1. International commitments to ensuring equitable access to water and sanitation |
Human Rights to water and sanitation
Ms. Madoka Saji, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights |
Universal access to clean water and sanitation: a development priority underpinning the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Ms. Maria Schade, UN-Water |
The UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health: a framework to improve equitable access to water and sanitation
Ms. Francesca Bernandini, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe |
2. Assessing equitable access to water and sanitation: Assessment methodologies and main equity gaps identified |
The Equitable Access Score-card: outcomes of recent equitable access self-assessments in the pan-European region |
In Ukraine
Ms. Iryna Rudenko, Sanitary and Epidemiological Department |
In the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Mr. Mihail Kochubovski, National Institute of Public Health |
In the Republic of Moldova
Ms. Daniela Bordeainu, Solidarity Water in Europe Moldova |
In Hungary
Ms. Agnes Sebestyen, National Public Health Center |
Other methodologies to assess the equity of access to water and sanitation and main findings |
Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) in the pan-European region and future plans
Ms. Mariane Takane, World Health Organization |
Country review by the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights to water and sanitation
Mr. Mahmadali Tabarov, Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Tajikistan |
Experience from Africa: Country Status Overviews on water supply and sanitation
Mr. Kitchinme Bawa, African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW) |
3. Translating the outcomes of the assessments into action to ensure equitable access |
Key actions to progress on water and health issues and promote equitable access in France
Mr. Yannick Pavageau, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, France |
Providing equitable water access - Private operators field experience
Mr. Jack Moss, Aquafed, the International Federation of Water Operators |
Ensuring equitable access to water and sanitation in Ukraine
Ms. Anna Tsvietkova, UNENGO "MAMA-86" |
Ensuring equitable access to water in the Republic of Moldova
Ms. Ana Sirbu, Ministry of Environment, Republic of Moldova |
4. Broadening the range of actors engaged in improving equitable access: mainstreaming equitable access in non-water sector policies and plans |
Access to water and sanitation for all as priority for regional policy development
Ms. Jasminka Lukovic Jaglicic, Regional Economic Development Agency for Sumadija and Pomoravlje, Serbia |
Ensuring equitable access to water and sanitation in schools
Mr. Parviz Yusifov, Ministry of Education, Azerbaijan |
The possible facilitating role of National Human Rights Institutions
Ms. Amanda Loefen, WaterLex |
The role of local communities and municipalities (experience from Latin America)
Mr. Diego Fernandez, Econtec, Columbia |
The facilitating role of NGOs
Ms. Bistra Mihaylova, Women in Europe for a Common Future |
5. Financing equitable access to water and sanitation |
The European Investment Bank
Mr. Harald Schoelzel, European Investment Bank |
Example a public-public partnership
Mr. Sébastien Apotheloz, Water Department of Lausanne, Switzerland |
Financing equitable access to water and sanitation
Mr. Kitchinme Bawa, AMCOW |
6. Developing action plans to achieve equitable access to water and sanitation |
Draft Strategic note on action plans to achieve equitable access to water and sanitation
Ms. Chantal Demilecamps, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe |