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Regional Workshop on achieving equitable access to water and sanitation: from assessment to action

21 - 22 March 2016
Geneva Switzerland

The workshop brought together 60 experts working in the water and sanitation sectors as well as other sectors such as environment, education, health, regional development and social protection to exchange experiences in achieving equitable access to water and sanitation in the pan-European region and beyond.

During the workshop, the following themes were discussed:

  1. Priority gaps and actions needed across the pan-European region to achieve equitable access to water and sanitation, as well as role of key actors to be engaged for their effective implementation;
  2. Possible ways to integrate actions to achieve equitable access into water and non-water sectors policy processes and plans;
  3. Financial implications of actions to achieve equitable access and possible options to finance them.

Progress of the work on assessing equitable access to water and sanitation under the Protocol on Water and Health was reviewed. The outcomes of the discussion will inform the development of the draft Strategic note on action plans to achieve equitable access to water and sanitation and guide future activities in this area in the 2017-2019 work programme under the Protocol.

The workshop was organized by UNECE in cooperation with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the French Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the Hungarian Office of the Chief Medical Officer.


Documents ENG RUS FRE
Information notice PDF PDF PDF
List of participants PDF    
Background documents      
Draft strategic note on action plans to achieve equitable access to water and sanitation PDF PDF  
Publication No One Left Behind: Good practices to ensure equitable access to water and sanitation in the pan-European region see publication
Publication The Equitable Access Score-card: supporting policy processes to achieve the human right to water and sanitation see publication


Presentations ENG FRE RUS
1. International commitments to ensuring equitable access to water and sanitation      
Human Rights to water and sanitation
Ms. Madoka Saji, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Universal access to clean water and sanitation: a development priority underpinning the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Ms. Maria Schade, UN-Water
The UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health: a framework to improve equitable access to water and sanitation
Ms. Francesca Bernandini, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
2. Assessing equitable access to water and sanitation: Assessment methodologies and main equity gaps identified      
The Equitable Access Score-card: outcomes of recent equitable access self-assessments in the pan-European region      
In Ukraine
Ms. Iryna Rudenko, Sanitary and Epidemiological Department
In the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Mr. Mihail Kochubovski, National Institute of Public Health
In the Republic of Moldova
Ms. Daniela Bordeainu, Solidarity Water in Europe Moldova
In Hungary
Ms. Agnes Sebestyen, National Public Health Center
Other methodologies to assess the equity of access to water and sanitation and main findings      
Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) in the pan-European region and future plans
Ms. Mariane Takane, World Health Organization
Country review by the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights to water and sanitation
Mr. Mahmadali Tabarov, Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Tajikistan
Experience from Africa: Country Status Overviews on water supply and sanitation
Mr. Kitchinme Bawa, African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW)
3. Translating the outcomes of the assessments into action to ensure equitable access      
Key actions to progress on water and health issues and promote equitable access in France
Mr. Yannick Pavageau, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, France
Providing equitable water access - Private operators field experience
Mr. Jack Moss, Aquafed, the International Federation of Water Operators
Ensuring equitable access to water and sanitation in Ukraine
Ms. Anna Tsvietkova, UNENGO "MAMA-86"
Ensuring equitable access to water in the Republic of Moldova
Ms. Ana Sirbu, Ministry of Environment, Republic of Moldova
4. Broadening the range of actors engaged in improving equitable access: mainstreaming equitable access in non-water sector policies and plans      
Access to water and sanitation for all as priority for regional policy development
Ms. Jasminka Lukovic Jaglicic, Regional Economic Development Agency for Sumadija and Pomoravlje, Serbia
Ensuring equitable access to water and sanitation in schools
Mr. Parviz Yusifov, Ministry of Education, Azerbaijan
The possible facilitating role of National Human Rights Institutions
Ms. Amanda Loefen, WaterLex
The role of local communities and municipalities (experience from Latin America)
Mr. Diego Fernandez, Econtec, Columbia
The facilitating role of NGOs
Ms. Bistra Mihaylova, Women in Europe for a Common Future
5. Financing equitable access to water and sanitation      
The European Investment Bank
Mr. Harald Schoelzel, European Investment Bank
Example a public-public partnership
Mr. Sébastien Apotheloz, Water Department of Lausanne, Switzerland
Financing equitable access to water and sanitation
Mr. Kitchinme Bawa, AMCOW
6. Developing action plans to achieve equitable access to water and sanitation      
Draft Strategic note on action plans to achieve equitable access to water and sanitation
Ms. Chantal Demilecamps, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe