
5. Preparation of Youth Entrepreneurship Report.

The Second Meeting of the Team of Specialists on Entrepreneurship in Poverty Alleviation was organized by the Coordinating Unit for Operational Activities of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe on 29 August 2002 at the Palais des connection with the First Regional Forum on Youth: �Security, Opportunity and Prosperity�. See Report on the Meeting.

At its second session held on 21-22 March 2001, the Working Party on Industry and Enterprise Development established a new integrated Team of Specialists on Entrepreneurship in Poverty Alleviation (TRADE/WP.8/2001/5). 

In accordance with the initial mandate, the major goals of the new Team of Specialists are to:

  • raise the awareness of the importance of the dimensional approach in enterprise development for poverty alleviation;
  •  review the impact of normative acts, regulation and policies aimed at promoting entrepreneurial activities and to assess their impact on the poor and vulnerable groups
  •  identify policy instruments, which proved to be effective and efficient in reducing poverty and social inequalities through entrepreneurial activities, and provide policy recommendations
  •  exchange best practices in eradicating poverty through promotion of entrepreneurial activities and self-employment. Such exchange could cover the following areas: "train the trainers" schemes on business management targeted to selected groups of the poor; search of partnerships and markets for their products and services; creation of technology parks
  •  exchange experiences and ideas on how to reduce rural poverty through entrepreneurship
  • identify technologies, organizational forms and support services, that could reduce the costs of starting-up and running SMEs created by the poor and vulnerable groups; improve access of family businesses and small- and medium-sized enterprises initiated by other groups of the poor to technology
  • suggest specific programmes to encourage entrepreneurial activities among specific subgroups of the poor and vulnerable, especially for countries and areas that are at high risk of conflict or affected by economic restructuring
  • identify possible areas of public-private partnership, which could benefit the poor, in particular, to consider the creation of solidarity funds and other micro-credit schemes among select groups of the poor with the support of the private and public sector; and
  • assist governments, at their requests, in designing income-generating, entrepreneurial, programmes (OPA/AC.20/1).