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Sub-regional workshop on the transboundary environmental impact assessment (EIA) in Central Asian countries

02 - 03 November 2017
Kyiv Ukraine

The key aim of the sub-regional workshop is to provide the participants from the five Central Asian countries with an opportunity to:

(a) learn about the experience of the countries of Eastern Europe and the Caucasus in reforming their national environmental assessment systems and the practical application of the transboundary EIA procedure as stipulated by the Espoo Convention;

(b) discuss the role of the Espoo Convention as a tool for sub-regional cooperation;

(c) consider the consistency between the Convention and environmental impact assessment within State ecological expertise in countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia;

(d) identify existing challenges related to the application to transboundary EIA in the sub-region and actions needed to address these challenges;

(e) agree on the next steps for the finalization of the update of the 'Guidelines on the application of transboundary EIA procedures in Central Asian countries', involving, as required, preparation of a supplementary annex (Annex 3) reviewing national legislative frameworks on EIA vis-à-vis the Espoo Convention.

Up to ten participants representing Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan are expected to actively take part in the event. Up to 24 national experts representing Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine are also expected to attend the first day of the event to share their experience in legislative reforms and application of a transboundary EIA procedure in their countries. In addition, four prominent international EIA and SEA experts from Poland, Czechia, Russian Federation and Ukraine and representatives of the UNECE secretariat will make presentations and support the further professional development of the participants.

The event is organized by the UNECE secretariat with the assistance of consultants and the Ukrainian non-governmental organization 'Law-Making and Information Technologies Institute'. The funding is secured by the Government of Switzerland to support preparation of the 'Guidelines on the application of transboundary EIA procedures in Central Asian countries'.

Document title    
Agenda ENG  
List of participants PDF  
Report ENG  

Main legislative ‘dilemmas’ differences between EIA and SEA legislative frameworks

Mr. Jerzy Jendroska , international legal expert and consultant to UNECE


Case study on transboundary EIA in Central Asian countries (oil refinery)

Ms. Maia Gachecheladze-Bizhesku, UNECE consultant and Mr. Jerzy Jendroska, international legal expert and consultants to UNECE


Guidelines on EIA in a Transboundary Context for Central Asian countries: overview of the activities carried out so far and review of the content of the Guidelines

Ms. Zhanel Karina, Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation


Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in the Kyrgyz Republic

Ms Rakia Kalygulova, State Agency on Environment and Forestry under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic

Posters made by the participants during the workshop:    






