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Download brochure on Challenges and opportunities of population ageing:ENGFRERUS
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Population issues are in the media spotlight. Low birth rates, famiy instability, migration, morbidity and mortality, development aid, and the role of religion and education in reproductive health are all hotly debated topics. Too often political rhetoric clouds the facts.To promote informed discussion, the European Population Forum 2004 gathered together population experts and policy
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[Sales No. E.03.II.E.57]
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Economic Studies No. 6Edited by George Stolnitz 1994, xi + 477 pp[ISBN 92–1–100687–2] [Sales No. GV.E.94.2.24]
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[Sales No. E.03.II.E.60]
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[Sales No. E.00.II.E.2]
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[Sales No. E.99.II.E.19]
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vii + 304 pp[ISBN 92–1–100765–8] [Sales No. 98.0.2]
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1998, vii + 90pp, UN Sales No. 98.0.1ISBN 92-1-100762-3If you would like to obtain a printed copy of the Directory, please contact a distributor of United Nations publications, or:Sales SectionUnited NationsPalais des NationsCH-1211 Geneva 10SwitzerlandTel: (+ 41 22) 917 26 06Fax: (+ 41 22) 917 00 84E-mail: [email protected]
- English
Economic Studies No. 3Edited by George Stolnitz 1992, xi + 483 pp[ISBN 92–1–372–5] [Sales No. GV.E.92.04]