Industrial Restructuring & Enterprise Development
Industrial Restructuring, Energy and Enterprise Development Division

Highlights 2002-2004


20 September 5th Seminar on Analysis, Methodology of Treatment and Remediation of Contaminated Soils and Groundwater - "INTERSOL 2005", will take  place in Paris, from 30 March to 1 April 2005, at the invitation of the Government of France and under the auspices of the UNECE.


15 April  4th Seminar on Analysis, Methodology of Treatment and Remediation of Contaminated Soils and Groundwater - "INTERSOL 2003", took place in Paris, from 1 to 3 April 2003, at the invitation of the Government of France and under the auspices of the UNECE Team of Specialists on Chemical Industry Sustainable Economic and Ecological Development. The Seminar was attended by about 500 scientists, industry managers and administrative authority decision-makers from ECE region. The discussion mostly focused on the assessment of risks associated with contaminated soils and groundwater, land use planning in particular with regard to polluted sites inside urban zones, and improvements in remediation technologies. The Seminar also hosted an exhibition of techniques and services on soil remediation, and a "project fair", where a series of projects all located in transition economies of Eastern Europe, was presented. The Report of the 4th Seminar on Analysis, Methodology of Treatment and Remediation of Contaminated Soils and Groundwater. More information about the Seminar can be accessed here


25 November-  Third Meeting of the Team of Specialists on CHEMISEED was held in Geneva on 30 October 2002. [agenda]

18 February - At its third session held on 14 and 15 February, the Working Party on Industry and Enterprise Development (WP.8) accepted the proposal of France that a seminar on �Analysis, Methodology of Treatment and Remediation of Contaminated Soils and Ground Water� be organized in Paris in 2003 with the assistance of this TOS. To implement this activity, the Working Party extended the mandate of the Team of Specialists until the fourth session of the Working Party to be held in 2003


October 3 - The next meeting of the Team of Specialists on CHEMISEED will be held on 29 October 2001. 


The Team of Specialists on CHEMISEED (CHEMical Industry Sustainable Economic and Ecological Development) was created to carry on projects from the former chemical programmes of UNECE which deal specifically with environmental aspects. The Team of Specialists reports to the Working Party on Industry and Enterprise Development (WP.8), which in turn reports to the Committee for Trade, Industry and Enterprise Development (CTIED). It is administered by the Trade Division of the UNECE.

The former "ad hoc Group of Experts on the Chemical Industry" terminated its activities after its fourth and final session on 23 March 2001.

The activities within the former chemical programme included seminars and publications. 

The principal objective of the CHEMISEED Regional Programme is to assist countries in transition to remediate chemically polluted sites. The main element in this area is the "Pilot Project Demonstrating the Environmental Cleanup of Chemically Polluted Sites". Assistance is provided in part through personal intervention of members of the UNECE Task Force of Experts on the Pilot Project, who can visit these sites on request from Governments and provide guidance to site owners on the techniques and budgets needed.

Who we are

Part of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Trade Division. Projects mandated by the Working Party on Industry and Enterprise Development whose members come from North America, western, central and eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The Team consists of specialists from the whole region and is serviced by industrial professionals and assistants of the UNECE secretariat.

What we do

  • cleanup of chemically polluted sites in central and eastern Europe
  • assist countries in the eastern part of the region to integrate into the regional chemical industry

Specific projects are decided by the meetings of the Team of Specialists.


  • Chemical industry statistics
  • Chemical trade database
  • Chemical production statistics
  • Annual Review of the Chemical Industry


  • European Chemical Industry Council CEFIC
  • International Rubber Study Group IRSG
  • International Committee of Synthetic Fibre Producers CIRFS
  • Association Interchimie