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Working Group on EIA and SEA (Espoo Convention), 12th meeting

13 - 15 June 2023
Geneva Switzerland


40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the twelfth meeting _ 376945 _ English _ 773 _ 378156 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_1_e.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 76.27 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the twelfth meeting _ 376945 _ French _ 780 _ 378158 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_1_f.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 73.6 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the twelfth meeting _ 376945 _ Russian _ 864 _ 378160 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_1_r.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 81.43 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/2 - Report of the Working Group on Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment on its twelfth meeting (Geneva, 13-15 June 2023) _ 381134 _ English _ 773 _ 397109 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_2_e.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 109.36 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/2 - Report of the Working Group on Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment on its twelfth meeting (Geneva, 13-15 June 2023) _ 381134 _ French _ 780 _ 397112 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_2_f.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 79.54 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/2 - Report of the Working Group on Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment on its twelfth meeting (Geneva, 13-15 June 2023) _ 381134 _ Russian _ 864 _ 397114 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_2_r.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 91.21 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/3 - Draft joint decisions by the Meetings of the Parties to the Convention and the Protocol _ 377083 _ English _ 773 _ 379794 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_3_e.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 119.25 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/3 - Draft joint decisions by the Meetings of the Parties to the Convention and the Protocol _ 377083 _ French _ 780 _ 379798 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_3_f.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 108.64 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/3 - Draft joint decisions by the Meetings of the Parties to the Convention and the Protocol _ 377083 _ Russian _ 864 _ 379796 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_3_r.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 129.01 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/4 - Draft Geneva declaration _ 377130 _ English _ 773 _ 377889 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_4_e.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 61.44 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/4 - Draft Geneva declaration _ 377130 _ French _ 780 _ 377891 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_4_f.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 52.2 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/4 - Draft Geneva declaration _ 377130 _ Russian _ 864 _ 377893 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_4_r.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 66.62 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/5 - Draft decision on reporting and review of implementation of the Convention _ 377131 _ English _ 773 _ 377810 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_5_e.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 63.1 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/5 - Draft decision on reporting and review of implementation of the Convention _ 377131 _ French _ 780 _ 377812 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_5_f.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 59.62 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/5 - Draft decision on reporting and review of implementation of the Convention _ 377131 _ Russian _ 864 _ 377814 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_5_r.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 66.98 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/6 - Draft decisions by the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol _ 377132 _ English _ 773 _ 378006 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_6_e.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 65.85 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/6 - Draft decisions by the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol _ 377132 _ French _ 780 _ 378008 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_6_f.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 62.6 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/6 - Draft decisions by the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol _ 377132 _ Russian _ 864 _ 378010 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_6_r.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 69.9 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/7 - Templates for the reports of the European Union on the implementation of the Convention on EIA in a Transboundary Context and the Protocol on SEA _ 377285 _ English _ 773 _ 379484 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_7_e.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 98.83 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/7 - Templates for the reports of the European Union on the implementation of the Convention on EIA in a Transboundary Context and the Protocol on SEA _ 377285 _ French _ 780 _ 379486 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_7_f.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 98.02 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/7 - Templates for the reports of the European Union on the implementation of the Convention on EIA in a Transboundary Context and the Protocol on SEA _ 377285 _ Russian _ 864 _ 379487 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_7_r.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 109.38 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/8 - Draft guidance on assessing health impacts in strategic environmental assessment _ 377193 _ English _ 773 _ 379460 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_8_e.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 1.32 MB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/8 - Draft guidance on assessing health impacts in strategic environmental assessment _ 377193 _ French _ 780 _ 379462 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_8_f.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 1.31 MB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/8 - Draft guidance on assessing health impacts in strategic environmental assessment _ 377193 _ Russian _ 864 _ 379465 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_8_r.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 877.97 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/9 - Draft report on synergies and possible cooperation activities in marine regions _ 377360 _ English _ 773 _ 383638 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_9_e.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 151.93 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/9 - Draft report on synergies and possible cooperation activities in marine regions _ 377360 _ French _ 780 _ 383641 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_9_f.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 133.48 KB) docx
40861 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/9 - Draft report on synergies and possible cooperation activities in marine regions _ 377360 _ Russian _ 864 _ 383642 _ pdf ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_9_r.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 151.26 KB) docx


40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2022/2 - Report of the Working Group on its eleventh meeting (advance copy) (Geneva, 19 - 21 December 2022) _ 376845 _ English _ 773 _ 376693 _ pdf
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/30–ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/13 - Report of the eighth and the fourth sessions of the Meetings of the Parties to the Convention and the Protocol _ 359299 _ English _ 773 _ 333973 _ docx
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/30–ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/13 - Report of the eighth and the fourth sessions of the Meetings of the Parties to the Convention and the Protocol _ 359299 _ English _ 773 _ 333974 _ pdf
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/30–ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/13 - Report of the eighth and the fourth sessions of the Meetings of the Parties to the Convention and the Protocol _ 359299 _ French _ 780 _ 333975 _ docx
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/30–ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/13 - Report of the eighth and the fourth sessions of the Meetings of the Parties to the Convention and the Protocol _ 359299 _ French _ 780 _ 333976 _ pdf
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/30–ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/13 - Report of the eighth and the fourth sessions of the Meetings of the Parties to the Convention and the Protocol _ 359299 _ Russian _ 864 _ 333977 _ docx
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/30–ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/13 - Report of the eighth and the fourth sessions of the Meetings of the Parties to the Convention and the Protocol _ 359299 _ Russian _ 864 _ 333978 _ pdf
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/30/Add.1-ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/13/Add.1 - Decisions and the Declaration adopted jointly by the Meetings of the Parties to the Convention and the Protocol _ 359301 _ English _ 773 _ 333980 _ docx
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/30/Add.1-ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/13/Add.1 - Decisions and the Declaration adopted jointly by the Meetings of the Parties to the Convention and the Protocol _ 359301 _ English _ 773 _ 333981 _ pdf
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/30/Add.1-ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/13/Add.1 - Decisions and the Declaration adopted jointly by the Meetings of the Parties to the Convention and the Protocol _ 359301 _ French _ 780 _ 333982 _ docx
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/30/Add.1-ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/13/Add.1 - Decisions and the Declaration adopted jointly by the Meetings of the Parties to the Convention and the Protocol _ 359301 _ French _ 780 _ 333983 _ pdf
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/30/Add.1-ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/13/Add.1 - Decisions and the Declaration adopted jointly by the Meetings of the Parties to the Convention and the Protocol _ 359301 _ Russian _ 864 _ 333984 _ docx
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/30/Add.1-ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/13/Add.1 - Decisions and the Declaration adopted jointly by the Meetings of the Parties to the Convention and the Protocol _ 359301 _ Russian _ 864 _ 333985 _ pdf
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/30/Add.2-ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/13/Add.2 - Decisions by the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention _ 359302 _ English _ 773 _ 333986 _ docx
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/30/Add.2-ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/13/Add.2 - Decisions by the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention _ 359302 _ English _ 773 _ 333987 _ pdf
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/30/Add.2-ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/13/Add.2 - Decisions by the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention _ 359302 _ French _ 780 _ 333988 _ docx
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/30/Add.2-ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/13/Add.2 - Decisions by the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention _ 359302 _ French _ 780 _ 333989 _ pdf
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/30/Add.2-ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/13/Add.2 - Decisions by the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention _ 359302 _ Russian _ 864 _ 333990 _ docx
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/30/Add.2-ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/13/Add.2 - Decisions by the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention _ 359302 _ Russian _ 864 _ 333991 _ pdf
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/7 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its fifty-fourth session (Geneva, 4-7 October 2022) _ 372997 _ English _ 773 _ 367878 _ pdf
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/4 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its fifty-third session (Geneva, 10-13 May 2022) _ 368447 _ English _ 773 _ 370013 _ pdf
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/4 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its fifty-third session (Geneva, 10-13 May 2022) _ 368447 _ English _ 773 _ 370014 _ docx
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/4 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its fifty-third session (Geneva, 10-13 May 2022) _ 368447 _ French _ 780 _ 370015 _ pdf
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/4 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its fifty-third session (Geneva, 10-13 May 2022) _ 368447 _ French _ 780 _ 370016 _ docx
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/4 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its fifty-third session (Geneva, 10-13 May 2022) _ 368447 _ Russian _ 864 _ 370017 _ pdf
40862 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/4 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its fifty-third session (Geneva, 10-13 May 2022) _ 368447 _ Russian _ 864 _ 370018 _ docx


40867 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/INF.1 - Informal notes on the agenda _ 378539 _ English _ 773 _ 381215 _ docx ECE.MP_.EIA_.WG_.2.2023.INF_.1_Informal_notes_on_agenda_FINAL_0.pdf (application/pdf, 259.03 KB) pdf
40867 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/INF.2 - Status of ratification of the Convention, its amendments and its Protocol _ 378540 _ English _ 773 _ 381217 _ docx ECE.MP_.EIA_.WG_.2.2023.INF_.2_Ratification_status_FINAL_0.pdf (application/pdf, 276.56 KB) pdf
40867 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/INF.3 - Status of the trust fund _ 378977 _ English _ 773 _ 382431 _ docx ECE.MP_.EIA_.WG_.2.2023.INF_.3_Status of the Trust Fund.pdf (application/pdf, 256.01 KB) pdf
40867 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/INF.4 - Preparations for the next sessions of the Meetings of the Parties _ 378541 _ English _ 773 _ 381219 _ docx ECE.MP_.EIA_.WG_.2.2023.INF_.4_MOP Preparations_Final.pdf (application/pdf, 242.29 KB) pdf
40867 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/INF.7 - A list of vacancies in the treaty bodies for 2024–2026 _ 383421 _ English _ 773 _ 393560 _ docx ECE_MP.EIA_WG.2_2023_INF.7_List_of_vacancies.pdf (application/pdf, 254.76 KB) pdf
40867 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/INF.8 - Provisional schedule of meetings 2024–2026 _ 378800 _ English _ 773 _ 381954 _ docx ECE.MP_.EIA_.WG_.2.2023.INF_.8_Meeting schedule 2024-2026_FINAL.pdf (application/pdf, 184.15 KB) pdf
40867 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/INF.9 - Workplan implementation status _ 378840 _ English _ 773 _ 382060 _ docx ECE.MP_.EIA_.WG_.2.2023.INF_.9_Workplan_status_rev_Clean_FINAL.pdf (application/pdf, 365.47 KB) pdf
40867 _ ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/INF.10/Add.1 - Initial amendment proposals to the Committee’s structure and functions and its operating rules _ 378797 _ English _ 773 _ 381939 _ docx ece_mp.eia_wg.2_2023_inf.10_add.1.pdf (application/pdf, 194.62 KB) pdf
40867 _ Annex, ECE/MP.EIA/WG.2/2023/INF.10/Add.1 - Implementation Committee’s structure and functions and operating rules, proposals in track changes _ 378799 _ English _ 773 _ 381949 _ docx ece_mp.eia_wg.2_2023_inf.10_add.1_annex_0.pdf (application/pdf, 292.01 KB) pdf


Comments/amendment proposals received to meeting documentation (invited by 15 May 2023)

Comments/amendment proposals received to meeting documentation (invited by 15 May 2023)

Comments/amendment proposals received to meeting documentation (invited by 15 May 2023)

Comments/amendment proposals received to meeting documentation (invited by 15 May 2023)

Comments/amendment proposals received to meeting documentation (invited by 15 May 2023)

Comments/amendment proposals received to meeting documentation (invited by 15 May 2023)

Comments/amendment proposals received to meeting documentation (invited by 15 May 2023)

43792 _ Comments by Azerbaijan to draft decision IX/4d (Inf. Doc. 10) _ 379201 _ English _ 773 _ 382967 _ pdf

Comments/amendment proposals received to meeting documentation (invited by 15 May 2023)

43792 _ Comments by Belarus to draft decision IX/4 e (INF. doc. 10) _ 379089 _ English _ 773 _ 382747 _ pdf

Comments/amendment proposals received to meeting documentation (invited by 15 May 2023)

43792 _ Comments by Belarus to draft decision IX/4 e (INF. doc. 10) _ 379089 _ Russian _ 864 _ 382748 _ pdf

Comments/amendment proposals received to meeting documentation (invited by 15 May 2023)

43792 _ Comments by Bulgaria to Draft decision IX/4h (Inf. Doc. 10) _ 379630 _ English _ 773 _ 384012 _ pdf

Comments/amendment proposals received to meeting documentation (invited by 15 May 2023)


The meeting will be held in person.


Delegates planning to attend the meeting are requested to register by 11 May 2023. Please register online using the following link: 

To ensure that you receive all important correspondence about the meeting and that the secretariat can make all required practical and other arrangements on time, we urge participants to register online as soon as possible, even if they hold a UNOG ground entry pass.

Instructions for Indico registration:

Step 1:  Account creation. You must create an account if you do not have one yet. If you already have an existing account proceed to Step 2. 

  1. Go to the registration page: (copy the link and paste it on recommended browsers: Firefox, Chrome, and Microsoft Edge)
  2. Fill out the account creation form then click on Confirm
  3. You should receive an email with an activation link. Click on that activation link.
  4. Your account is now activated

Youtube video tutorial of this process: link

Step 2Register for the meeting.

  1. At this stage, you have already created and activated your account on the new UNOG online registration and accreditation system (One time exercise).
  2. Go to the meeting registration page: (copy the link and paste it on recommended browsers: Firefox, Chrome, and Microsoft Edge)
  3. Click on the button "Register now" - If you are not already logged in, you will be redirected to the login page where you can log in using your user name (email) and password.
  4. Fill out the registration form and click on Submit.
  5. Once you are registered, you will receive an email informing you that your registration has been received and is pending approval
  6. As soon as the Secretariat processes your registration, you will receive a confirmation email

Youtube video tutorial of this process: link

In case of difficulties, please contact the secretariat by email ([email protected]). The link for the virtual platform for the meeting will be sent to registered participants only.


Effective Monday, 9 January 2023, conference participants and personnel will no longer be required to wear masks on all UN Geneva premises, including conference rooms. However, you may continue to wear a mask anywhere on the premises, if you feel more comfortable to do so. Please do not come to the UN premises if you develop any COVID-like symptoms or test positive for the virus.

There's currently no entry restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Delegates are, however, requested to check COVID-19-related rules regularly and prior to arrival to the meeting venue.

See below:

For entering Switzerland:

In Switzerland:

For the Palais des Nations:

You can also consult the Travelcheck webpage that allows you to check whether and under what conditions you can enter Switzerland:

Delegates are also requested to check all requirements regarding medical and other relevant insurance before travel. Please be informed that any medical, quarantine or other possible expenses will be borne by your Organisation and/or insurance, as the United Nations does not take any responsibility for possible consequences of the present COVID-19 situation. 


The meeting will be paperless. All documents will be available on the meeting webpage.

Wireless internet is available in all meeting rooms. Note that electrical power plugs and sockets are unique to Switzerland within the UNECE region (type J, three-pin, 230 V, 50 Hz), and respectively require an adaptor, though slim two-pin plugs (type C) will fit.

In addition, please note that you can drink tap water at the Palais des Nations. As there will be no drinking water served in the meeting room, we encourage delegates to bring reusable bottles or containers for tap water.

Pass and ID office

Opening hours Pass & ID office: 8 a.m. to 4.45 p.m.

The new Pregny Pavilion has three entry points – marked A, B and C:

Doors B and C are dedicated to Conference Participants.

Exiting the Palais at Pregny is possible through the external turnstiles located at the front of the Pregny Pavilion and the Peace Gate and Chemin de Fer. Similarly, access to the Palais des Nations outside normal operating hours of the Pregny Pavilion and Peace Gate will continue to be possible via the turnstiles.

Meeting Room Map
Meeting Room VIII is located in the A Building of Palais des Nations. The direction is highlighted with arrows on the map.


Delegates are only allowed to enter the Palais with what is considered carry-on luggage, e.g. computer bags, rucksacks and handbags. There is no luggage storage available at the Palais. Delegates remain responsible for the luggage they bring to the Palais throughout their stay.

For additional practical information, please consult: