The Council of Europe, UNECE and APC have been reviewing the arrangements for information and participation in entities concerned with Internet governance since the second meeting of the Internet Governance Forum in 2007. The aim of the CoE/UNECE/APC project is to consider whether there is scope for developing a code of good practice on transparency, information and participation in Internet governance. Such a code, if developed, could build on existing Internet governance experience and the principles concerning Internet governance which were adopted at the World Summit on the Information Society.
This document includes a first draft text for a code of good practice on information, participation and transparency in Internet governance. The project partners put it forward for consultation within the Internet community in the run-up to the 4th meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, 15-18 November 2009), where it will be discussed at an IGF workshop.
Please submit any comments you may have on the draft code to Mr. David Souter (email: [email protected]) and Mr. Michael Remmert (email: [email protected]) by 7 November 2009.