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Informal Documents

Informal Documents

Flyer for workshop on Urban Public Transport Statistics.

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Informal document No.1 (Secretariat) - Informal ideas for streamlining the Web Common Questionnaire.

English - PDF

Informal document No.2 (Secretariat) - 2019 Update of metadata for Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 9.1.2

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Informal document No.3 (Secretariat) - Updated recommendations for the E-Road Census 2020 (as tracked changes)

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Informal document No.4 (Secretariat) - Final List of Formal Documents

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Informal document No.5 (Secretariat) - Summary of Main Decisions

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Stefanie Holzwarth and Robert Ndugwa (UN-Habitat) 

Agenda Item 2: Progress on Monitoring Indicator 11.2.1

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Antoine Stroh (Transports Publics Genevois) 

Agenda Item 2: TPG Public Transport Statistics

French - PDF

Michael Scrim (Statistics Canada) 

Agenda Item 2: Canadian Urban Public Transport Overview

English - PDF

Nikesh Lad (Department for Transport, United Kingdom) 

Agenda Item 2: UK Public Transport Statistics

English - PDF

Heidrun Reuter (Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Germany) 

Agenda Item 2: German National Travel Survey 2017 (not delivered)

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Tiina Luige (UNECE) 

Agenda Item 4(e):Update on IAEG-SDGs and UNECE SDG Activities

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Klaus Volmich (Eurostat) 

Agenda Item 4(c): Road Freight Transport Territorialisation

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Peter Smeets (Statistics Netherlands) 

Agenda Item 4(c): Distances in Modal Split Statistics in the Netherlands

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Jan Hoffman (UNCTAD) 

Agenda Item 4(b): Maritime transport Statistics

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Alex Blackburn (UNECE) 

Agenda Item 4(b): Improved Reporting for Indicator 9.1.2

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Nhan Tran (WHO) 

Agenda Item 4(a): WHO process for estimating road traffic fatalities

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Iuliana Lupu (DG MOVE) 

Agenda Item 4(b): Improved Reporting for Indicator 9.1.2

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Alexandra Quandt (Federal Statistical Office, Switzerland) 

Agenda Item 4(a): Statistics on the Costs and Funding of Transport

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George Geordiadis (UNECE) 

Agenda Item 3: Inland transport Committee Strategy to 2030

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Alex Blackburn (UNECE) 

Agenda Item 5(c): Transport Statistics through the Web Common Questionnaire

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François Cuenot (UNECE) 

Agenda Item 5(d): Data Collection on International Used Vehicle Flows

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Pieter Vlag (Trafikanalys Sweden) 

Agenda Item 4(b): Exports of Used Cars in Sweden

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Vojtech Eksler (European Union Agency for Railways) 

Agenda Item 5(e): Implementation of the European Register of Infrastructure

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Alex Blackburn (UNECE) 

Agenda Item 5(g): Differences between urban and interurban bus statistics trends

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Alex Blackburn (UNECE) 

Agenda Item 6: E-Road and E-Rail census update

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Roel Janssens (UNECE) 

Agenda Item 6: Sustainable Inland Transport Connectivity Indicators Project

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Michael Scrim (Statistics Canada) 

Agenda Item 8: Overview of Canada Transport Statistics 

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Iuliana Lupu (DG MOVE) 

Agenda Item 11: Recent Developments in the EU Transport policy

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Klaus Volmich (Eurostat) 

Agenda Item 11: Eurostat Activities

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Mario Barreto (ITF) 

Agenda Item 11: ITF Statistics Activities

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Alice Favre (UIC) 

Agenda Item 11: UIC Statistics Activities

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Julia Funk (IRF) 

Agenda Item 11: IRF Statistics Activities

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