Economic and Social


7 February 2001


Fifty-sixth session

(8-11 May 2001)


To be held in the Palais des Nations, Geneva,

starting at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, 8 May 2001

1. Adoption of the Agenda

High level policy segment

2. Business enterprise and economic growth in the Central Asian and the Caucasian countries: creating a supportive and secure environment

3. Reactions to the Spring Seminar and to the Debate of the First Day of the Session

General Segment

4. ECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing: Briefing by the State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, Federal Republic of Germany

5. Environment, energy and transport: Strengthening links within the ECE region

6. The Millennium Declaration: Challenges for Europe

7. ECE strategic directions

8. Matters arising from the work of the subsidiary bodies requiring decision by, or meriting the attention of, the Commission

9. Election of officers

10. Other business

11. Adoption of the report

In accordance with the accreditation procedures applicable to all meetings held at the Palais des Nations, delegates are requested to complete the attached registration form and transmit it, at the latest two weeks before the session, to the ECE secretariat (Fax No. +41 22 917 00 36 or E-mail to: [email protected]).

In Geneva, prior to the session, delegates are requested to present themselves at the Pass and Identification Unit of the UNOG Security and Safety Section, located at the Villa Les Feuillantines, 13 Avenue de la Paix (see attached map), in order to be issued with an identification badge. In case of difficulties, please contact the ECE secretariat (Annual Session of the Commission - Tel: +41 22 917 28 92 ; Spring Seminar - Tel +41 22 917 27 18).

For reasons of economy, delegates are requested to bring copies of the documents mentioned in the provisional agenda to the meeting. There will be no documentation available in the meeting room.

Time Agenda item Introduction Explanatory Notes Documentation
8 May


a.m. and



Item 1

Adoption of the agenda

Item 2

Business enterprise and economic growth in the Central Asian and the Caucasian countries: creating a supportive and secure environment

Item 3:

Reactions to the Spring Seminar and to the Debate of the First Day of the Session

Chairman of the Commission

Chairman of the Commission and the

Executive Secretary

Chairman of the Commission

The adoption of the agenda will be followed by opening remarks by the Chairman of the Commission and the Executive Secretary.

The discussion under item 2 will draw upon the debate during the Spring Seminar on creating a supportive and secure environment for business enterprise and economic growth, focussing on the policy implications for institution building and structural changes in the Central Asian and Caucasian countries.

In line with recommendations by the Group of Experts on the Programme of Work, the agenda foresees time for intergovernmental reactions to the Spring Seminar and to the debate during the first day of the Session.



9 May No formal meetings will be held on 9 May. An informal meeting, open to all ECE member countries, will be arranged to discuss ECE strategic directions with the participation of the Executive Secretary, the Bureau of the Commission, the Chairpersons of the Principal Subsidiary Bodies, and the Division Directors. Other informal meetings could be arranged for delegations wishing to discuss issues of common interest.
10 May


Item 4:

ECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing: Briefing by the State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, Federal Republic of Germany

10 May


Item 5:

Environment, energy and transport: strengthening links within the ECE region

Executive Secretary

Further developing intersectoral linkages is increasingly recognized as essential for achieving economic growth and environmental sustainability. Under this item, a Round Table discussion will focus on how a more integrated approach within ECE can foster interactions among the environment, energy and transport sectors at the national, subregional and regional levels.

10 May


Item 6:

The Millennium Declaration: Challenges for Europe

Executive Secretary

 In the Millennium Declaration, Heads of State and Government pledged that they would spare no effort to achieve the objectives articulated in the Declaration, and committed themselves to reach certain targets within given time frames. Under this item, a Round Table discussion will focus on identifying the most relevant economic and social objectives for ECE member States, on the progress already made and further efforts to achieve these objectives. Follow-up mechanisms to monitor this progress will also be considered.

11 May


Item 7:

ECE strategic directions

Executive Secretary

Debate under this item will focus on issues identified/discussed during the informal meeting on strategic directions between the Executive Secretary, the Bureau of the Commission, the Chairpersons of the Principal Subsidiary Bodies, and the Division Directors, held on 9 May 2001.
11 May


Item 8:

Matters arising from the work of the subsidiary bodies requiring decision by, or meriting the attention of, the Commission

Item 9: Election of officers
Item 10: Other business

Item 11: Adoption of Report

Executive Secretary



Conference Room Paper

Draft reports prepared during the Commission session

General Notes

1. The fifty-sixth session of the Commission (8-11 May 2001) will be preceded by a seminar on 7 May, on "Creating a supportive and secure environment for business enterprise and economic growth: institutional reform and governance". Debate under the session's agenda item 2 will draw upon the seminar's discussion.

2. There will be no formal meeting of the Commission on Wednesday, 9 May. An informal meeting to discuss ECE strategic directions will be arranged with the participation of the Executive Secretary, the Bureau of the Commission, the Chairpersons of the Principal Subsidiary Bodies, and the Division Directors. Other meetings will be arranged as necessary between member countries who wish to discuss issues of common interest.

3. In accordance with the Commission's Rules of Procedure, the documents referred to in the Provisional Agenda will, wherever possible, be transmitted to Governments in the Commission's three official languages (English, French, Russian) not less than forty-two days before the opening of the session, i.e. not later than 27 March 2001.

4. As part of the ongoing efforts of all concerned to revitalize the sessions of the Commission, and in keeping with the previous sessions of the Commission, the Bureau recommends that delegations, PSB Chairpersons and representatives from other organizations/initiatives should refrain from general statements and limit themselves to specific observations and proposals for action. Any delegation wishing to provide a text for distribution is requested to provide the secretariat, preferably in advance of the session, with sufficient copies (approximately 75).




page 7




Title of the Conference

 Fifty-sixth session of the Economic Commission for Europe- 8-11 May 2001

Seminar "Creating a supportive and secure environment for business enterprise and economic growth"- 7 May 2001

Delegation/Participant of country, Organization or Agency)

Participant: Name Mr. Mrs. Ms. First name(s)


Participation Category

Head of delegation   

Delegation Member

Observer Country

Observer (organization)    


Other (Please specify below)



Participation from
In which language do you prefer to receive documents

English French Russian

Official position (in own country): Passport No : Validity until:

Official telephone No: Telefax N : E-mail address:

Permanent official address:

Address in Geneva:

Accompanied by spouse Yes No

Family name (spouse) First Name (spouse)

On issue of ID Card Security Use Only
Participant signature:
Spouse signature: Card No issued:
Date : Initials, UN Official

1. The same document is reproduced in French and Russian under the symbol E/ECE/1384
