Issue N� 03 � 17-21 February 2003

It�s just happened �

Border crossing facilitation of international goods transport

The UNECE administers a number of international agreements providing rules easing cross-border transport of goods. The Working Party on Customs Questions affecting Transport (WP.30), which met in Geneva on 4-7 February, considered a multitude of questions relating to these agreements providing facilitation of international overland transport in the UNECE region and beyond. Among the key topics discussed by Customs and transport authorities and international trade organizations from more than 40 countries, many of them economies in transition, were harmonization of international frontier controls, facilitation of Customs procedures for international rail transport, procedures for temporary importation of vehicles, and internal procedures for transit of goods. Among the key results of the meeting was the approval of the on-going work to computerize the international goods transit arrangement, the TIR Convention.

The TIR Administrative Committee, executive body of the TIR Convention which met in conjunction with the Working Party, adopted a number of new provisions to be introduced into the TIR Convention with the aim of increasing the usefulness of the agreement. The Committee also elected new members for its management board, the TIR Executive Committee.

Meeting of the Bureau of the Conference of European Statisticians (CES), 13-14 February

The Bureau of the CES includes the three main actors in official statistics in the UNECE region (EUROSTAT, OECD and UNECE) and a selected number of key countries, as well as the UN Statistics Division (New York), IMF and the CIS Statistical Committee. The Bureau reviewed the development of official statistics in the UNECE region - the main tool for this is the Integrated Presentation of international statistical work programmes. It also reviewed the preparations of the CES seminars on Data Confidentiality and on Globalisation in June 2003. Other issues discussed included: improving the coordination of statistical work jointly undertaken by the international organizations in the UNECE region; strengthening the global role of the Conference outside the UNECE region; and strengthening the role of the UNECE Statistical Division in coordinating the statistical activities carried out by other UNECE Divisions, and development of an Annual UNECE Statistical Programme.

For more information contact the Secretary of the CES, Lidia Bratanova, [email protected]

UNECE holds Second Workshop on E-Regulation, 12 February

The Workshop, held in collaboration with OECD, WIPO, ITU and the University of Lausanne, focussed on the relationship between e-security and knowledge economy development.� It provided an overview of the pressing issues and approaches to e-security and the new challenges it may bring to decision makers, stakeholders and citizens.� Participants debated a range of e-security issues: e‑business and new technology development; e-government and

public sector management; e-citizens and knowledge economy development; and international organizations and regulatory framework development.�

For further information contact Mr Daewon Choi, [email protected]

New Economic Survey of Europe � Focus on corporate governance, EU enlargement, transition

At the forthcoming annual Commission session on 4-6 March, the new Economic Survey of Europe 2003 No. 1, prepared by the Economic Analysis Division, will be presented.� The Survey will include a review of macroeconomic developments in Europe, the CIS and North America in 2002 and an assessment of prospects for 2003.� In addition, this issue also contains special studies on: corporate governance; progress in systemic reforms in the CIS; international trade of the CIS; the impact of EU enlargement on non-acceding countries; selected aspects of labour market performance in eastern Europe and the CIS.� The Survey will be made available to member Governments on the web on Wednesday, 19 February.

Coming up soon �

17 February������������ Expert Group on Environmental Performance Reviews
17(pm) February������ Bureau of the Inland Transport Committee

17-19 February�������� UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Meeting on the Management of Statistical Information Systems

18-19 February�������� Committee on Environmental Policy � Special Session
18-20 February�������� Inland Transport Committee
February�������� Working Group of Senior Officials �Environment for Europe�
21(am) February������ Bureau of the Inland Transport Committee

Facts and figures:

Real GDP in Central and East European Countries since the start of Transition
(Indices, 1989=100)
2000 2001 2002
Albania 65.9
102.4 109 113.9
Bosnia and Herzegovina a ����� ..
����� ..
100 102.3 106.4
Bulgaria 76.1
76.4 79.5 82.9
Croatia 59.5
79.6 82.6 86.4
Czech Republic 86.9
100 103.3 105.8
Estonia 65
84.3 88.6 93.6
Hungary 81.9
104.3 108.2 111.7
Latvia 54.1
70.8 76.2 80.6
Lithuania 60.2
66 70 74.1
Poland 87.6
126.7 128 129.6
Romania 76.2
79.3 83.5 87.4
Serbia and Montenegro 40.6
45.1 47.6 49.5
Slovakia 75.1
101.2 104.5 108.7
Slovenia 81.4
110.4 113.6 117.3
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 72.8
81.9 78.2 78.5
Central and Eastern Europe-15 76.9
97.5 100.5 103.4
CIS-12 70.7
61.3 65 68.1
Western Europe-21 b 105.6
127 128.5 129.9
North America-2 106.6
138.8 139.3 142.7
Source: UNECE Statistical Division          
Notes: The regional aggregates are computed by summing over countries constant price values converted into US dollars using the GDP purchasing power parity of year 2000.
a For Bosnia and Herzegovina base year is 2000.  
b Includes Turkey, excludes Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco and San Marino.

For further information please contact:

Information Service

UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Tel: +41(0)22 917 44 44

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