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Decision VI/8i concerning Slovakia

Document Status Date received or posted by the Secretariat
Decision VI/8i of the Meeting of the Parties on compliance by Slovakia with its obligations under the Convention (ECE/MP.PP/2017/2/ADD.1) ENG FRE RUS Adopted by the Meeting of the Parties at its 6th session 14.09.2017
Covering letter enclosing first progress report on the implementation of decision VI/8i
Annex: Statement by Nuclear Regulatory Authority to the Regional Court of Bratislava, March 2018 
From the Party concerned 01.10.2018
Letter to the Party concerned enclosing the Committee´s first progress review From the secretariat 26.02.2019
Statement delivered at the open session on decision VI/8i at the Committee's 63rd meeting From the Party concerned 15.03.2019
Statement delivered at the open session on decision VI/8i at the Committee's 63rd meeting From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2013/89 (OEKOBUERO) 15.03.2019
Statement delivered at the open session on decision VI/8i at the Committee's 63rd meeting From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2013/89 (GLOBAL 2000) 15.03.2019
Comments on the statement delivered by the Party concerned at the open session on decision VI/8i at the Committee’s 63rd meeting From observer (Mr. Haverkamp) 08.04.2019
Statement ENG Slovak From regional interest association of towns and municipalities 18.04.2019
Annex 1: Statement on the proposed amendment of the Slovak Atomic Bill Slovakian
Annex 2: Letter to the Slovak parliament of 12 June 2019 Slovakian
From the communicants of communication ACCC/C/2013/89 (OEKOBUERO and GLOBAL 2000) 19.06.2019
Letter from the ECE Executive Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs From the secretariat 09.08.2019
Second progress report on the implementation of decision VI/8i
Annex 1: Directive of 14 June 2019 on Sensitive Information ENG Slovak
Annex 2: Explanatory Memorandum to the Amendment of the Atomic Act ENG Slovak
Annex 3: Marekova letter of 12 June 2019 ENG Slovak
Annex 4: Request of Nuclear Regulatory Authority of 8 July 2019 ENG Slovak
Annex 5: Marekova reply of 17 September 2019 ENG Slovak
Annex 6: Statement of Nuclear Regulatory Authority of 23 September 2019 ENG Slovak
Annex 7: Statement of regional interest association of towns and municipalities
Annex 8: Decision 17 July 2019 of the President of the Slovak Republic on draft legislation ENG Slovak
Annex 9: Chapter 13 of the Pre-Operational Safety Report of Mochovce units 3 and 4
From the Party concerned 30.09.2019
Email inviting comments from communicants and observers From the secretariat 02.10.2019
Comments on the Party concerned's second progress report From observer (Mr. Haverkamp) 30.10.2019
Email requesting the text of article 8 of the Atomic Act From the secretariat 20.01.2020
Reply email providing the text of article 8 of the Atomic Act Slovak From the Party concerned 20.01.2020
Email enclosing paragraphs 11-13 of article 8 of the Atomic Act ENG From the Party concerned 04.02.2020
Comments on the email of the Party concerned of 4 February 2020 From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2013/89 (Greenpeace) 04.02.2020
Letter to the Party concerned enclosing the Committee’s second progress review From the secretariat 03.03.2020
Statement delivered at the open session on decision VI/8i  at the Committee’s 66th meeting From communicants of communication ACCC/C/2013/89 (OEKOBUERO and GLOBAL 2000) 13.03.2020
Statement delivered at the open session on decision VI/8i at the Committee’s 66th meeting From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2013/89 (Greenpeace) 13.03.2020
Statement From the Party concerned 26.03.2020
Email enclosing amended Directive on Sensitive Information ENG Slovak From the Party concerned 11.05.2020
Email enclosing:
Final progress report on the implementation of decision VI/8i
Annex 1: Amendment to Act No. 575/2001 Coll. on the organization of government activities 
Annex 2: Draft amendment to article 15 of the Nuclear Act
From the Party concerned 01.10.2020
Update From the Party concerned 11.01.2021
Annex 1: Proposed amendment to Atomic Act  Slovak
From the Party concerned 16.05.2021
Observer statement From observer (Mr. Peter Mihok) 28.05.2021
Observer statement From observer (Mr. Michal Daniška) 30.05.2021
Update on observer statement From observer (Mr. Michal Daniška) 02.06.2021
Comments on observer statements From the Party concerned  11.06.2021
Comments on observer statement and translation of relevant provisions From the Party concerned 18.06.2021
Comments on observer statements From the Party concerned 21.06.2021
Letters to the Party concerned, the communicants and observers inviting their comments on the Committee's draft report to MOP7 on decision VI/8i From the secretariat 04.07.2021
Statement delivered at the open session on decision VI/8i at the Committee’s 71st meeting From the Party concerned 07.07.2021
Comments on the Committee’s draft report From the Party concerned 19.07.2021
Email enclosing comments on the Committee’s draft report From the observer, Mr. Mihok 19.07.2021
Comments on the Committee’s draft report From observer, Mr. Daniška 19.07.2021
Report to the Meeting of the Parties on decision VI/8i ENG FRE RUS   20.07.2021
Annex: Amendment Atomic Act ENG and Slovak
From the Party concerned 13.10.2021