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Displaying Results 21 - 40 of 100

- English
This guidance document provides the necessary structure, definitions, and tools to aid in the development of a Smart Sustainable City Action Plan. City Action Plans are developed to implement the recommendations of Smart Sustainable City Profiles. The Plans list the recommendations of the City Profiles and provide a full and strategic, and practical scheme to implement the recommendations.
- English
This is the full report of the 2018 Vienna Conference on Sustainable Housing "Promoting access to adequate, affordable and decent housing for all through the implementation of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, the New urban Agenda and Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing", organized by UNECE and the City of Vienna on 12 and 13 April 2018 in Vienna, Austria.
- English
The Country Profiles on Housing and Land Management are intended to assist governments to improve the performance of their housing, urban development and land management sectors and, at the same time, to promote sustainable development. This Country Profile of Kazakhstan, prepared at the request of the Government of Kazakhstan, is the twentieth in the series. It focuses particularly on the
- English
This document contains information on the purpose and role of UNECE Country Profiles in facilitating legal, political and infrastructural reforms in UNECE countries; the rationale behind the country profiles structure; and the guidelines for the preparation of country profiles. The current revised guidelines reflect findings and recommendations of the independent evaluation of UNECE country
- English
Ministers and Heads of Delegation from the member States of the United Nations  Economic  Commission  for  Europe  (UNECE)  met at the seventy-eighth session of the UNECE Committee on Housing and Land Management to discuss  the  challenges  and opportunities of sustainable housing in liveable cities and sustainable human settlements, and to mark the
- English
This publication has been developed within the framework of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative. It provides a series of case studies on smart governance, smart people and smart economy, which will catapult successful smart city practices into the global spotlight.ENG
- English
This publication has been developed within the framework of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative. It provides a study of the advantages of using ICTs to support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDG 11, by facilitating the missing linkages that exist between sustainability policies and urban-planning practices through digitally-enabled
- English
This publication has been developed within the framework of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative. It provides an overview of how cities can use information and communication technologies (ICTs) to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It also maps the case studies to the various international agreements as well as the SDGs.
- English
This publication has been developed within the framework of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative. It provides cities with a methodology on how to collect data or information from key performance indicators (KPIs) for smart sustainable cities (SSC). This set of KPIs for SSC were developed to establish the criteria to evaluate ICT's contributions in making cities smarter
- English
This Country Profile (CP) of the Republic of Armenia is the nineteenth in the series and the second review done for the country. The first was prepared in 2004 and the analyses covered only the housing sector. This CP is an in-depth analyses of the housing, urban development and land management sectors of the Republic of Armenia. It provides policy recommendations on these sectors, while
- English
This document serves as a guide for the implementation of the Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing. This guidance document was approved by the Committee on Housing and Land Management at its seventy-seventh session in 2016.English
- English
This is the Executive Summary of the UNECE study Social Housing in the UNECE region in English and Russian. The full report is also available online on this link.English
- English
This is the regional report of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) for the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Development - Habitat III. The report is based upon national human settlements reports provided by CIS member States, conclusions and assessments provided by national focal points and experts, and other open analytic and information services.
- English
This Country Profile on Uzbekistan is the eighteenth in the series. The country profile programme continues to focus on specific challenges or achievements in the housing and land management sectors that are particularly relevant to the country under review. In the case of Uzbekistan, these issues include housing policies and government support measures for the construction of housing in rural
- English
This Country Profile on the Republic of Moldova is the seventeenth in the series and the second for the country. The country profile programme continues to emphasize in-depth analysis and policy recommendations, while also focusing on specific challenges or achievements in the housing, urban development and land management sectors that are particularly relevant to the country under review
- English
Standards are an effective instrument for addressing energy efficiency in buildings and supporting the achievements of the targets set by international initiatives such as the Global Goals, the Sustainable Energy for All Initiative, and the Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing. All these initiatives stress the importance of energy efficiency to ensure energy security, mitigate GHGs
- English
The UNECE Social Housing Study examines the current trends, challenges and social housing models in the UNECE region. It provides recommendations for possible future activities based on an extensive literature review of housing issues in over 50 countries and interviews with over 30 representatives of governments, private and non- governmental organizations.
- English
The scope of the Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing is to improve sustainability of housing in the ECE region through effective policies and actions at all levels, supported by international cooperation, in order to contribute to sustainable development in the region. English
- Pусский
Данная публикация– это результат исследования, проведенного с целью сбора всесторонней информации о системах управления земельными ресурсами разных стран. Данное исследование включает в себя большое количество аспектов, некоторые из которых относятся к услугам этих стран, применению ими электронных технологий при оказании услуг, защите странами собственных данных и возможностям восстановления ими
- English
The study presented here is the result of a survey to gather comprehensive information on countries' land administration systems. This includes the efficiency of their services, the security of their data and their ability to recover data and services in the event of a disaster, to name only a few of the aspects covered.