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Training on how to prepare bankable projects for financing climate change adaptation in transboundary basins

21 - 23 June 2017
Dakar Senegal

The training was held on 21-23 June 2017 in Dakar, Senegal, hosted by the Senegal River Basin Development Authority (OMVS). It was jointly organized by the secretariat of the 1992 UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Helsinki Water Convention) in cooperation with the African Water Facility (AWF/AfDB), the European Investment Bank (EIB), the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO), the World Bank, the Netherlands and Switzerland.

The main objective of the training was to enhance the capacity of representatives of transboundary basins and equip them with knowledge and skills required to develop bankable transboundary water and climate change adaptation projects. It raised awareness on mechanisms and conditions of various relevant donors providing funds for climate change adaptation and transboundary cooperation, improve knowledge on preparation and submission of project proposals, support implementation of concrete measures contained in adaptation strategies and promote exchange of experience between basins from two regions of the world.


Documents ENG FRE
Concept Note PDF PDF
Provisional Agenda PDF PDF
Background study on climate financing mechanisms PDF PDF
Practical information PDF PDF
List of Participants PDF  
Background Information    
Information on some existing transboundary adaptation strategies PDF  
World Bank online course on Climate Finance: Innovative Approaches in Supporting Climate Action link  
Water and Climate Change Adaptation in Transboundary basins: lessons learned and good practices
see publication
Guidance on water and adaptation to climate change
see publication



Lessons learned from the development of transboundary adaptation strategies and implementation plans
Sonja Koeppel, UNECE
Funding Mechanisms and Partners
Ana Maria Kleymeyer, World Bank
Adaptation to climate change in the transboundary Dniester river basin
Tamara Kutonova, OSCE
Introduction and key concepts for Adaptation Financing
Ana Maria Kleymeyer, World Bank
Where to begin: Essential Elements for preparing bankable projects
Ana Maria Kleymeyer, World Bank
International Context
David Hebart-Coleman, AWF/AFDB
Preparing Project Profiles and Identifying Sources
Ana Maria Kleymeyer, World Bank
Understanding the Project Cycle
Ana Maria Kleymeyer, World Bank
Preparting projects in River/Transboundary Basin - Regional Experiences from AfDB perspectives
Mahamat Assouyouti, AfDB
Global Alliances for the Water and Climate Incubation Platform
Eric Tardieu, INBO
From Concept to construction: EIB lessons learned from selecting and financing a bankable projects
Emmanuel Chaponniere, EIB
Experiences on Climate Change Adaptation Project Proposal Development
Frederick Mngube and Omari Mwinjaka, LVBC
Experience of OSS in getting accredited to Adaptation and Green Climate Fund and in preparing a project proposal to a climate fund
Djamel Latrech, OSS
Case study on flood risk management in Sengegal and financing by the Green Climate Fund
Thibault Rannou, AFD