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Draft United Nations Resource Management System: Principles and Requirements

Public Comment Closed

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Expert Group on Resource Management (EGRM) is pleased to present for public comment the draft document “Draft United Nations Resource Management System: Principles and Requirements”.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has inaugurated a new era of global development marked by an imperative to integrate social, environmental and economic objectives. The multifaceted requirements of sustainable development depend on optimal and responsible production and use of natural resources. Over many years, the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC) has become a unified system for classifying, accounting and reporting on activities associated with resource production based on social, environmental and economic viability, technical feasibility and degree of confidence in resource estimates. In 2017, UNECE member States decided to extend UNFC beyond a classification system to a dynamic resource management system that can help countries, organizations, and companies address sustainability challenges. EGRM has been tasked to develop the United Nations Resource Management System (UNRMS), a voluntary global standard for integrated and sustainable resource management.

UNRMS is a voluntary global standard for integrated resource management within the framework of public, public-private and civil society partnerships that is uniformly applicable to all resources. It will support stakeholders in various goals, including aiding the incorporation of resource efficiency and circular economy wherever possible. UNRMS includes the fundamental principles and requirements of resource management for sustainable development. The system will also have tools to assist in analysis and decision-making.


Cover Letter from Chair of EGRM UNRMS Sub-group and Officer-in-Charge of the UNECE Sustainable Energy Division

Draft United Nations Resource Management System: Principles and Requirements


The public comment period will be open from 29 September 2022 until 30 November 2022.


Comments may be submitted by e-mail to: [email protected]

Please include “Draft UNRMS: Principles and Requirements” in the subject line.

Comment letters are accepted as attachments in MS Word and PDF format. 


All comments will be made available to the public – anonymous submissions are not accepted. Comments submitted via e-mail will be posted on the UNECE website. All comments received will be posted without change; personal identifying information will not be edited from submissions. You should submit only information that you wish to make available publicly.


All comments received are available here.