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Guidance to the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers

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Also available in English on CD-Rom.
Unofficial translations: MKD, and its English summary: PDF

Guidance to the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers

Guidance on Implementation of the Protocol released in English, French, Russian and Spanish 

The secretariat has released an electronic version of the Guidance on Implementation of the Protocol on PRTRs in the English, French, Russian, and Spanish languages. The Guidance document was originally published in English and circulated at third meeting of the Parties to the Convention in Riga, Latvia.
The Spanish version of the Guidance was translated into Spanish by the Centralamerican Commission for the Environment and Development (CCAD) and was financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment of Spain.
An unofficial translation of the Guidance has been provided by the Czech Ministry of Environment (in Czech) CZE
The publication may be reproduced in whole or in parts and in any form for education or non-profit purposes, provided acknowledgement of the source is made. It is expected that several Member States will translate and reproduce the Guidance in their national languages.
Review of the draft guidance document

Newly contained in the revised final version are (1) a revised table of contents including a complete list of boxes, figures and tables appearing in the guidance, (2) revision of figures related to reporting requirements for off-site transfers, and (3) the revised annex III on analytical procedures.
The 23 February 2007 version was open for comment until 6 March 2007.
Background documents and drafts produced during development of the guidance are listed below.
Document TitleENGFRERUS
Guidance to implementation of the Protocol on PRTRs (revised FINAL DRAFT for editing - 23 February 2007) DOC *------
Guidance to implementation of the Protocol on PRTRs (revised FINAL DRAFT for editing in track changes format - 21 February 2007)DOC------
Figure IV of chapter IV - "Two-track" approach (revised)PDF------
Figure I of chapter V - Flows of PRTR data (revised) DOC------
Box 6 of chapter V - Example of national reporting timetable DOC------
Figure IV of chapter V - Reporting cycle 1 (revised) PDF------
Figure V of chapter V - Reporting cycle 2 (revised) PDF------
Box 1 of chapter VI - EPER websiteDOC------
Reporting requirements for off-site transfers (figures I, II and III replacing figures on page 31 of penultimate draft) - powerpoint PDF------
Spanish response to Vice-chair's proposal to the penultimate draft guidancePDF------
Vice-chair's proposal concerning Spain's proposed amendments to the penultimate draft guidancePDF------
Spanish comments to 31 July 2006 penultimate draft guidancePDF------
German comments to 31 July 2006 penultimate draft guidancePDF------
European Commission comments to 31 July 2006 penultimate draft guidancePDF------
Draft guidance to implementation of the Protocol on PRTR (revised 31.07.06) - "Penultimate version" in track changes mode DOC------
Revisions made or suggested by the Working Group to the draft guidance (revised 13.05.06 version)PDF------
Draft Guidance on implementation of the Protocol on PRTR (revised 13.05.06 version)DOC------
Additional German comments to 13 May 2006 draft guidancePDF---PDF
Additional UK comments to 13 May 2006 draft guidancePDF---PDF
Additional European Commission comments to 13 May 2006 draft guidanceDOC------

* The Guidance Review Group agreed on revisions to the draft final version of the guidance at its meeting on 15 February 2007. The revised version incorporates these edits and additional comments received from the Review Group as of 23 February 2007.
From the third meeting of the Working Group of the Protocol
(Geneva, 17-19 May 2006) ---
Informal documents of the third meeting

Document TitleENG
Draft Guidance on implementation of the Protocol on PRTR ("Beta" version - revised 13.05.06)DOC

From the second meeting of the Working Group of the Protocol (Geneva, 13 – 15 April 2005)
Document TitleENGFRERUS
Analysis of options for rules of procedure (ECE/MP.PP/AC.1/2005/3)PDFPDFPDF
Analysis of options for a compliance mechanism (ECE/MP.PP/AC.1/2005/4) PDFPDFPDF
Introduction to draft guidance on Protocol (ECE/MP.PP/AC.1/2005/5) DOCPDFDOC
Institutional and legal implementation (ECE/MP.PP/AC.1/2005/6) DOCDOCDOC
Scope of the Protocol (ECE/MP.PP/AC.1/2005/7) PDFPDFPDF
Releases to land, reporting and release determination techniques (ECE/MP.PP/AC.1/2005/9) DOCDOCDOC
Diffuse sources and release estimation techniques (ECE/MP.PP/AC.1/2005/10) PDFPDFPDF
Data dissemination (ECE/MP.PP/AC.1/2005/11) DOCDOCDOC
Building capacity and public awareness (ECE/MP.PP/AC.1/2005/12) DOCDOCDOC
Data management (ECE/MP.PP/AC.1/2005/13) DOCDOCDOC
Annexes (ECE/MP.PP/AC.1/2005/14) PDF---

Informal documents of the second meeting

Document TitleENGFRERUS
NGO comment on capacity-building guidance textDOC ------

Mandate for development of the Guidance document

From the first meeting of the Working Group of the Protocol
(Geneva, 16 – 18 February 2004)
Document TitleENGFRERUS
Report of the meeting (MP.PP/AC.1/2004/2) PDF PDF PDF

Informal documents of the first meeting

Document TitleENG
Needs and prospects for capacity building, technical support and information exchange in PRTR development (revised 22---March 2004)DOC