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The fourth Steering Committee meeting under the EU Water Initiative National Policy Dialogue in Tajikistan

15 November 2012
Dushanbe Tajikistan

The meeting represented the final step in the development of the Water Sector Reform Strategy in Tajikistan. The latest version of the Water Sector Reform Strategy will be submitted to the Government after a final review by the NPD IWRM Working Group. Participants also discussed the situation of hydropower in Tajikistan, various initiatives in the water sector, setting targets under the Protocol on Water and Health and launching of new initiatives on financial issues. Representatives of the NPDs of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan were also present to share their experience.

Press release of the meeting is available in English and Russian

Documents of the meeting ENG RUS
Agenda PDF PDF
Minutes PDF PDF
List of participants - PDF
Background materials
Appendix A. Second Revised Water Sector Reforms Strategy Plan
Update as of November 2012

Appendix B. Implementation and Investment Plan for the Irrigation and Rural Water Supply Sub Sector

Update as of November 2012

Comments to the Appendix A. Second Revised Water Sector Reforms Strategy Plan - PDF
Support to the Conceptual Analysis of the National Water Information System in Tajikistan. First conclusions and recommendations PDF PDF
Future of Hydropower Development in Tajikistan. Note - PDF
Setting Targets and Target Dates in Tajikistan in the Context of the UNECE/WHO-Europe Protocol on Water and Health. Note PDF PDF
Table of Target Areas Prioritized by the Steering Committee PDF

Role of the Rogun hydropower project for the promotion of integrated water resource management. Mavlon Kazakov, Representative of Tajikistan at EC IFAS


Dam security in Tajikistan and Central Asia. Akbarkhoja Nabiev, Director, Tajik HydroProject, a representative of the General Office on State Supervision over the Safe Conduction of Works in Industry and Mining Supervision under the Government of Tajikistan, and Bo Libert, Regional Adviser on Environment, UNECE




Introduction to Protocol on Water and Health (PWH): what is it about and why it is important and beneficial to Tajikistan. Bo Libert, Regional Adviser on Environment, UNECE


Target setting process in Tajikistan in the context of the Protocol on Water and Health. Kholmahmad Nazarov, Deputy Head of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, Ministry of Health, and Harsha Ratnaweera, Professor, Norwegian University of Life Sciences


Presentation of the third draft of the Water Sector Reform Strategy. Jelle Beekma, Consultant, Landell Mills, and Anvar Kamolidinov, Senior Research Fellow, Tajik Branch of SIC ICWC


Financing water management: the support of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to the National Policy Dialogues. Tatiana Efimova, Project Manager, OECD


Current status, achieved results and further development of the Network of Stakeholders on Water Supply and Sanitation (TajWSS). Brian Wettlaufer, Project Manager “Tajikistan Water Supply and Sanitation” (TajWSS), Oxfam


Conceptual analysis of the National Water Information System in Tajikistan: first conclusions and recommendations. Paul Haener, Head of the Water Information System Division and Technical Coordinator of the FFEM Project, International Office for Water


Safety of hydraulic structures in Tajikistan. S.F. Mirzoev, Deputy Head, Head Department of state inspectorate after safety maintenance of industrial activities and mines inspectorate under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan