This event was held under the Project on National Policy Dialogues for Industrial Safety in Central Asia (Phase I: Launch). It brought together the national experts assigned by the beneficiary countries of Central Asia to establish contact among each other and with the international expert. It is mainly aimed at providing information on the Project activities and steps, with particular focus on reviewing national policies and legislation, in view of alignment with the UNECE Industrial Accidents Convention and national legal requirements, and other related policy areas (including disaster risk reduction) in all beneficiary countries.
- Summary of the UNECE Industrial Accidents Convention and its Assistance and Cooperation Programme by Ms. Zhanara Kubler, Assistant Programme Management Officer, UNECE Industrial Accidents Convention
- Information on the Project, its activities and stages of their implementation by Ms. Liza Rubach, Manager of assistance activities, UNECE Industrial Accidents Convention
- Summary of the "Guidelines for the Implementation of the UNECE Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents for the Countries of Central Asia" by Ms. Elena Klovach, General Director, JSC «STC «Industrial Safety», Russian Federation
- Work on the analysis of legislation and relevant practices in the field of industrial safety and other related areas: alignment with the requirements of the UNECE Convention on Industrial Accidents. Preparation of country reports by Ms. Elena Klovach, General Director, JSC «STC «Industrial Safety», Russian Federation