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Ninth meeting of the Task Force on Public Participation in Decision-making under the Aarhus Convention

01 - 02 March 2021
Tempus 2, Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

The ninth meeting of the Task Force on Public Participation in Decision-Making was held on 1-2 March 2021.

Agenda of the meeting and other documents are available below.

The meeting provided a platform for discussing the participation of vulnerable and marginalized groups in decision-making and allowed exchange of practices that facilitate more effective public participation without entailing additional significant resources on the part of public authorities. The thematic focus of the meeting was on decision-making in the extractive industries sector, on energy and climate; and regarding emerging technologies. The Task Force identified good practices, challenges and trends in these areas.

The discussion thereby supported countries efforts in the implementation of environmental dimension of Sustainable Development Goals, in particular Sustainable Development Goal 16 and its target 16.7 (responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels) that undergo in-depth review in 2021.

For more information please read a news article about the meeting: Effective and efficient public participation to leave no one behind


Document title ENG FRE RUS
Provisional Agenda (AC/TF.PP-9/Inf.1) PDF    
Report (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2021/4) PDF PDF PDF

Key outcomes of the meeting (AC/TF.PP-9/Inf.2)

List of speakers PDF    

Selected considerations, findings, and reports of the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee relating to participation of vulnerable and marginalized groups in decision-making and effective participation without additional significant resources (AC/TF.PP-9/Inf.4)



Selected excerpts of 2017 National Implementation Reports relating to participation of vulnerable and marginalized groups in decision-making as well as effective participation without additional significant resources (AC/TF.PP-9/Inf.3)

For all agenda items      
Maastricht Recommendations on Public Participation in Decision-making PDF PDF PDF

Statements and Presentations

Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Item 1. Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda
Opening statement by Ms. Magdolna Toth Nagy, Co-Executive Director, Guta Environmental Law Association, European ECO Forum PDF    
Item 2. Participation of vulnerable and marginalized groups in decision-making
Mr. Kimmo Collander, Secretary General, Finnish Network for Sustainable Mining PDF    
Mr. Robert Cole, Principal Environmental & Social Advisor, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development  PDF    
Ms. Shaheena Ahmed, The Consultation Institute PDF    
Ms. Anke Stock, Senior Specialist Gender and Rights, Women Engage for a Common Future, European ECO Forum  PDF    
Ms. Fidanka Bacheva-McGrath, Policy Officer, CEE Bankwatch Network, European ECO Forum  PDF    

Ms. Christiana Mauro, Legal advocate, Nuclear Transparency Watch, European ECO Forum

Item 3. Effective public participation without significant resources
Ms. Edlira Dersha, Statistics Officer, Ministry of Tourism and Environment, Albania PDF    
Ms. Marta Osleja, Legal Department, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Latvia  PDF    
Ms. Trine Nohr, Planning Department, The Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation, Norway  PDF    
Ms. Tamara Malkova, ICO “Green Dossier”, European ECO Forum PDF    
Item 4. Emerging technologies- related decision-making
Ms. Linda Schneider, Senior Programme Officer International Climate Policy, International Environmental Policy Division, Heinrich-Böll Foundation, European ECO Forum PDF    
Item 5. Decision-making in extractive industries sector, on energy and climate
Ms. Alla Loboda, Deputy Director-Department of Strategic Planning and International Cooperation, Head of the Division of Environmental Strategy Formation, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, Ukraine  PDF    
Ms. Natalia Dauletyarova, Deputy Director of the Department of Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Ecology, Geology, and Natural Resources, Republic of Kazakhstan   PDF    
Ms. Entela Pinguli,  Executive Director, ECOPartners for Sustainable Development, European ECO-Forum PDF    
Ms. Christiana Mauro, Legal advocate, Nuclear Transparency Watch, European ECO Forum  PDF    
Ms. Manana Kochladze, Strategic Area Leader, CEE Bankwatch Network, European ECO Forum PDF    
Mr. Luca Benedetti, Head of energy studies at GSE Italy PDF