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Displaying Results 1681 - 1700 of 2825

- Pусский
Эта публикация является еще одним вкладом ЕЭК ООН в продолжающийся процесс совершенствования систем управления земельными ресурсами в регионе. В нем учтены изменения, произошедшие после публикации в 1996 году Руководства по управлению земельными ресурсами.  
- English
This publication is a further contribution of UNECE in the ongoing process of improving land administration systems in the region. It takes into account the developments that have taken place since the publication in 1996 of the Guidelines on Land Administration. Languages: English, Russian
- Pусский
Доступно на английском, французском и русском языках.(ECE/CP.TEIA/13, 36 стр.) Нью-Йорк и Женева, 2005 г.Документ содержит основные сведения о системе уведомления о промышленных авариях ЕЭК ООН и описание его стандартных отчетов. СодержаниеПредисловие Основная информация Описание стандартных сообщений
- Français
Disponible en anglais, français et russe.(ECE/CP.TEIA/1, 36 pp.) New York et Genève, 2005 Le document contient les informations de base sur le système de notification des accidents industriels de la CEE et la description de ses avis types.Table de matièresPréface Informations de base Description des avis
- English
Available in English, French and Russian.(ECE/CP.TEIA/13, 36 pp.)New York & Geneva 2005 The document contains the basic information about the UNECE Industrial Accidents Notification System and the description of its standard reports.ContentsPrefaceBasic informationDescription of standard reportsFunctions
- English
This is the second EPR of Republic of Moldova published by ECE. The report takes stock of the progress made by the Republic of Moldova in the management of its environment since the country was first reviewed in 1998, in particular in the implementation of the recommendations of the first review. It also covers eight issues of importance to the Republic of Moldova, concerning policy-making,
- English
- English
Published by : Joint FAO/ECE/ILO Committee on Forest Technology GenevaRead more
- English
The Trade Facilitation Toolkit and Forms Repository assist Governments and trade associations to simplify their documentary requirements and develop consistent national series of trade documents. The Toolkit and Repository support the requirements for simplification of documents and transparency in the implementation of trade regulations as set out in GATT Articles VIII and X.
- English
While the Aarhus Convention primarily addresses issues at the national level, its Parties have committed themselves, through article 3, paragraph 7, of the Convention, to promote the application of the principles of the Convention in international environmental decision-making processes and within the framework of international organizations in matters relating to the environment.At their
- English
This study has been prepared with the aim of providing information about the current use of PPP amongst land administration authorities in the UNECE region.  In English/French/Russian
- English
This publication is a strategic review on the housing sector in South Eastern Europe undertaken by the UNECE Committee on Housing and Land Management in cooperation with the Council of Europe, the Council of Europe Development Bank and the International Finance Corporation following the High Level Conference on Housing Reforms in South Eastern Europe (Paris, 2003).
- English
Kazakhstan Readmore - Also available in Russian
- English
In September 2005, the TEM and TER Projects completed the elaboration of their Master Plan, including the identification of the backbone networks for road and rail transport in 21 Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European countries as well as a realistic investment strategy to gradually develop these networks. As a result of this exercise, as many as 491 projects (319 TEM and 172 TER)
- English
Document Title ENG RUSIssue 5Russian translation by EcoGlobe ENGRUS
- English
Strategic Environmental Assessment at the Policies LevelRecent Progress, Current Status and Future ProspectsEdited by Barry SadlerAvailable in English only. (140 pp.) A volume prepared by the Regional Environment Centre for Central and Eastern Europe on behalf of the Czech Ministry of Environment as a contribution to the
- English
The Inventories are now established as an authoritative source of information on Land Administration systems and organizations across member states of the UNECE. This edition of the Inventory includes much new or revised information from the majority of countries. It brings together information about land administration systems for the benefit of all who are engaged in developing systems of land
- English
2010 Update: the impact of the sub-prime mortgage crisisHousing plays an important role in a country’s economy and is often an individual’s biggest asset. The availability of housing finance is, therefore, crucial for overall economic development as well as for a household’s welfare and its quality of life. With
- English