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Stakeholder workshop of the UNDP-UNECE joint project "Promoting Cooperation to Adapt to Climate Change in the Chu and Talas Transboundary Basin”

27 February 2014
Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

The final stakeholder workshop of the UNDP-UNECE joint project "Promoting Cooperation to Adapt to Climate Change in the Chu and Talas Transboundary Basin” was jointly organized by UNECE and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

This workshop was one of the final steps before completion of this project which has been implemented from 2010 to 2013 in the framework of the Environment and Security Initiative (ENVSEC). The project is part of the UNECE's programme of pilot projects on climate change adaptation in transboundary basins”, and has involved both Kazakh and Kyrgyz experts.

The project has resulted in a transboundary climate change impact and vulnerability assessment as well as proposals for possible adaptation measures, with a focus on the transboundary level.

The workshop aims to present and discuss the main project findings, consider linkages with the latest developments in climate policy in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyz Republic, and discuss their implications for adaptation in the countries and for the Chu Talas Commission, as well as need for further work and cooperation.

Press release: please click here

Document and Presentations ENG RUS
Agenda   PDF
Conclusions PDF PDF
Brochure: Strengthening cooperation in Adaptation to climate change in transboundary basins of the Chu and Talas rivers. Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan PDF PDF
List of participants   PDF
Rationale and introduction to the project
Annukka Lipponen, UNECE
Project's results
Shamil Iliasov, Kyrgyz- Russian Slavic University/Center for Climate Change, Kyrgyz Republic
National policy adaptation Kyrgyzstan
Jyparkul Bekkulova , State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry , Kyrgyz Republic
Third National Communications to the UNFCCC
Zohra Abaihanova , Center for Climate Change / Coordination Commission on Climate Change , Kyrgyz Republic
Paiyzkhan Kozhahmetov , Kazhydromet , Kazahstan



Impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change: the experience of pilot project on the river Neman / Nemunas
Aliaksandr Pahomau, Central Research Institute on Complex Use of Water Resources, Belarus
Visual summary of the results and possible adaptation measures
Viktor Novikov , Zoї Environment Network