- Study: JUST TRANSITION ASSESSMENT OF ALBANIA; Sector Decarbonization and the Just Transition Framework Applied to Coal Mining
- Building a Resilient and Carbon-neutral Energy System in the Republic of Moldova
- Guide for the implementation of energy efficiency measures and valorization of renewable energy sources for public sector buildings
- Study to Support Energy Crops Along Roads and Highways in Ukraine
- Assessment of the geothermal resources of Albania
- Technical, principle-based guidelines for designing and implementing a programme for efficient, safe and environmentally conscious mine closure in Albania and Serbia
- In-Depth Analysis of Coal Demand Dynamics in Tajikistan until 2050
- Potential for improving industrial energy efficiency in Kazakhstan and Ukraine
- Potential for improving energy efficiency in the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector of Uzbekistan
- Energy Transition and the Post-Covid-19 Socioeconomic Recovery: Role of Women and Impact on Them
- Women entrepreneurship in natural resource management: Challenges and opportunities for the micro-, small, and medium enterprises sector in the post-COVID-19 socio-economic recovery
- Geologic CO2 storage in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia - An initial analysis of potential and policy (in English and Russian)
- Renewable Energy Financing and Investment in Albania, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Serbia