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Decision VII/8s concerning United Kingdom

Document Status Date received or posted by the Secretariat

Decision VII/8s of the Meeting of the Parties on compliance by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland with its obligations under the Convention


Adopted by the Meeting of the Parties at its 7th session 21.10.2021
Annex 1: Supreme Court judgment - CPRE Kent v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, 28.01.2021
Annex 2: High Court judgment - (Bertoncini) v London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham and Kendall Massey, 02.06.2020
Annex 3: High Court judgment – Wild Justice v Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 06.10.2021
From the observers (RSPB and Friends of the Earth) 03.11.2021
Invitation to open session at Committee's 73rd meeting on how to prepare the United Kingdom’s plan of action From the secretariat 06.12.2021
Email to the Party concerned forwarding the Committee’s Information Note and template for the plan of action From the secretariat 07.02.2022
Email enclosing letter to Party concerned dated 24.03.2022 From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2008/33 (ClientEarth) and observers (RSPB, Friends of the Earth England, Friends of the Earth Scotland, Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland, C & J Black Solicitors) 30.03.2022
Plan of action From the Party concerned 01.07.2022
Email inviting comments from communicants and observers on plan of action From the secretariat  04.07.2022
Comments on plan of action
Annex 1: Letter to Aarhus UK Focal point
From observers (RSPB, Friends of the Earth England, Friends of the Earth Scotland, Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland and C&J Black Solicitors) 28.07.2022
Comments on plan of action From the communicants of communications ACCC/C/2013/85 and ACCC/C/2013/86 28.07.2022
Comments on plan of action
Annex 1: Letter from the European Commission
From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2013/90 31.07.2022
Comments on plan of action From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2008/33 (ClientEarth) 01.08.2022
Letter From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2008/33 (ClientEarth) and observers (RSPB, Friends of the Earth England, Friends of the Earth Scotland and Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland) 14.10.2022
Invitation to open session on plan of action at Committee's 77th meeting From the secretariat 03.12.2022
Email to Party concerned providing brief summary of Committee's concerns on plan of action From the secretariat 09.12.2022
Letter to Aarhus UK Focal point following open session at the Committee’s 77th meeting From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2008/33 (ClientEarth) and observers (RSPB, Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland, Friends of the Earth Scotland and Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland) 27.01.2023
Email replying to letter of 27.01.2023 From the Party concerned 17.03.2023
Annex: A Pillar of Justice II 
From observers (RSPB, Friends of the Earth, Environmental Law Foundation) 12.07.2023
Letter to Party concerned reminding of deadline for first progress report From the secretariat 01.09.2023
Email enclosing first progress report From the Party concerned 13.10.2023
Email inviting comments from communicants and observers on first progress report From the secretariat 16.10.2023
Comments on first progress report From the communicants of communications ACCC/C/2013/85 and ACCC/C/2013/86 06.11.2023
Comments on first progress report From the observers RSPB, Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland, Environmental Rights Centre Scotland 10.11.2023
Comments on first progress report From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2008/33 (ClientEarth) 13.11.2023
Comments on first progress report
Annex 1: European Commission’s letter to RFA dated 28.01.2021
Annex 2: RFA letter to Department for Infrastructure dated 17.05.2023
Annex 3: Department for Infrastructure’s response to RFA dated 06.06.2023
From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2013/90 13.11.2023
Update From the observers Wildlife and Countryside Link and Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland 02.02.2024
Email to the Party concerned enclosing the Committee’s first progress review From the secretariat 26.06.2024