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Team of Specialists on Forest Communication

The UNECE/FAO Forest Communicators' Network (FCN) is mandated by the UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry (COFFI) and the FAO European Forestry Commission (EFC) with the overall objective to improve the ability of the forest sector to communicate effectively, within and outside the sector on the role of forests in sustainable development and to advise the ECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section and to support communication activities in all Work Areas, through (among others):
  1. Supporting forest-related ECE/FAO intergovernmental bodies in reaching out to relevant constituencies, within and outside the forest sector;
  2. Providing a forum for international interaction and cooperation in forest related communications;
  3. Developing the professionalism of forest communicators by introducing and encouraging state of the art and innovative communication approaches, strengthening networking and supporting capacities in the region.

Participation in the FCN is open to all sharing the concern about its common objectives and tasks.

Information and Documents


Meetings & Events



Team Leader: Kai Lintunen (Finland)
Deputy Leaders: Jennifer Hayes (US), Lourdes Lázaro Marín (IUCN), Tomass Kotovičs (Latvia), Gerda Wolfrum (IUFRO)
FAO Secretary: Maria De Cristofaro


Last update date: February 29, 2024