The main responsibilities of the Working Group on Implementation are set out in the terms of reference.
The Working Group on Implementation has a maximum of ten members nominated from amongst representatives of the Parties to the Convention.
The Conference of the Parties,at its thirteenth meeting on 27-29 November 2024, elected the following persons to serve as members of the Working Group on Implementation:
Mr. Rupert Bliem (Austria)
Ms. Inge Leenders (Belgium)
Mr. Serik Akhmetov (Kazakhstan)
Mr. Vitalii Mutaf (Republic of Moldova)
Mr. Francisc Senzaconi (Romania)
Ms. Sanja Stamenkovic (Serbia)
Ms. Maria Šebestová (Slovakia)
Ms. Helena Fridh (Sweden)
Mr. Raphaël Gonzalez (Switzerland)
Reporting Under the Convention
- Reports on the Implementation of the Convention
Document Title ENG FRE RUS Reporting format for 10th round WORD WORD WORD Guidelines for the tenth round of reporting on the implementation of the Convention (2019/2022) PDF PDF Ninth reporting on the implementation of the Convention (2016/2018)
(TEIA/reporting/2020/5)PDF PDF PDF Guidelines for the ninth round of reporting on the implementation of the Convention
(TEIA/reporting/2018/2)PDF - PDF Reporting format for the ninth round of reporting on the implementation of the Convention (TEIA/reporting/2018/1) PDF PDF PDF Eighth report on the Convention's implementation (2014-2015)
(ECE/CP.TEIA/2016/10)PDF PDF PDF Guidelines for the eighth round of reporting on the implementation of the Convention
(TEIA/reporting/2015/2)PDF - PDF Reporting format for the eighth round of reporting on the implementation of the Convention (TEIA/reporting/2015/1)
PDF PDF PDF Seventh report on the Convention's implementation (2012-2013)
(ECE/CP.TEIA/2014/4)PDF PDF PDF Guidelines for the seventh round of reporting on the implementation of the Convention (TEIA/reporting/2013/2) PDF - PDF Reporting format for the seventh round of reporting on the implementation of the Convention (TEIA/reporting/2013/1)
PDF PDF PDF Sixth report on the Convention's implementation (2010-2011)
(ECE/CP.TEIA/2012/3)PDF PDF PDF Guidelines for the sixth round of reporting on the implementation of the Convention
(TEIA/reporting/2011/2)PDF -
Reporting format for the sixth round of reporting on the implementation of the Convention (TEIA/reporting/2011/1) PDF PDF Fifth report on the Convention's Implementation (2008-2009)
(ECE/CP.TEIA/2010/3)Guidelines for the fifth round of reporting on the implementation of the Convention
Reporting format for the fifth round of reporting on the implementation of the Convention (TEIA/reporting/2009/1) Fourth report on the Convention's Implementation (2006-2007)
(ECE/CP.TEIA/2008/3)Third report on the implementation of the Convention.
(CP.TEIA/2006/2)Second report on the implementation of the Convention.
(CP.TEIA/2004/1) endorsed by the Conference of the Parties at its third meeting in Budapest on 27-30 October 2004 (see decision 2004/1 on strenghtening the implementation of the Convention ECE/CP.TEIA/12)First report on the implementation of the Convention.
(CP.TEIA/2002/9) endorsed by the Conference of the Parties at its second meeting in Chisinau on 6-8 November 2002 (see decision 2002/1 on strengthening the implementation of the Convention ECE/CP.TEIA/7); - National Implementation Reports
Individual country implementation reports submitted since the first (2000-2001) are available to the competent authorities - and only to them - through a password-protected site, in accordance with a decision of the Conference of the Parties. - National Implementation Report Training (Warsaw 12-13 September 2005)
Document Title
Report CP.TEIA/2005/6
Information Notice CP.TEIA/2005/5
Participants list
Document Title
Opening of the training session - Reporting on implementation - Mr Sergiusz Ludwiczak
Introduction to the training session - Mr Bernard Gay
Section I - Implementation of the convention - Mr. Pawel Forint
Section II - Identification of hazardous activities - Mr. Nikolai Savov and Mr. Leo Iberl
Section III - Measures for prevention of industrial accidents - Mr. Lajos Katai-Urban
Section IV - Measures for emergency preparedness for industrial accidents - Mr. Bernard Gay
Section V - Participation of the public - Mr Massimo Cozzone
Document Title
Opening of the training session - Reporting on implementation - Mr Sergiusz Ludwiczak
Introduction to the training session - Mr Bernard Gay
Section I - Implementation of the convention - Mr. Pawel Forint
Section II - Identification of hazardous activities - Mr. Nikolai Savov and Mr. Leo Iberl
Section III - Measures for prevention of industrial accidents - Mr. Lajos Katai-Urban
Section IV - Measures for emergency preparedness for industrial accidents - Mr. Bernard Gay
Section V - Participation of the public - Mr Massimo Cozzone