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Displaying Results 121 - 140 of 144

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The EPR of Ukraine started with its preparatory mission in November 1997. This mission resulted in the agreed structure of the review. The team carrying out the review consisted of national and international experts. The national team members were made available by Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands and Switzerland. Technical advisers from Germany (on water
- English
The Environmental Performance Review of Croatia was carried out by experts from Armenia, Israel, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom participated together with the ECE secretariat, experts from UNEP and from the Bilthoven Division of the WHO European Centre for Environment and Health. The costs of the participation of experts from countries in transition, as
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The ECE Committee on Environmental Policy included the Environmental Performance Review of Moldova in its work programme in May 1996. In October of the same year, the preparatory mission for the project was organized, and a team of both national and ECE experts was formed to carry out the review. The Governments of Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia and the United Kingdom made
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The ECE Committee on Environmental Policy included the Environmental Performance Review of Lithuania in its work programme in January 1997. In February of the same year, the preparatory mission for the project was organized, and a team of both national and ECE experts was formed to carry out the review. The Governments of Austria, Estonia, Finland, Moldova, Poland, Portugal and Ukraine made
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The ECE Committee on Environmental Policy included the Environmental Performance Review of Latvia in its work programme in May 1997. In September of the same year, the preparatory mission for the project was organized, and a team of both national and ECE experts was formed to carry out the review. The Governments of Finland, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Turkey and Ukraine made national experts
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The ECE Committee on Environmental Policy launched the Environmental Performance Review of Slovenia in January 1996.   The Governments of Albania, Hungary, Israel, Norway, Poland, Slovakia and Switzerland made national experts available for the task. The Bilthoven Division of the WHO European Centre for Environment and Health contributed its expertise and resources for the
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This review of Estonia is the first environmental performance review (EPR) carried out under the auspices of the UNECE Committee on Environmental Policy. This pilot UNECE study builds, inter alia, on the experience gained in the preparation of pilot environmental performance reviews of Poland and Bulgaria, which were carried out in 1994-1995 by OECD in cooperation with UNECE. The review
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These Guidelines were prepared by the ECE secretariat, within the framework of the ECE/ UNEP Project FP/2707-92-02 (3002), and with the assistance of experts from: Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland,  Russian Federation and United Kingdom.  The main purpose was to assess the opportunities of applying methods, policies and procedures used in market economies in
Данный отчет делает упор на прогрессе в управлении охраной окружающей среды,достигнутом странами Восточной Европы, Кавказа и Центральной Азии (ВЕКЦА) иЮго-Восточной Европы (ЮВЕ), в которых были проведены Обзоры результативностиэкологической деятельности, и оценивает существующие проблемы и препятствия.Большинство этих стран достигло успехов за прошедшее десятилетие, но темпы движениястран
Ce rapport traite des progrès accomplis dans la gestion de l’environnement par les pays del’Europe de l’Est, du Caucase et d’Asie centrale et des pays du sud-est de l’Europe qui ont étéexaminés par le programme EPE, et évalue les problèmes et les défi s qui se posent encore à eux.La plupart des pays examinés ont progressé au cours de ces dix dernières années, mais pas à lamême vitesse. Les
Октябрь 2009Обзор доступен на английском и русском языках. ECE/CEP/153В продаже под No R.09.II.E.7.ISBN 978-92-1-416051-9ISSN 1020-4563Настоящий документ является вторым ОРЭД Кыргызстана, публикуемым ЕЭК ООН. В отчете подводятся итоги прогресса, достигнутого Кыргызстаном в управлении окружающей средой со времени проведения первого обзора страны в 2000 году. Он оценивает выполнение рекомендаций