128th meeting
15 May 2023
Geneva Switzerland
42464 _ Item 1, ECE/EX/2023/3 - Provisional Agenda _ 378465 _ English _ 773 _ 380981 _ pdf
42464 _ Item 1, ECE/EX/2023/3 - Provisional Agenda _ 378465 _ French _ 780 _ 380982 _ pdf
42464 _ Item 1, ECE/EX/2023/3 - Provisional Agenda _ 378465 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380983 _ pdf
42464 _ Item 2, EXCOM/CONCLU/127/Rev.1 - Chair's conclusions from the 127th meeting _ 378421 _ English _ 773 _ 380832 _ pdf
42464 _ Item 4, 2023/20 - Annual report on evaluation 2022 _ 377995 _ English _ 773 _ 379635 _ pdf
42464 _ Item 5, 2023/21 - OIOS Evaluation of UNECE subprogramme 4, Economic cooperation and integration, and subprogramme 6, Trade _ 377996 _ English _ 773 _ 379664 _ pdf
E_AC.51_2023_5.pdf (application/pdf, 936.37 KB)
42464 _ Item 6, 2023/22 - Improved communication on the potential of forests in the era of climate change _ 377997 _ English _ 773 _ 379637 _ pdf
42464 _ Item 6, 2023/23 - Raising awareness on good vision for road safety _ 377998 _ English _ 773 _ 379638 _ pdf
42464 _ Item 6, 2023/24 - Global Road Safety Awareness Campaign _ 377999 _ English _ 773 _ 379639 _ pdf
42464 _ Item 6, 2023/25 - A pathway to hydrogen classification in the UNECE region _ 378098 _ English _ 773 _ 379900 _ pdf
42464 _ Item 6, 2023/13 - Energy Connectivity in Central Asia _ 378439 _ English _ 773 _ 380854 _ pdf
42464 _ Item 6, 2023/19/Rev. 1 - Enhancing urban planning in the cities of Kharkiv and Mykolaiv in Ukraine by supporting to the implementation of the new master plans and facilitating investments in sustainable urban infrastructure _ 378002 _ English _ 773 _ 379643 _ pdf
42464 _ Item 7, 2023/26 - Regional review meeting of the Global Compact on Migration _ 378096 _ English _ 773 _ 379898 _ pdf
42464 _ Proposed item 3bis - “Urban Development/Economic Commission for Europe tools” _ 378458 _ English _ 773 _ 380954 _ pdf
42464 _ Proposed item 3bis - “Urban Development/Economic Commission for Europe tools” _ 378458 _ French _ 780 _ 380955 _ pdf
42464 _ Proposed item 3bis - “Urban Development/Economic Commission for Europe tools” _ 378458 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380956 _ pdf
42464 _ Item 3bis, Presentation - UNECE tools to promote sustainable urban development and accelerate achieving the SDGs _ 378655 _ English _ 773 _ 381550 _ pdf