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Seventh meeting of the Task Force on Access to Information under the Aarhus Convention (Virtual meeting)

16 - 17 November 2020

The seventh meeting of the Task Force on Access to Information took place online from 16 to 17 November 2020.

At its seventh meeting, the Task Force promoted the exchange of information, case studies and good practices and discussed recent and upcoming developments focusing on (a) access to environment-related product information; (b) access to information with respect to genetically modified organisms; and (c) the update of the Recommendations on electronic information tools.

The Task Force also took stock of recent and upcoming developments with regard to the public access to environmental information, including those related to COVID-19 pandemic and to the application of restrictions in disclosure in accordance with the Convention. The Task Force also addressed access to information on monitoring progress towards environment-related Sustainable Development Goals and their targets.

The outcomes of the meeting aimed to support countries’ efforts in the transition towards green and circular economies and zero waste approaches and implementing, monitoring and measuring environment-related Sustainable Development Goals, including SDG 3 (Health), SDG 6 (Water), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 11 (Resilient and Sustainable Cities), SDG 12 (Sustainable Consumption and Production), SDG 13 (Climate Action), SDG 15 (Life on Land) and target 10 SDG 16 (Ensure Public Access to Information).

For more information, please read a news article about the meeting: “Promoting transparency and digital transformation to support a green and circular economy, biosafety and community resilience




Provisional agenda and other meeting documents are available below. 

The background material also includes relevant information derived from 2017 national implementation reports  and the synthesis report, the Implementation Guide, relevant Aarhus Clearinghouse resources, Compliance Committee findings of a systemic nature  and jurisprudence database. The Task Force on Access to Information continues its work based on the outputs of the previous meetings.



Provisional Agenda (AC/TF.AI-7/Inf.1) PDF    
List of participants PDF    
List of speakers (AC/TF.AI-7/Inf.1/Add.1) PDF    
Report of the meeting PDF PDF PDF
List of key outcomes (AC/TF.AI-7/Inf.4) PDF    
For all agenda items      
Decision VI/1 on promoting effective access to information, ECE/MP.PP/2017/8 PDF PDF PDF
Item 2. Access to environment-related product information      
Access to Environment-related Product Information: Implementation Outlook (AC/TF.AI-7/Inf.2) PDF    
Item 3. Access to information with respect to genetically modified organisms      
GMO Amendment to the Convention PDF PDF PDF
Lucca Guidelines with respect to GMOs PDF PDF PDF
Outcomes of the third Joint Round Table on Public Awareness, Access to Information and Public Participation regarding Living Modified Organisms/Genetically Modified Organisms (Geneva, 16-18 December 2019)
Item 4. Update of the Recommendations on electronic information tools      
Draft updated Recommendations on electronic information tools (track changes) (AC/TF.AI-7/Inf.3) PDF    
Addendum to the draft updated Recommendations on electronic information tools (track changes) (AC/TF.AI-7/Inf.3/Add.1) PDF    
Comments received (third round)
Case studies on electronic information tools
Deliverables of the ENI SEIS II East project  (access to information component)
Deliverables of EU EIS-data project

Statements and Presentations

Item 2: Access to environment-related product information      
Setting the scene      
Mr. David Jensen, Coordinator, Digital Transformation Task Force, United Nations Environment Programme PDF
Ms. Francesca Carlsson, Legal Officer, European Environmental Bureau PDF
Experience by Parties to the Convention      
Ms. Natalya Dauletiarova, Deputy Head, Department of Environmental Policymaking and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of Kazakhstan PDF
Mr. Thomas Legoupil, Policy Advisor, Department of Climate Change and Sustainable Development, Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, France


Ms. Adriana Gheorghe, Project Manager, European Environment Agency PDF

Mr. Rade Ostojic, Head, Department for standards and cleaner production, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Serbia

Item 3: Access to information with respect to genetically modified organisms      
Setting the scene      
Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, Associate Information Officer, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity PDF    
Ms. Antje Lorch, Communication Officer, Ecoropa PDF
Experiences by the Parties to the Convention      
Ms. Volha Zakharava, Manager, Aarhus Centre, Belarus PDF    
Ms. Edlira Dersha, Public Relation Officer, Ministry of Tourism and Environment, Albania PDF    
Item 4: Update of the Recommendations on electronic information tools      
Mr. Stefan Jensen, European Environment Agency PDF    
Mr. Jiri Pilar, Legal Officer, DG Connect, European Commission PDF    
Ms. Stephanie Speck, Chief, Communication, Advocacy, Knowledge Management and ICT, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction PDF    
Mr. Mordechai Haklay, European Citizen Science Association PDF    
Item 5: Stocktaking of recent and upcoming developments      
Mr. Thomas Schomerus, Professor, Leuphana University Lueneburg, Germany PDF    
Ms. Marta Hirsch-Ziembinska, Principal Adviser, European Ombudsman PDF    
Ms. Chloe Gambin, Officer, Environment and Resources Authority, Malta PDF    
Ms. Natasha Dokovska, Program Director, Journalists for Human Rights PDF    
Mr. Plamen Peev, BlueLink and Justice and Environment PDF