Meeting with the Mayor of Paris
Meeting with the Commissioner for Transport, EU
82nd Session of the Working Party 1 on Global Forum for Road Traffic
Meeting with the Chair of the UNRSF Advisory Board
Meeting with the Permanent Representative of France
Meeting with the Deputy Secretary-General of the UN
Meeting with the Permanent Representative of Italy
Meeting with the Deputy Executive Secretary of the UNECE
ITU and UNECE Symposium on the Future Networked Car 2021: “Moving towards automated driving”
Meeting with the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation
UNRSF Advisory Board Informal Meeting
Meeting with the Permanent Representative of the EU and the Executive Secretary of the UNECE
Meeting with the Managing Director and Executive Vice President of the IFC
Meeting with the Minister Delegate for Citizenship, attached to the Minister of Interior of France
Meetings with Government and UN officials in Bahrain
Meeting with the Senior Vice President of Human Resources and Corporate Services of Aramco
Meetings with Government and UN officials in Qatar
Meetings with the Chairman of BeIn Media Group and President of Paris Saint-Germain