Launch of the National Policy Dialogue (NPD): 2010
NPD Chair and strategic partners:Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, State Water Agency, Ministry of Health
Donors: European Union through the EU4Environment programme, EUWI+ programme and previous EUWI phases
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with UNECE signed: 2010 (in English)
Key achievements
- The National Water Resources Agency was established, based on the NPD recommendations on improvement of the intersectoral coordination (OECD, 2024).
- The study on the human capital in the water sector and recommendations on how to improve it (2024).
- Support to elaboration of a methodology for calculation of the environmental flow requirements.
- Reporting on SDG 6.5.2 and reflecting on its results by the countries supported.
- Bilateral consultations between Azerbaijan and Georgia on the draft co-operation agreement on the Kura River basin organized (2017-2023).
- A study on alternative sources of water supply developed (2024).
- A pilot project for testing the approach of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus in the Ganyych-Alazani River basin, shared by Azerbaijan and Georgia Water-food-energy-ecosystem nexus | UNECE (2013-17).
- A benchmarking study on water utilities developed and strengthened the capacity of Azeri authorities to monitor the performance of the water supply and sanitation sector.
- The first set of the national targets under the UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health adopted by a Joint Decree of the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources and the Minister of Health (2018).
- The National Water Strategy drafted and approved in 2024 (led by OECD).
- The 10th meeting of the NPD Steering Committee and thematic workshop on Nature Based Solutions (5-6 April 2023)
- The 9th meeting of the NPD Steering Committee (29 April 2021)
- The 8th NPD Steering Committee (12 July 2019)
- Consultation Meeting/workshop on the Protocol on Water and Health and equitable access to water and sanitation (5 July 2018)
- The 7th NPD Steering Committee (4 July 2018)
- The 6th NPD Steering Committee (26 April 2017)
- The 5th NPD Steering Committee (25 February 2016)
- The 4th NPD Steering Committee meeting (27 February 2015)
- The 3rd NPD Steering Committee meeting (23 January 2014)
- The 2nd NPD Steering Committee meeting (7-8 June 2012)
- Expert Group meeting under the EU Water Initiative National Policy Dialogue in Azerbaijan (29 November 2011)
- EU Water Initiative Working Group Meeting (16 - 17 July 2011)
- The 1st NPD Steering Committee meeting (12 October 2010)