Informal Document 17: OICA proposalfor Ame to Reg 94 (Editorial changes to document TRANS/WP29/GRSP/2000/13) DOC or PDF |
Informal Document 16: OICA proposalfor Ame to Reg 94 (Frontal collision protection) DOC or PDF |
Informal Document 15:ProposedAme to ECE R21 DOC or PDF |
Informal Document 14: OICA ProposalFor Amendments To Ece Regulation N° 21 Regarding PowerOperated Windows, Opening Roofs And Partitions DOC or PDF |
Informal Document 13: ISOFIX AnchoragesOICA proposed amendments to informal doc. 6 to GRSP-28 DOC or PDF |
Informal Document 11: EEVC proposalfor a revised specification for the Mobile DeformableBarrier Face for use in the Side Impact Test Procedure DOC or PDF |
Informal Document 10: (D) Lateralcollision protection PDF |
Informal Document 9: Doubts regardingReg17.07 annex 9: DOC or PDF |
Informal Document 8: (UK) AmendingReg. 29 (Protection of the Occupants of the Cab of aCommercial Vehicle) PDF |
Informal Document 7: (F) Ame toreg 44 (Child Restraint System) DOC or PDF |
Informal Document 6: (F) Ame toReg.14 (Safety Belt Anchoragess) DOC or PDF |
Informal Document 5: (I) Proposalof Supplement XX to Regulation No.16 (Safety Belts) DOC or PDF |
Informal Document 4: DRAFT AMEto REG 44 (Child Restraint System) DOC or PDF |
Informal Document 3: Detonationon impact - Hearing damage DOC or PDF |
Informal Document 2: (Russian) DOC |
Informal Document 1: Shor termmodifications of ECE R.21 Interior fittings PDF |