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Transport Press Releases

Displaying Results 51 - 75 of 227

The upcoming meetings of the Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme (THE PEP) Partnership on Active Mobility and the Partnership on Sustainable Tourism Mobility will focus on challenges in promoting and developing policies for walking and cycling, as well as exchange views on
The first electronic TIR (eTIR) transport in line with the Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention) has taken place between Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan. Four packages of dried and fresh fruits were transported first by truck and then by
With current policies in place, the transport sector’s CO2 emissions will grow almost 20% by 2050 according to the International Transport Forum Transport Outlook, and even more in developing countries. Many stakeholders working to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from transport need, use
The United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety, Mr. Jean Todt, will be in Brussels on 8-9 December to advocate for the effective implementation of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 with the aim of halving the number of victims on the road by
The limited ability of drivers to detect and see correctly pedestrians in close proximity of their vehicle is a key cause of accidents, both for cars and light vehicles, and for heavy duty vehicles. Two new UN regulations adopted recently by UNECE’s World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle
We are facing a global road safety crisis – and it is hitting children above the age of five years old the hardest. On World Children’s Day, Sunday 20 November, the UN Road Safety Fund launched the second edition of its #moments2live4 global campaign to inform citizens worldwide about the
The goal of the mission of the Special Envoy, Mr. Jean Todt, is to advocate for more investment in safe and sustainable mobility in one of the regions most affected in the world by road crashes: South-East Asia. The Special Envoy will meet with Ministers as well as private sector, public sector and
In today’s globalized economy, goods move through complex supply chains and cross borders – often numerous times, which involves multifaceted interactions among a variety of suppliers and trade actors. The COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have brought to light the challenges of supply chain
UNECE Executive Secretary Olga Algayerova took part in a panel discussion at the Russian Energy Week today aimed at fostering international cooperation on hydrogen (H2).  Hydrogen offers the prospect to decarbonize the energy sector and large sectors of the economy. The shift to a decarbonized
More funding is still needed to scale up solutions to save lives and livelihoods worldwide  The UN Road Safety Fund is proud to support the UN High-level Meeting on Global Road Safety and hosted its first pledging event on 30 June 2022 at the UN Headquarters in New York. In total
A new milestone in mobility has been reached with the adoption of a proposal to extend automated driving in certain traffic environments from the current limit of 60 km/h to up to 130 km/h. The amendment to UN Regulation No. 157 adopted today by the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle
A reverse warning sound is widely used to ensure safety of people around medium- and heavy-duty vehicles above 3.5 tonnes. However, until now, there has been no worldwide harmonized regulation for audible reverse warning. To reduce the risk of accidents with reversing vehicles, on the one hand, and
Good winter tyres are indispensable for driving safely on snowy or icy roads, and many countries impose specific winter tyre requirements. These vary from country to country, but usually define winter tyres as those identified with special markings. The entry-level winter tyres are marked M+S (Mud
The 75th anniversary session of the Inland Transport Committee (ITC) concluded at the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), after a week of forward progress in the fields of inland transport connectivity, road safety, accessibility, and sustainability.  Among the week’s
Some 50 transport ministers and leaders from around the world joined delegates from over 90 countries for the 75th anniversary session of UNECE’s Inland Transport Committee (ITC) to celebrate its unique accomplishments and depict a picture of the Committee’s future. In her keynote address, Ms.
The 8th Edition of the Global Road Safety Film Festival, to be held on 21-22 February 2022, will showcase the best films from among submissions from over 40 countries worldwide that highlight smart and safe mobility solutions to the road safety crisis. The Festival’s focus on smart and safe
The number of accidents involving trucks and coaches on the road could soon be reduced with the extension of the use of Advanced Emergency Braking System (AEBS). Initially designed to improve safety on motorways, the scope of UN Regulation No. 131 will be widened to include other road contexts,
Zimbabwe’s road crash fatality rate increased from 1,836 in 2016 to an average of 2,000 deaths per year – over 5 deaths per day – from 2017 to 2019, according to the Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe (TSCZ). In reality, this figure may be over three times higher at some 7,000 road deaths per year
“The explosion came at a very high cost with over 218 deaths, 6,000 injured, and at least 15 billion USD in destruction to infrastructure. In around 15 minutes Beirut lost over 15 years of development gains. We must learn lessons from this catastrophic disaster, not just for Lebanon but for the
What moments do you live for in your daily life? We all have precious moments that we cherish. Unfortunately, every 24 seconds at least one person has those moments taken away because of a road traffic injury. In 93% of the cases, that person lives in a low- or middle-income country. The UNRSF's
Globally, more than 1.3 million deaths and 50 million injuries are caused by road traffic crashes every year, which are the leading killer of children and young people aged 5 to 29. Over 90% of all road deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries, significantly impeding sustainable development
The World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) has adopted an amendment to a United Nations Regulation on Automated Lane Keeping Systems (ALKS) that lays down the technical requirements for their use in heavy vehicles including trucks, buses and coaches. This step marks the first
The Beirut port explosion in August 2020, caused by fire spreading across a storage area detonating a large amount of ammonium nitrate (AN), resulted in 300 deaths and 6,500 injuries, the displacement of about 300,000 people and severe damage to the port and city, including healthcare facilities
Sales of electric and hybrid vehicles are surging in major markets including China, Europe and North America, and reached 3 million vehicles in 2020, 4.6% of total sales. In Europe, their market share reached 10%. According to the projections of the International Energy Agency, their global market
Close to 100 people are reported to have died from a blast following a crash between a tanker and a truck in a busy commercial district of Freetown, Sierra Leone. UNECE stands in solidarity with the people of Sierra Leone and is ready to support all countries to implement proven United Nations