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Displaying Results 621 - 640 of 921

- English
UNECE, UNEP/ROE, Ministry for Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Agency for Environmental Assessments "Ecoterra" Moscow-Geneva, 2003Download this Publication
- Pусский
Руководящие принципы оценки и представления данных о выбросахНью-Йорк и Женева, 2003 Readmore
- English
Your Right to Know About Sources of Pollution ENG
- English
Your Right to Know About Sources of Pollution   Read More in ENG
- Pусский
Доступно на английском и русском языках. (ECE/CEP/118, 79 стр.) Страны Восточной Европы, Кавказа и Центральной Азии охвачены процессом "Окружающая среда для Европы", осуществляемым под эгидой Европейской экономической комиссии Организации Объединенных Наций в целях укрепления международного
- English
Available in English and Russian. (ECE/CEP/118, 84 pp.) The “Environment for Europe” process, under the aegis of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, has worked since 1991 to strengthen international cooperation to protect
- Pусский
инуло 10 лет с того времени, когда ЕЭК ООН получила мандат на проведение обзоров результативности экологической деятельности. Проведенный ЕЭК ООН анализ, содержащийся в настоящей публикации, призван отметить это десятилетие, оценить достигнутый прогресс и предложить для этой программы ориентиры на
- Français
Il y a 10 ans, la CEE se voyait attribuer la tâche d’entreprendre des études de performance envi­ronnementale. Pour marquer la décennie écoulée, évaluer les progrès accomplis et proposer les nouvelles orientations du programme, elle a entrepris l’analyse qui est reproduite dans la présente
- Pусский
Document Title RUS GERThe above was originally published by Parties as: Руководство по практиприменению Конвенции Эспоо Leitfaden für die praktische Anwendung der Espoo-Konvention (informal translation by Austria, Germany
- Français
Document Title FREGERThe above was originally published by Parties as: Directives concernant l'application concrète de la Convention d'EspooLeitfaden für die praktische Anwendung der
- English
Document Title ENG GERECE/MP.EIA/8 was originally published by Parties as: Guidance on the Practical Application of the Espoo ConventionLeitfaden für die praktische Anwendung der Espoo-Konvention (informal translation
- English
Ten years have passed since UNECE received its mandate to undertake Environmental Performance Reviews. To mark the decade, assess progress and propose the Programme’s future direction, UNECE undertook the analysis contained in this publication.
- English
ECE would also like to express its appreciation to the Governments of Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Sweden for their support to the Environmental Performance Review Programme, to the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- English
The report covers a wide range of issues related to the environment, covering three broad themes: the framework for environmental policy and management, management of pollution and natural resources and economic and sectoral integration. The team’s final report contains recommendations for