Working Group on EIA and SEA (Espoo Convention), 9th meeting
24 - 26 August 2020
Geneva Switzerland
Official documents
Annotated provisional agenda for the ninth meeting (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/1) | Word |
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Report of the Working Group on its ninth meeting (post session) (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/2) | Word |
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Draft joint decisions by the Meetings of the Parties to the Convention and the Protocol (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/3) | Word |
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Draft decisions by the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/4) | Word |
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Draft decisions by the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/5) | Word |
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Draft Vilnius declaration (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/6) | Word |
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Draft guidance on assessing health impacts in strategic environmental assessment (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/7) | Word |
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Draft long-term strategy and an action plan for the Convention and the Protocol (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/8) | Word |
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Informal notes on the Bureau meeting (Geneva, 25-26 February 2020) | |||
Report of the Working Group on EIA and SEA on its 8th meeting (26 - 28 November 2019) (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2019/2) - Advance copy | |||
Informal notes on the Bureau meeting (Geneva, 17-18 June 2019) | |||
Report of the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention and to the Protocol on their intermediary sessions (ECE/MP.EIA/27−ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/11) | |||
Decisions by the Meetings of the Parties to the Convention (ECE/MP.EIA/27/Add.1−ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/11/Add.1) | |||
Report of the Implementation Committee's 45th meeting (10-13 September 2019) (ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2019/4) | |||
Report of the Implementation Committee’s 44th meeting (12-15 March 2019) (ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2019/2) | |||
Report of the Implementation Committee’s 43rd meeting (4-7 December 2018) (ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2018/6) | |||
Report of the Working Group on EIA and SEA on its 7th meeting (28-30 May 2018) (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2018/2) | |||
Report of the Implementation Committee’s 42nd meeting (11-14 September 2018) (ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2018/4) | |||
Report of the seventh and the third sessions of the Meetings of the Parties to the Convention and the Protocol (MOP7&MOP/MOP3) (ECE/MP.EIA/23–ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/7) | |||
Decisions and the Declaration adopted jointly by the Meetings of the Parties to the Convention and the Protocol (ECE/MP.EIA/23.Add.1–ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/7.Add.1) | |||
Decisions by the MOP to the Convention (ECE/MP.EIA/23.Add.2–ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/7.Add.2) |
Decisions by the MOP to the Protocol (ECE/MP.EIA/23/Add.3–ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/7.Add.3) |
Informal documents
Item 1 | Informal notes on the agenda (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/INF.1_rev) (with revised timings) | Word |
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Item 2 | Status of ratification of the Convention, its amendments and its Protocol (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/INF.2) | Word |
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Item 3 | Contributions to the trust fund of the Convention and the Protocol (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/INF.3) (updated on 11 August 2020) | Word |
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Item 4 | Preparations for the next sessions of the Meetings of the Parties (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/INF.4) | Word |
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Provisional agenda for the eighth session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention and the fourth session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/INF.5) | Word |
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Officers for the period 2021–2023: Nominations, election criteria and tasks (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/INF.6) | Word |
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Provisional schedule of meetings 2021–2023 (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/INF.7) | Word |
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Item 5 | Workplan implementation status (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/INF.8) | Word |
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Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (FasTip) (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/INF.9) | Word |
Convention FasTips, as issued by IAIA | |||
Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment (FasTip) (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/INF.10) Not issued by IAIA | Word |
Item 6 | Initial draft decisions on the review of compliance with the Convention and the Protocol (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/INF.11) | Word |
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Draft guidance on the applicability of the Convention to the lifetime extension of nuclear power plants (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/INF.12) | Word |
Cover letter of the Co-Chairs of the ad hoc working group | RUS PDF | ||
Implementation Committee Chair’s letter to the Co-Chairs, with Committee’s opinion on article 2 (2) and (3) |
Comments to documents
Comments/amendment proposals received to meeting documentation (invited by 30 June 2020) |
Official documents | |
Annotated provisional agenda for the ninth meeting (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/1) | |
Comments by EU (20 August 2020) | |
Draft joint decisions by the Meetings of the Parties to the Convention and the Protocol (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/3) | |
Comments by Belarus (24 August 2020) | Word |
Comments by EU (26 August 2020) | |
Draft decisions by the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/4) | |
Draft decisions by the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/5) | |
Comments by EU (26 August 2020) | |
Draft Vilnius declaration (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/6) | |
Comments by Belarus (24 August 2020) | Word |
Comments by EU (26 August 2020) | |
Draft guidance on assessing health impacts in strategic environmental assessment (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/7) | |
Comments by EU (26 August 2020) | |
Statement by the WHO (26 August 2020) | |
Addition and amendment proposed by consultants B. Cave and T. Fischer (28 April 2020) | Word |
Comments by Nuclear Transparency Watch and European Environmental Bureau (26 August 2020) | |
Draft long-term strategy and an action plan for the Convention and the Protocol (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/8) | |
Comments by Belarus (24 August 2020) | Word |
Comments by EU (26 August 2020) | |
Informal documents | |
Initial draft decisions on the review of compliance with the Convention and the Protocol (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/INF.11) | |
Comments by Ukraine to the Draft decision VIII/4 on general issues of compliance with the Convention (25 August 2020) | Word |
Comments by EU to the Draft decision VIII/4 on general issues of compliance with the Convention (25 August 2020) | |
Comments by Ukraine to the Draft decision VIII/4d on compliance by Ukraine with its obligations under the Convention in respect of the Danube-Black Sea Deep Water Navigation Canal in the Ukrainian sector of the Danube Delta (25 August 2020) | Word |
Comments by Ukraine Draft decision VIII/4e on compliance by Ukraine with its obligations under the Convention in respect of extension of the lifetime of the Rivne nuclear power plant (25 August 2020) | Word |
Comments by EU to the Draft decision VIII/4c on compliance by Belarus with its obligations under the Convention in respect of the Belarusian nuclear power plant in Ostrovets (20 August 2020) | |
Comments by EU to the Draft decision VIII/4d on compliance by Ukraine with its obligations under the Convention in respect of the Danube-Black Sea Deep Water Navigation Canal in the Ukrainian sector of the Danube Delta (20 August 2020) | |
Comment by Belarus to the EU proposal on the draft decision VIII/4c on compliance by Belarus with its obligations under the Convention in respect of the Belarusian nuclear power plant in Ostrovets | |
Draft guidance on the applicability of the Convention to the lifetime extension of nuclear power plants (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/INF.12) | |
Comments by Canada (2 August 2020) | |
Comments by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (3 August 2020) | |
Comments by EU (20 August 2020) | |
Statement by Switzerland (25 August 2020) | |
Comments by Ukraine (25 August 2020) | |
Comments by the ÖKOBÜRO – Alliance of the Austrian Environmental Movement, the Resource & Analysis Center “Society and Environment (RACSE), the European ECO Forum, ClientEarth and the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) (20 August 2020) | |
Comments by Greenpeace, World Information Service on Energy (WISE) and Nuclear Transparency Watch (25 August 2020) | |
Comments by Nuclear Transparency Watch and European Environmental Bureau (25 August 2020) | |
Comments by International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) (25 August 2020) |
Presentations and statements
Agenda item 6 A. Compliance with and implementation of the Convention and the Protocol | ||
Speaking notes of Mr. Romas Švedas, Chair of the Implementation Committee and Ms. Maria do Carmo Figueira, First Vice-Chair of the Implementation Committee |
Preparatory, practical
Map of the Palais des Nations | ENG |
Online platform “Interprefy” |
To avoid/minimize technical problems during the meeting, please familiarize yourself with the platform ahead of the meeting and test your equipment.
Interprefy User guide for remote delegates (5 pages) | ENG | FRE | RUS |
Interprefy: Basic requirements and functions (2 pages) | ENG |
- A laptop or desktop computer and a Google Chrome browser are required (the connection does not work on tablets or mobile phones).
- For the sound quality please use a headset connected to computer via USB (a connection with Bluetooth headphones may not work).
- Please ensure in advance that your firewall will allow access to the platform (if needed, contact your IT administrator)
- You can test your equipment at the following link:
- The Internet connection should be stable and not less than 4-6 mbps up/down (you may check here ).
- If you see in test results that your browser cannot get access to the audio device and the camera, please check the following guide:
- More tips are available on the following Interprefy troubleshooting page at:
List of participants
In-session drafts
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Draft Vilnius declaration (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/6) Proposal by the WG Chair of 24 August 2020 based on the comments presented during the ninth meeting of the Working Group from EU and its Member States, Belarus and the Bureau Chair discussed at the plenary on 25 August (am) to be considered by the WG on Wednesday, 26 August (am) |
Draft Vilnius declaration (ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2020/6) (updated version (10.30 am) 26 August 2020) | Word |
Draft decision VIII/2–IV/2, Adoption of the workplan, Annex I: Draft workplan for 2021–2023, proposal for the new structure (25 August, am) | WORD |
Draft decision VIII/1–IV/1, Financial arrangements for 2021–2023 (26 August) | Word |
Pledges for the next intersessional period 2021-2023 | Excel |