CHAPTER 2.4 - UN/EDIFACT Message Design Guidelines

Note: The following UN/EDIFACT Message Design Guidelines were approved for publication as document TRADE/WP.4/R.840/Rev.2 by the UN/ECE's WP.4 at its September 1993 session. In case of any doubts in the understanding and implementation of these guidelines, the chair of the Technical assessment group in the respective Rapporteur's team (UN/EDIFACT region) should be contacted.



1.1 Guidelines & Rules

1.2 Terms and Definitions

1.3 Related Documentation

1.4 Status of UN/EDIFACT Messages and Directories

1.5 UN/EDIFACT Standard Message Definition

1.6 Overview


2.1 The Building Blocks of Messages

2.2 Design of New UN/EDIFACT Messages - UNSMS

2.3 Requests for New UNSMs or for Changes TO EXISTING UNSMs

2.4 Before Designing a New Message


3.1 Interchange Structure & Directory RELATIONSHIPS

3.2 Design of Data Elements

3.2.1 Guidelines for data element design

3.2.2 Data element types and categories

3.2.3 Rules for the design of new data elements

3.2.4 Coded data elements

3.2.5 Rules associated with the design of coded data elements

3.3 Design of Composite Data Elements

3.3.1 Guidelines for composite data element design

3.3.2 Guidelines for the design of non-qualified and qualified composites

3.3.3 Rules for the design of composite data elements

3.3.4 Rules for UN/EDIFACT composite data element maintenance

3.4 Design of Segments

3.4.1 Guidelines for segment design

3.4.2 Non-qualified and qualified segments

3.4.3 Implicit & explicit representation of segments in messages

3.4.4 Rules for the design of new segments

3.4.5 Rules for UN/EDIFACT segment maintenance


4.1 Guidelines for Message Documentation

4.2 Guidelines for the Design of Segment Groups

4.3 Rules for Segment Groups Design

4.4 Guidelines for the Design of Messages

4.5 Rules for Message Design

4.6 Rules for the Design of Message Types

4.7 Rules for the Use Of UNS Segments



A Usage of data elements 1131/3055

B Rapporteur Advisory & Support Teams (RTs)

C Hierarchical structure of a message


Rules for the design of new data
  RULE 1 .........                                            
  RULE 2 .........                                            

Rules associated with the design of coded data elements
  RULE 3 .........                                  
  RULE 4 .........                                 

Rules for the design of composite data elements
  RULE 5 .........                                            
  RULE 6 .........                                            
  RULE 7 .........                                            
  RULE 8 .........                                            
  RULE 9 .........                                            
  RULE 10 ........                                              
  RULE 11 ........                                              
  RULE 12 ........                                              
  RULE 13 ........                                              
  RULE 14 ........                                              
  RULE 15 ........                                              

Rules for UN/EDIFACT composite data element maintenance
  RULE 16 ........                                              
  RULE 17 ........                                              
  RULE 18 ........                                              

Rules for the design of new segments
  RULE 19 ........                                              
  RULE 20 ........                                              
  RULE 21 ........                                              
  RULE 22 ........                                              
  RULE 23 ........                                              
  RULE 24 ........                                              
  RULE 25 ........                                              
  RULE 26 ........                                              
  RULE 27 ........                                              

Rules for UN/EDIFACT segment maintenance
   RULE 28.......                                              
   RULE 29.......                                              

Rules for segment groups design
   RULE 30.......                                              
   RULE 31.......                                              

Rules for message design
   RULE 32.......                                              
   RULE 33.......                                              
   RULE 34.......                                              
   RULE 35.......                                              
   RULE 36.......                                              
   RULE 37.......                                              

Rules for the design of message types
   RULE 38.......                                              

Rules for the use of UNS segments
   RULE 39.......                                              
   RULE 40.......                                           




1.1 Guidelines & Rules

1.1.1 One of the key requirements before organizations can exchange
      administrative, commercial and transport information between
      their computer applications, without manual intervention, is
      agreement on the content and structure of the information to
      be transmitted.

1.1.2 In UN/EDIFACT, this is achieved by developing United Nations
      Standard Messages (UNSMs), for both national and international

1.1.3 The guidelines and rules relate to work carried out by the
      United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Working Party
      Number 4 (UN/ECE/WP.4) and the International  Organization for
      Standardization (ISO), known as EDIFACT (Electronic Data
      Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport).

1.1.4 At the regional level, the work of the UN/ECE is supported by
      UN/EDIFACT Rapporteur's Advisory and Support Teams (RTs).
      The RTs provide a range of support and advisory services for
      their region, and the full addresses and contact numbers for
      each of the current RTs are given in Informative Annex B.

1.1.5 Most UN/EDIFACT RTs will have available (or will have access
      to) a database (known as a UN/EDIFACT database) which will
      normally contain both the current UN/EDIFACT  Working Directory,
      and the UNTDED directory (United Nations Trade Data Element 
      Directory - ISO 7372).  Any user requiring information regarding
      UN/EDIFACT directories should contact their regional EDIFACT 
      Secretariat (see 

Informative Annex B).

1.1.6 These guidelines and rules are intended for:

      a) those who want to submit a draft message for registration
         as a new UNSM.  To achieve this status:

	 -the proposed draft message and its contents shall be
	  designed for International use;

	 -there must be no existing  UNSM having a function
	  identical to, nor one encompassing the function of, the
	  proposed draft, and

	 -the proposer(s) of the draft message need to accept that
	  the message may be the subject of joint development, if
	  other sectors and/or Rapporteurs' teams indicate interest
	  in participating in the development of the message.

     b) those who wish to propose an amendment to an existing UNSM
	by means of a "Change Request"; and

     c) use by RTs for future technical assessment.

1.1.7 Many sections of this document are divided into sub-sections
      identifying "Guidelines" and "Rules".
      The sub-sections under the heading of "Rules" must be observed
      by message designers. Correct application of the rules will be
      verified during the course of the technical assessment of
      messages submitted for consideration as UNSMs.

1.1.8 The sub-sections under the heading of "Guidelines" are provided
      as further clarification to the UNSM  message design process, 
      and may detail additional message design concepts which may be 
      applied at the discretion of message designers.
      The guideline sub-sections contents' will not be the subject
      of any technical assessment considerations.

1.1.9 It is essential that newcomers to the UN/EDIFACT process should
      be familiar with the available supporting documentation (see
      1.3 below), and in particular with the rules for Syntax 
      specified in ISO 9735.

1.1.10 Rules shown in this document shall be followed, whereas the
       guidelines shown are intended as an aid to message designers.

1.2 Terms and Definitions

1.2.1 The general terms used in these guidelines are those specified
      in ISO 9735.

Code Set:  A set of code values related to a specific coded data
	   element and specified in a Code List Directory.

Component Data Element: A simple data element which is a subordinate
	                portion of a composite data element and in an
                        interchange is identified by its position 
                        within the composite data element. (ISO 9735)

Composite Data Element: A data element containing two or more
	                component data elements. (ISO 9735)

Data: A representation of facts, concepts or instructions in a
      formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation or
      processing by human beings or by automatic means. (ISO 2382)

Data Element: A unit of data which in a certain  context is
              considered indivisible (ISO  2382). A unit of data
              for which the identification, description and value
              representation have been specified. (ISO 9735)

Electronic Data Interchange: The exchange, between organizational
	                     entities, of computer  processable data
                             in a standard format. 
                             (ISO/IEC JTC 1/WG3/N106)

Externally Maintained Code List: A list of code values, not included
	                         in a UN/EDIFACT Code List Directory,
                                 that is maintained and published by 
                                 a recognized Maintenance Agency.

Interchange: Communication between partners in the form of a
             structured set of messages and service segments starting
             with an interchange control header and ending with an
             interchange control trailer. (ISO 9735)

Message: An ordered series of characters intended to convey
         information (ISO 2382). A set of segments in the order
         specified in a message directory starting with the message
         header and ending with the message trailer. (ISO 9735)

Message Type: An identified and structured set of data elements
	      covering the requirements for a specified type of
              transaction, e.g. invoice. (ISO 9735)

Open-EDI: Automated electronic data interchange performed by multiple
	  participants capable of multiple, simultaneous transactions
	  using public standards and pre-defined, structured data to
	  accomplish an explicit shared business goal.
	  (ISO/IEC JTC 1/WG3/N106)

Qualifier: A data element whose value shall be expressed as a code
	   that gives specific meaning to the function of another
	   data element, composite data element or segment. (ISO 9735)

Segment Group: A segment may depend on a segment on a higher
               hierarchical level in a message structure and
               consequently be nested in that segment. (ISO 9735)

Segment: An identified hierarchical set of segments and/or segment
	 groups within a message

Separator Character: A character used for syntactical separation of
	             data. (ISO 9735)

Simple Data Element: A data element containing a single value.
	             (ISO 9735)

Syntax Rules: Rules governing the structure of an interchange and its
	      functional groups, messages, segments and data elements.
	      (ISO 9735)

Tag: A unique code for the identification of a message type, segment,
     composite data element or data element.

Trigger Segment: The first segment in a segment group. No repetition
	         is allowed for this segment and it is mandatory
                 within the segment group.

UNSM: A message may be referred to as a UN/EDIFACT standardized
      message only if it complies with the rules and directories
      in the United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory
      (UNTDID), and if it has been approved by the United Nations
      Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) as a Status 2 message.


1.3 Related Documentation

1.3.1 UN/EDIFACT documentation is published and maintained by the
      United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Working Party 
      Number 4 (UN/ECE/WP.4) and the International Organization for
      Standardization (ISO).

1.3.2 This documentation forms a set of internationally agreed
      standards, directories and guidelines for the electronic
      interchange of structured data, and in particular, that
      related to trade in goods and services, between independent
      computerized information systems.

      Within the context of UN/EDIFACT, the major relevant documents

      Guidelines & Rules

	- ISO 9735 EDIFACT Syntax Rules

	- The UN/EDIFACT Syntax Implementation Guidelines

	- The UN/EDIFACT Message Design Guidelines

	- The UN/EDIFACT Rapporteur's Procedures & Message
	  documentation rules


	 - UNTDID : The United Nations Trade Data Interchange
	   Directory (which is the current UN/EDIFACT
	   Standards Directory Set),

	   which comprises:

	   EDMD - the EDIFACT messages directory

	   EDSD - the EDIFACT segments directory

	   EDCD - the EDIFACT composite data elements directory

	   EDED - the EDIFACT data elements directory

		 (part of the UNTDED, United Nations Trade Data
		  Element Directory, also released as ISO 7372)

	   EDCL - the EDIFACT codes list directory

	 - UN/EDIFACT Working Directory Set which includes:

	   TRMD - Trial Messages Directory

	   TRSD - Trial Segments Directory

	   TRCD - Trial Composite Data Elements Directory

	   TRED - Trial Data Elements Directory

1.3.3 Should message designers not be familiar with these
      publications, they should consult their national committee
      /organization for the Facilitation of International Trade 
      Procedures, or the relevant standardization organization in
      their country responsible for the dissemination of UN/EDIFACT
      standards, or their regional RT (see Informative Annex B for
      regional RT details).

1.3.4 All of the documents in the above list are important to message
      designers, with the ISO 9735 EDIFACT Syntax Rules being the
      international standard for formatting data elements and segments
      into messages. These guidelines and rules for message design
      are in accordance with this standard.

1.3.5 The ISO 9735 EDIFACT Syntax Rules define the rules for the
      structuring of message data and the use of the service segments.
      The UN/EDIFACT Syntax Implementation Guidelines expands some of
      the detail and contains more examples. Therefore, if required,
      this document should also be studied, and can be obtained from
      regional RTs.


1.4 Status of UN/EDIFACT Messages and Directories

1.4.1 Once approved within the UN/ECE WP.4, both messages and
      directories are accorded a certain status, the meaning of
      which follows.

1.4.2 Messages can have one of three status levels as follows:
	 Status 0  -  UN/EDIFACT message under development
	 Status 1  -  UN/EDIFACT Draft Recommendation
	 Status 2  -  UNSM Recommendation (available for
		      operational use)

1.4.3 Published UN/EDIFACT directories have one of two designations.
      Status "S" represents a Standards Directory and Status "W"
      represents a Working Directory.

1.4.4 UN/EDIFACT directories are published regularly. Full details
      can be obtained via regional RT Secretariats, or directly from
      the UN/ECE WP.4 Secretariat.

1.4.5 The documentation for Status 0 messages is self supporting and
      is not included in any directory. The documentation refers to
      a specific working directory and, when relevant, includes any
      new segment or amended/data  element, as well as new values for
      coded data elements.


1.5 UN/EDIFACT Standard Message Definition

1.5.1 A UN/EDIFACT standard message (known as a UNSM) is one which
      has been approved, published, and which is maintained by the
      UN/ECE.In this case, the Message Type, Version Number, the
      Release Number and the Controlling Agency used in all UNSM
      Message Headers are allocated and controlled only by the
      UN/ECE. In this documentation the term message(s) can refer
      to a message at to any status.


1.6 Overview

1.6.1 As with many activities, there is little point in re-inventing 
      "wheels" which have already been designed. Message development
      needs to be undertaken in a coordinated, progressive and 
      structured way if the general aim of the UN/EDIFACT initiative
      to develop an integrated series of messages is to be achieved.

1.6.2 Message designers are urged to consult with their relevant
      organization responsible for the dissemination of UN/EDIFACT
      standards in their country, or with the UN/EDIFACT Rapporteur
      responsible for coordination in their area, before starting any
      new message design.  In some cases the required message may
      already exist (or an existing message may be capable of
      amendment to meet the required function), or alternatively,
      work may have already started on an identical or similar 
      message. Guidance on message development processes is given 
      in later sections of this document.

1.6.3 A MESSAGE is the term used to describe the structuring of data
      to perform a specific business or administrative function in
      such a way as to allow for their optimal transfer and handling
      by ELECTRONIC means.

1.6.4 A message designed for electronic data interchange (EDI) must
      have a clearly defined business function. It should be borne in
      mind however, that the order of presentation and the content of
      data in an EDI message need not (and indeed, often does not)
      necessarily follow the order and content of data carried on

1.6.5 Although the function of a message may be the equivalent to
      a business document, message designers should not infer from
      this that the data element content of such messages will
      necessarily be identical to that contained in the equivalent
      document.  Further, when designing a UNSM, the opportunity
      should be taken to analyze the traditional functionality, since
      it may be more effective to take a new approach, rather than to
      simply emulate the original.  In some cases, the functions of
      messages may be the equivalent to the more traditional documents
      or business processes.  In other cases, a single message may
      be equivalent to the functionality covered by a series of
      documents, or it may represent the direct replacement of all
      or part of a paper-based document or business process. Business
      and information modelling techniques provides a structured
      approach to help with task.

1.6.6 More importantly, designers should not infer that the order of
      data in a message needs to be the same as that found in the
      equivalent existing paper document or business process. However
      during the initial message design stage, it may be more 
      practical to order the segments and segment groups in a 
      sequence that assists with the interpretation of the message 
      functionality, but during the final design stage, due account 
      should be taken of the benefits of truncation and omission 
      afforded by the rules for syntax, in terms of the order of 
      presentation of data.

1.6.7 UN/EDIFACT message documentation defines each segment and its
      sequence within the MESSAGE, and indicates the DATA ELEMENTS
      and their sequence within each SEGMENT specified for use in the
      message. See Informative Annex C for the message structure.

1.6.8 Development of messages requires two important skills: people
      who are expert in the specific business area to which the
      message applies, be it commercial, payment, insurance,
      transport, etc., and people who understand the UN/EDIFACT
      syntax message design principles, business and information
      modelling, and computing systems.




2.1 The Building Blocks of Messages

2.1.1 The basic "building blocks" of messages are:

      1) data elements for use in segments, or as components of
         composite data elements;
      2) composite data elements;
      3) segments (which can be used individually, or as part of
         segment groups within a message), and
      4) the structure of the message itself, detailing the order
         of segments and/or segment groups.


2.2 Design of New UN/EDIFACT Messages - UNSMS

2.2.1 The objective of the design process is to meet genuine data
      interchange requirements with the minimum of complexity and
      redundancy.  The aim should be to:

      - support a well-defined and understood business need;
      - be comparatively simple (in terms of function and design),
      - avoid unnecessary emulation of paper-based procedures;

2.2.2 The current UN/EDIFACT Working Directory should be used to
      review existing messages and segments, and utilized as a
      starting point in developing a new message.

2.2.3 Messages and segments should allow for multi-sectoral
      applications rather than a single, confined usage.

2.2.4 Simplicity is a major objective in message design. Over-
      complication creates difficulties in comprehension, especially
      for new users. Messages should not be made more complex to
      save a few characters in transmission.


2.3 Requests for New UNSMS or for Changes to Existing UNSMS

2.3.1 If a group of users need an EDI message covering international
      requirements, they should first check whether a UNSM exists
      which has been designed for the function in question--perhaps
      from which a sub-set can be taken.

2.3.2 If one does exist, they may then find that it does not totally
      meet their requirements, in which case they can request a
      change or addition to the relevant UNSM, which will be passed 
      to the appropriate message design group(s).

2.3.3 If no such message exists, they may then submit a "New UNSM
      Request" covering the function they require, which must be
      submitted to the local RT Secretariat for processing under RT


2.4 Before Designing a New Message

2.4.1 The following describes a step by step approach to message

  Step Action
    1. Analyze business requirements for all relevant
       communications with business partners.

    2. Model the key aspects of the business environment
    3. Identify the EDI messages which are needed to satisfy
       the required business function. Verify if messages
       already exist in the current UN/EDIFACT Working
       Directory which should be used or amended.
    4. Select the highest priority message for development
       and define the "Business Function" for the message.
       If at this stage it is decided that a new UNSM is
       required, a "New UNSM Request" form must be prepared
       and submitted immediately to the relevant RT Secretariat
       for expedient processing.
    5. Determine the detailed business data needs.
    6. Select segments from the current UN/EDIFACT Working
       Directory and review segment groups already specified
       for use in other UNSMs to meet the requirements for
       each entity identified.
    7. i)  Identify the data items not covered by existing
	   UN/EDIFACT segments;
       ii) determine whether the requirements for these data
	   items can be met by requesting additional qualifier
	   values for use in existing generic segments.  If not,
	   check whether they are already defined in the current
	   UN/EDIFACT Working Data Elements Directory or in the
	   Trade Data Elements Directory (UNTDED).  If not, then
	   submit a Change Request for a new data element;
      iii) determine whether the requirements for these data items
	   can now be met by adding them to the end of an existing
	   UN/EDIFACT segment or composite having the correct
	   function in the current Working Directory;
       iv) classify any remaining data items into conceptually
	   related sets, providing a functional description for
	   each set for the creation of a new segment to meet each
	   function, and
       v)  determine the mandatory or conditional status for each
	   data element, composite, segment, segment group and the
	   number of permitted repeats.



3.1 Interchange Structure & Directory Relationships

3.1.1 Informative Annex C demonstrates the hierarchical structure of
      a UN/EDIFACT message.

3.1.2 To support this hierarchical structure, within the UN/EDIFACT
      process, five directories are held in UNTDID between all of
      which there is both an upward and downward hierarchical

      |    +----------------+  ^
      |    |   MESSAGES     |  |
      |    +----------------+  |
      |    |   Segments     |  |
      |    +----------------+  |
      |    | Composite Data |  |
      |    |    Elements    |  |
      |    +----------------+  |
      |    | Data Elements  |  |
      |    +----------------+  |
      |    |   Code Lists   |  |
      V    +----------------+  |


3.2 Design of Data Elements

3.2.1 Guidelines for data element design If a new data element has to be designed it should be
        generic, allowing for use across the widest possible number
        of applications. Having identified all of the data elements required to
        satisfy the function of the message under development,
        designers need to ascertain whether the required data
        elements are included in the current UN/EDIFACT Working
        Directory, by taking the following steps:

        Search the current UN/EDIFACT Working Directory:

        1) If the required data element is found and exactly
           meets the user's requirement, it should be specified
           for use;
        2) If the required data element is found, but it appears
           that its name, description and/or its format/
           representation does not exactly meet the user's
           requirement, the Rapporteur Change Request procedures
           should be followed, to request an amendment to the
           element in question, or
        3) If the required data element is not found a "New Data
           Element Request" must be submitted under the Rapporteur
           Change Request procedures, with reference to UNTDED as 

         In the case of coded data elements:

         1) If the required coded data element is found and the
            required code value is present in its associated code
            list, then the element should be specified for use;
         2) If the required coded data element is found, but the
            required code value is not present, a "New Code Request"
            should be submitted, or
         3) If a "New Data Element Request" has been submitted for a
            coded element, a code request for each code value required
            for the data element must be submitted.

3.2.2 Data element types and categories A data element is the smallest unit of information within the
        structure of a message and there are two types, a simple data
        element, and a component data element used in Composite Data
        Elements (see Section 3.3) A simple data element can be one of three categories:

         1) Where it  defines a precise business function, it is 
            termed a specific simple data element.
            In tag, name and format order, an example could be:

          Data Element  Data element name         Format tag

          5284          Unit price basis            n..9

                                 (where n..9  means variable length
                                  numeric containing 1 to 9 digits)

          2) Where it defines a global business function which could
             be used across the widest range of functional/industry
             area, it is termed a generic simple data element.

         An example of such a generic simple data element could be:

       Data Element  Data element name         Format tag

       6064          Quantity difference         n..15

                              (where n..15 means variable length
                              numeric containing 1 to 15 digits)

            On its own, "quantity difference" has no specific meaning.
            In order to identify its precise business function, a data
            element qualifier is associated with it.

         3) Where it gives a generic simple data element a precise
	    business function, it is termed a data element qualifier.
	    An example of a data element qualifier could be:

	Data Element  Data element name           Format tag

	6063          Quantity qualifier          an..3

				 (where an..3 means variable length
				  alphanumeric containing 1 to 3

	   The qualifier code values give precise meaning to the data
	   being qualified. For example, the list includes a code of
	   "126" for "Quantity of goods that disappeared in transport"
           which, combined with the Quantity difference, gives 
           explicit meaning to the number contained in the Quantity 
           difference. A component data element is one which is used within a
	composite data element (see Section  3.3). A component element
        can be one of the three categories defined above for simple
        data elements.

3.2.3 Rules for the design of new data elements
  RULE 1: Existing qualified data elements shall always be used in
	  preference to creating new data elements.

  RULE 2: The following naming and formatting conventions shall be
	  followed in the UN/EDIFACT data elements directory:

	  a) A data element which qualifies a generic simple data
	     element, composite, or  segment shall end with the name
	     "qualifier" (e.g. "Currency qualifier").
             The format of qualifiers shall be: an..3. The code
             lists for qualifiers shall be specified in EDCL only.

	  b) A non-qualifier coded data element name shall end with
	     " , coded" (e.g. "Currency, coded").
             The format of non-qualifier coded data elements shall
             be: an..3

	  c) Other coded data element names shall end with
	     "identification" (e.g. "Hazard code identification").
             The format of other coded data elements shall be:
             an..x (where x > 3)

	 d) Clear (plain language) data elements already specified
	     in UNTDED shall adopt the same name and format in UNTDID.

	  e) A new clear language data element not already specified
	     in UNTDED shall have a format of either an..17, an..35
	     or an..70, along with its corresponding name, as
             dictated by business requirements.

	  f) The format and naming of other types of data elements
	     shall be specified to meet business requirements.

3.2.4 Coded data elements A coded data element is an element which has as its value a
	code, described in a Code Lists directory. There are two types of UN/EDIFACT coded data elements: those
	which are qualifiers; and other coded data elements.

3.2.5 Rules associated with the design of coded data elements
  RULE 3: Coded data elements which are qualifiers shall not have data
          elements 1131/3055 associated with them.

  RULE 4: Generic coded simple data elements shall be specified in a
	  composite data element in conjunction with conditional data
	  elements 1131/3055.


3.3 Design of Composite Data Elements

3.3.1 Guidelines for composite data element design A composite data element is two or more component data
        elements grouped together to permit related information to be
        expressed in a structured way. The composite data element directory contained in the current
	UN/EDIFACT Working directory should be studied to identify
	composite specification/layout. One type of design of composites is where the composite
        itself is mandatory and all of its components are conditional.
        At least one of the components must be present under ISO 9735
        Syntax Rules. When deciding on the composite data elements required in a
	message under development, designers need to ascertain whether
        all of the required composite data elements are	already 
        defined in the current  UN/EDIFACT Working Directory by taking
        the following steps:

	Search the current UN/EDIFACT Working Directory:

	1) If the required composite data element is found and
	   exactly meets the user's requirement, it should be
	   specified for use.

	2) If the required composite data element is found, but it
	   appears that its name, description and/or its format/
	   representation does not exactly meet the user's
           requirement, the Rapporteur Change Request procedures
           should be followed, to request an amendment to the 
           composite in question.

	3) If the required composite data element is not found in
	   the current Working Directory, then using the Rapporteur
	   Change Request procedures, a "New Composite Data Element
	   Request" must be submitted.

3.3.2 Guidelines for the design of non-qualified and qualified composites A non-qualified composite is one which has a single function
	needing no qualification.

	Composite name :              MOVEMENT TYPE
	Function  of composite :      Description of type of service
				      for movement of cargo.
	Components in the composite : Movement type, coded;
				      Movement type
       The above composite could then take the form:
	...+[Movement type, coded]:[Movement type]+...
  A qualified composite is one which needs a qualifier to
	identify its function.


	 Composite name :              PERCENTAGE DETAILS
	 Function of composite :       Identification of the usage
					 of a percentage
	 Components in the composite : Percentage qualifier;
				       Percentage basis, coded
	   The specific percentage (and if appropriate the percentage
	   basis) is identified according to the value of the
           composite qualifier (Percentage qualifier). The values
           of the "Percentage qualifier" are listed in the
           UN/EDIFACT codes lists directory.  For example:
	   1 - Allowance; 2 - Charge;  etc.
	   A PERCENTAGE DETAILS composite carrying "Allowance"
	     percentage details  would take the form:
	     +1:[Percentage]+ The use of qualified composites significantly reduces the
	number of entries in the Composite Data Elements Directory,
	and provides flexibility.  For example, if the need for a new
	"percentage  details" composite function is identified, all
        that is required is the addition of a further qualifier code
        in the relevant code list.

3.3.3 Rules for the design of composite data elements
  RULE 5: Composite data element shall have a single function, with
	  each component data element relating directly to the
	  function of the composite.

  RULE 6: A composite data element shall comprise two or more
          component data elements. Pairs or triplets of associated
          components shall not be repeated within a composite.

  RULE 7: Composite data elements contained in the current UN/EDIFACT
	  Composite Data Elements Working Directory shall be used,
	  unless it is demonstrated that the required function cannot
	  be achieved either by:

	  - the addition of a new qualifier value to an existing
	    qualified composite, or by the addition of a composite
	    data element qualifier.

	  - the addition of a component data element at the end of an
	    existing composite (except as defined in Rule 16).

  RULE 8: New composite data elements shall not contain the entire
	  contents of an existing composite, nor shall the function
          of an existing composite be duplicated.

  RULE 9: New composite data elements shall be designed to support
	  the widest possible number of applications.

  RULE 10: A qualifier giving specific meaning to a generic simple
	  data element shall be placed directly after the data
	  element. Both elements then become component data elements
	  of a composite data element.

	  The following examples explain the position and use of such
	  a qualifier within a composite:

	       ...+QDE:Q+...          where:

				     QDE - Qualified data element as
					   a component in a composite
				      Q  - Qualifier as a component
                                           in a composite


	     6064     Quantity difference
	     6063     Quantity qualifier

	  which could contain the following data :

	  ...+150:126+...   where 126  means  "Quantity
	     of goods that disappeared in transport"

 RULE 11: If a single component data element is to be qualified as
	  part of a composite data element containing several
          component data elements, the qualifier shall appear after
          the data element to be qualified.

	  Examples :

	  ...+QCEl:Q:CE2:CE3+...     where:

				  QCE1 - Qualified component element
				     Q - Qualifier for QCE1
 			       CE2/CE3 - Component data elements
	    ...+CE1:QCE2:Q:CE3+...     where:

				  QCE2 - Qualified component element
				     Q - Qualifier for QCE2
			       CE1/CE3 - Component data elements

	    ...+CE1:QCE2:Q1:QCE3:Q2+.. where:

				   CE1 - Component data element
				  QCE2 - Qualified component element
				    Q1 - Qualifier for QCE2
				  QCE3 - Qualified component element
				    Q2 - Qualifier for QCE3

 RULE 12: If a composite data element is to be qualified
	  (i.e. the complete set of component data elements contained
	  in a composite data element), then the qualifier shall be
	  placed at the beginning  of the set as a component data

	  The following examples explain the use of the qualifier
	  in these circumstances:

	  ...+Q:CE1:CE2:CE3+...      where:

				     Q - Qualifier
		      CE1;  CE2  & CE3 - Qualified component data

	   5482 Percentage
	   5249 Percentage basis, coded
	   1131 Code list qualifier
	   3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

	   which could be transmitted as:

	   ...+12:20:4+...   where 12 indicates that the percentage
				and percentage basis is that of

 RULE 13: All mandatory components of a composite data element shall
	  be placed at the beginning of the composite, followed by
	  conditional components.

 RULE 14: A component data element shall not repeat within a
          composite data element more than five times, and then 
          only when a valid business reason can be specified and
          agreed by message design groups.

 RULE 15: a) The clear (plain language) component of a coded/clear
	     pair of data elements shall repeat  up to a maximum of
	     two times in the composite data element when its format
	     is defined as an..35.

	  b) The clear (plain language) component of a coded/clear
	     pair of data elements shall not repeat when its format
	     is defined as an..70.
	  c) The FTX segment shall be used in a segment group instead
	     of the clear component(s) of the composite data element
	     in question when more than 70 characters are required.

3.3.4 Rules for UN/EDIFACT composite data element maintenance
 RULE 16: The Addition of a component data element to a composite
          data element shall result in the component being added to
          the end of the composite data element. The only exceptions
          to this are:

	  a) if a mandatory component data element is approved for
	     insertion in a composite  data element; or

	  b) if the component data elements 1131 and 3055 need to be
             inserted between a coded/clear pair of component data 
             elements in an already existing composite data element.

	   If either of the above amendments are approved, a new tag
	   shall be assigned and the original composite data element
	   in the next Working Directory shall be marked for deletion
	   after three years.

 RULE 17: All new messages shall always use the new composite if it
	  is required in the message.

 RULE 18: At the end of the three year period, the composite data
	  element marked for deletion shall be replaced in all
	  segments and associated messages with the new composite
          data element.


3.4 Design of Segments

3.4.1 Guidelines for segment design When designing messages existing segments contained in the
	current UN/EDIFACT Working directory should be used, before
	considering the design of new segments. Many advantages ensue from the use of existing segments,
	including acceleration of the message design process and
	conformity across industry and national borders. Before designing a new segment, the following options need to
	be considered:

	If a qualified segment covering the function exists, the
	segment qualifier can be used to provide the segment with
	the required specific meaning, by requesting an addition to
	the associated segment qualifier code list.

	If it is possible to meet the required function by adding an
	element to an existing segment, then UN Rapporteur Change
	Request Procedures should be followed to request the addition
	at the end of the segment.

	If the required function can be met by use of two or more
	existing segments, these can be placed in a segment group
	within the message.  (See Section 4.4) If a new segment has to be designed, it should be generic,
	allowing for use across the widest possible number of
	applications. By designing generic segments, it is then possible to place
	the segment in a range of segment groups to express different
	functions. This concept should however under no circumstances
	result in solutions not supportive of specific business
	requirements. The creation of a specific segment needed for
	certain defined business areas is permissible whenever the
	result is approved under the maintenance procedures. Once  designed, the status of composites/data elements within
	the segment (i.e. whether they are Mandatory or Conditional)
	needs to be decided, with mandatory data appearing before
	conditional data in the segment.  If a segment is to be used
	in several different messages, in one message an element may
	be mandatory, while being conditional in another.  If this
	circumstance arises, the element should be made conditional,
	and the usage specified in the message implementation

3.4.2 Non-qualified and qualified segments A non-qualified segment needs no qualification to define
	its function.



	Function  : To specify the processing mode of a
		    specific line within a referenced

	Data Elements in Segment :  DOCUMENT LINE

	  The above segment could then take the form:

	  DLI+[Document line indicator]+[Line item number] A qualified segment is one which needs a qualifier to specify
	its usage.  The specific usage of the segment is attributed
        to it according to the value of an appropriate segment 
        qualifier code, as defined in



	Function : To specify details about membership

	Data elements in segment : CONTRIBUTION

       The specific contribution type and instruction is identified
       according to the value of the segment qualifier
       The values of the CONTRIBUTION QUALIFIER are listed in the
       EDIFACT codes set directory.  The following qualifier values
       are examples only: 1 - Normal,  2 - Special,  3 - Reversal
       Therefore, a COT segment carrying "Normal" contribution 
       details could take the form:

	    ...COT+1+[Contribution type]+[Instructions]... The use of qualified segments significantly reduces the
        number of entries in the Segment Directory, and provides 
        flexibility. If a required segment purpose is not covered 
        in the existing	qualifier code list, a new qualifier code 
        value should be	requested. Where relevant, this technique 
        should always be used in preference to designing a new and 
        specific segment for the same purpose.

3.4.3 Implicit & explicit representation of segments in 
      messages The ISO 9735 Syntax Rules permit segments to be transmitted
	in either implicit or explicit  format, however, it is not
	permissible to mix the two techniques within one message. The selection of either the implicit or the explicit nesting
	technique for repeating segments must be decided by message
	designers.  Implicit representation is recommended for use in
	all UNSMs.  The explicit nesting indication should only be
	used when the message definition would not enable the
        receiver to identify the logical links of segments to other
        segments when processing a message. A more detailed explanation of the two techniques is found in
	ISO 9735.

3.4.4 Rules for the design of new segments
 RULE 19: A new segment shall have a single function (which can be
	  qualified if necessary, to identify its usage). A segment
	  shall contain sufficient simple and/or composite data
	  elements to fulfill its functional definition and the
          contents shall relate directly to the function of the

 RULE 20: A new segment shall not contain the entire contents of an
	  existing segment, nor duplicate the function of an existing

 RULE 21: The status of composites and/or data elements within a
	  segment shall be defined (i.e. Mandatory or Conditional).

 RULE 22: All mandatory simple data elements and/or composite data
	  elements shall be placed at the beginning of the segment,
	  followed by all conditional simple data elements and/or
	  composite data elements.

 RULE 23: 3-alpha segment codes starting with the letter "U"
	  (i.e. U..), are reserved for use by ISO 9735 and shall not
	  be specified for use in data segments.

 RULE 24: A qualifier giving the specific meaning to a qualified
	  segment shall be placed as a mandatory data element
          directly after the segment code as the first data element
          in the segment.


			    QSC - Qualified Segment Code
			      Q - Qualifier

 RULE 25: Simple or composite data elements shall not repeat within
          a segment. When multiple repeats are required, the segment
	  should be repeated at the message level.

 RULE 26: Only when a valid business reason can be specified in the
	  "New Segment Request", may the same simple or composite data
          element repeat within the same segment--up to a maximum of
          five times, as agreed by message design groups.

 RULE 27: Groups of two or more different composite data elements
	  shall not be repeated in a segment.

	  Example:  the following structures are not permitted:

	  Segment AAA    Segment BBB
	   C123           C123
	   C345           C345
	   C345           C123
	   C123           C456

3.4.5 Rules for UN/EDIFACT segment maintenance
 RULE 28: The addition of a simple data element or a composite data
	  element to a segment shall result in the simple or
          composite data element being added to the end of the
          segment. The only exceptions to this are:
	  - if a mandatory simple or composite data element
	    is approved for insertion in a segment; or

	  - if a data element marked for deletion after 3
	    years is replaced by its substitute.

	  If either of the above amendments are approved, a new
          segment code shall be assigned and the original segment
          shall be marked for deletion after 3 years.

 RULE 29: All new messages shall always use the new segment if it is
	  required in the message.




4.1 Guidelines for Message Documentation

4.1.1 The layout for message documentation (referred to as a
      "Boilerplate") is given in a UN document which should
      be obtained from local RT Secretariats.

4.1.2 Once the function and content of a message has been decided, the
      message has to be designed and structured. In addition to the
      descriptive text in messages (as defined in the boilerplate), 
      the structure of messages has to be presented in documentation
      both in the form of a branching diagram, and as a segment table.

4.1.3 Branching diagrams and segment tables are graphic techniques for
      indicating the logical structure of a message. Their function is
      to present a message diagramatically, from which the order and 
      relationship of segments and segment groups within a message can
      be determined, including their mandatory or conditional status.
      The diagram defines the transmission order of the segments as 
      top to bottom and left to right.
      The following diagram is for illustration only, to explain
      the basic concepts of a branching diagram and a segment table.

4.1.4     An example of a branching diagram is:

      Level                    Message Type

		  |      |      |      |     |      |     |
	0        UNH    AAA    BBB     |    EEE     |    UNT
		 M 1    M 1    C 1     |    C 1     |    M 1
				       |            |
				       |            |
				    +----+          |
				    |Gp.1|          |
				    |C  9|          |
				    |____|          |
	1                           |CCC |         FFF
				    |M  1|         C 9
	2                             DDD
				      C 9

4.1.5 As can be seen in the above diagram, "Levels" are shown for each
      level of nesting of segments in a message. Segments appearing at
      Level 0 shall not repeat. For each level of segment nesting, the
      level numbers are incremented by 1.

4.1.6 Example of a segment table is:

      TAG    NAME                      S    REPT    S    REPT

      UNH    Message header            M    1
      AAA    Segment AAA               M    1
      BBB    Segment BBB               C    1

    - Segment Group 1 ----------------------------- C     9 ---+
      CCC    Segment CCC               M    1                  |
      DDD    Segment DDD               C    9 -----------------+

      EEE    Segment EEE               C    1
      FFF    Segment FFF               C    9
      UNT    Segment UNT               M    1

4.1.7 For the above message structure, assuming that all of the
      conditional segments in the diagram appear once, and that Group
      1 appears twice, the processing sequence of the segments would
      be as follows:


4.1.8 In the above message structure, the first and last segments in
      the message, UNH and UNT, are mandatory Service Segments,
      defined in the UN/EDIFACT Syntax. UNH is the message header
      segment, which includes the message type, version and release
      number, while UNT is the message trailer segment. The remaining
      segments (with segment codes AAA to FFF) are user data segments.

4.1.9 Associated with each segment tag in the examples is shown either
      "M" (if the segment is Mandatory within the message), or "C" (if
      the segment is Conditional), followed by a number, meaning the 

      M  l  means that the segment must appear once only in the 
            message in the position shown in the diagram.

      C  l  means the segment may appear once only in the message
            in the position shown in the diagram (dependent if 
            necessary on a semantic note related to the segment) 
            or that it can be completely omitted.

      M followed by a figure greater than 1 means that the segment
      must appear at least once in the position shown, but could 
      repeat up to a maximum number of times equal to the figure

      C followed by a figure greater than 1 means that the segment
      may repeat in the position shown, up to a maximum  number of 
      times equal to the figure shown, OR --because of its 
      Conditional status-- that it may not appear at all.

      Exactly the same concept applies to segment groups in respect
      to their status and their number of repeats.


4.2 Guidelines for the Design of Segment Groups

4.2.1 A study of Status 2 messages in UNTDID will show that messages
      often contain a high proportion of conditional segment groups.
      This decision is often taken by message designers to permit
      flexibility of use.

4.2.2 Grouping of segments also permits information carried in
      individual segments to be related in a structured way.

4.2.3 The first segment of a group must occur only once per occurrence
      of the group. and is designated as the "trigger" segment
      for the group which it heads. The trigger segment determines
      the function of the group.

4.2.4 Message designers should be aware, that a segment group which is
      contained within another segment group cannot be entered, other
      than via the segment group immediately before (its parent
      segment group).  This means that at least the trigger segment
      for the parent segment group must contain data when transmitted.

4.2.5 In the message example given in 4.1.4, Group 1 (containing
      segments CCC and DDD) shows a simple repeating structure. Up 
      to a maximum of 9 occurrences of the group may appear, or the
      group may be omitted since its is conditional. Within each 
      occurrence of the group, the trigger segment CCC must appear
      (since it is mandatory).  Segment DDD may be omitted since it
      is conditional, or may repeat a maximum of 9 times. A group 
      of segments can, and often does, contain one or more lower 
      level groups of segments.

4.2.6 A fuller description of the hierarchical dependency of segments
      in groups appearing at levels l, 2, 3, etc., repeating segments
      and their representation implicitly or explicitly etc., can be
      found in ISO 9735.

4.2.7 As draft messages are developed, designers may find that they
      may have to amend some of their original thoughts on the
      structure and contents of the message as this can be an
      iterative process.

4.2.8 A typical example of a segment group used in the same way
      across many messages is the "Name and Address", segment group
      which optionally includes segments to provide related "Contact"
      & "Communication Number" data.
      This segment group normally follows a structure where NAD is
      the trigger segment for group, with the dependent CTA and COM
      segments below.


4.3 Rules for Segment Groups Design

 RULE 30: Every group shall start with a non-repeating mandatory

 RULE 31: A segment group nested within another segment group shall
          be headed by its own trigger segment, and cannot be entered
	  other than via the group which precedes it.


4.4 Guidelines for the Design of Messages

4.4.1 "Stand-alone" segments within segment groups (i.e. segments with
      no dependent segment(s) below them) should be placed immediately
      after the mandatory trigger segment of the group to which they 
      belong, in order to reduce the risk of segment collisions.

4.4.2 Segment collision occurs for example:

      1) if two or more segments with identical segment codes appear
	 in a message with no mandatory segment with a different
         segment code intervening between them at the same or higher
         level; or
      2) if two or more segments with identical segment code appear
         in a message with no mandatory segment group triggered by 
         a segment with a different segment code intervening.

      In some cases, a mandatory segment with a different segment
      code is also needed after the colliding segment, to prevent 
      the collision.

4.4.3 An example of segment of collision is:

	| Gr 3|
	| C|99|
      1 | AAA |
	|M | 1|
	   | __________________________________________________ ....
	   |     |       |   |       |        |   |      |
	   |  +-----+    |   |    +-----+     |   |   +-----+
	   |  |Gr  4|    |   |    |Gr  6|     |   |   | Gr 7|
	   |  |C   9|    |   |    |C   9|     |   |   | C 9 |
	   |  |-----|    |   |    |-----|     |   |   |-----|
      2   BBB | CCC |   FFF DDD   | GGG |    III EEE  | JJJ |
	  C 9 | M 1 |   C 9 C 9   | M 1 |    C 1 C 9  | M 1 |
	      +-----+             +-----+             +-----+
		 |                   |                   |
	      +-----+                |                   |
	      |Gr  5|                |                   |
	      |-----|                |                   |
	      |C   9|                |                   |
	      |-----|             +-----+             +-----+
      3       | DDD |             | HHH |             | KKK |
	      | M 1 |             | C 1 |             | C 9 |
	      +-----+             +-----+             +-----+
      4         EEE
		C 9

4.4.4 In the above example, since the stand-alone segment FFF is
      conditional (and therefore may be omitted), there is a segment
      collision between the stand-alone segment DDD (after segment
      FFF) and segment DDD which is the trigger segment for Group 5.

4.4.5 The risk which arises with segment collision, is that the
      receiving translator routine could incorrectly associate
      identical segments.

4.4.6 A segment collision also occurs between the stand-alone EEE
      segment appearing immediately before group 7 and the EEE
      segment in group 5, since everything between them is 

4.4.7 Segment collision would be eliminated if stand-alone segments
      FFF, DDD, III and EEE were moved before segment group 4.


4.5 Rules for Message Design

 RULE 32: A message is a set of ordered segments and/or segment 
          groups, starting with the message header UNH segment,
          and ending with the message trailer UNT segment. At
          least one additional segment or segment group shall
          appear between the header and trailer segments.

 RULE 33: The contents of the current UN/EDIFACT Working Directory
	  shall be used as the starting point for the development of
	  a message.

 RULE 34: A proposed new message shall not duplicate the function of
	  an existing message.

 RULE 35: Messages shall be designed for use at the international

 RULE 36: Any changes made to an existing message structure shall
	  conform to the stated message functionality or else the
	  message functionality shall be modified to conform with
          the changes to the message structure.

 RULE 37: Messages shall be structured without segment collision.


4.6 Rules for the Design of Message Types

 RULE 38: Each message type shall have allocated to it a unique six
          letter identifier (e.g. INVOIC for the Commercial Invoice).
          Designers may allocate a code of their own choosing,
          controlled only by RT Technical Assessment Groups in the
          event of duplication with an existing code.


4.7 Rules for the Use of UNS Segments

 RULE 39: The service segment UNS shall only be used to prevent
          segment collision between segments contained in the
          Header, Detail and Summary sections of a message.

 RULE 40: No more than two UNS segments shall be defined in a single
	  message.  UNS segments shall have a maximum occurrence of
	  one, a status of mandatory, and shall appear at the
          beginning of either the Detail section, and/or the Summary
          section as necessary.




5.1  If any part of these guidelines and rules are unclear to any
     message designer or message user, the specific query should be
     directed to a Technical Assessment Group (TAG), via a local RT

5.2  Such queries will be dealt expeditiously via Joint RT/TAG

5.3  After change requests to the message design guidelines and rules
     have been processed and agreed, the changes will be published
     giving the appropriate interpretations, addenda and/or revisions.



(INFORMATIVE) Usage of data elements 1131/3055


The capability to use externally maintained code lists is
accomplished in UN/EDIFACT message design through the use of two 
data elements, 1131 and 3055, which immediately follow a coded data
element. The combination of the elements 1131/3055 shall only be 
used in association with one preceding component.

The specifications contained in A.2 and A.3 below are not mandatory.
However, if the choice is made to implement A.2 and A.3, then the
detail in those sections shall be applied.


A.2 USE OF 1131/3055

The UN/ECE Secretariat will allocate code values in data element
3055 to identify responsible agencies.

Specific code list identification numbers for data element 1131 can
be obtained from the appropriate responsible agency identified in
data element 3055.

Each agency will be responsible for assigning code list
identification numbers for each category of code list it maintains.
These identification numbers will not be contained in the UN/EDIFACT
Code Lists Directory for 1131.

The only value in the UN/EDIFACT code list directory for data element
1131 is "ZZZ". This identifies that the coded data element used in
association with 1131/3055 is mutually defined by trading partners.

Data element 3055 would contain a list of responsible agencies.
Examples of the values currently contained in data element 3055 are:

       3   IATA (International Air Transport Association)
       5   ISO  (International Organization for Standardization)
       6   UN/ECE
       16  DUNS (Dun and Bradstreet)
       116 US, ANSI ASC X12
       178 AU, SAA (Standards Association of Australia)

Additional values should be requested, as needed, to identify
additional responsible agencies such as national and regional

Whenever data element 3055 is used, data element 1131 is mandatory.

If data elements 1131 and 3055 are not used, the value of the
associated coded data element value is from the UN/EDIFACT maintained
code list.



    1) Example of the omission of 1131/3055 which implies use of
       the UN/EDIFACT maintained code list

         1131      3055    COMMENT

		       The coded data element value used in 
                       association with 1131/3055, is in the
		       UN/EDIFACT code list for the coded element
                       in question

    2) Example of trading partner defined reference numbers

	 1131      3055    COMMENT

	 ZZZ           The coded data element value used in 
                       association with 1131/3055 is mutually
                       defined by trading partners (1131='ZZZ')

    3) Example of UN/ECE maintained 1131 code list

	  1131      3055    COMMENT

	  20         6     The coded data element value used in
                           association with 1131/3055 is one 
                           maintained by the UN/ECE (3055="6"),
                           in UN/ECE Recommendation 20 (1131="20")

    4) Example of an organization maintained code list

	 1131      3055    COMMENT

	  1         16     The coded data element value used in 
                           association with 1131/3055 is one 
                           maintained by Dun and Bradstreet
			   (3055="16"), in the Duns list of 
                           enterprise numbers (1131="1")

    5) Example of nationally maintained 1131 code list

	 1131      3055    COMMENT

	  4         116    The coded data element value used in 
                           association with 1131/3055 is one 
                           maintained by ANSI ASC X12 (3055="116"),
			   in the American Bankers Association (ABA)
                           routing number identification table



(INFORMATIVE) Rapporteur Advisory & Support Teams (RTs)


1.1 It is via the RTs that maintenance procedures for the UN/EDIFACT
    Syntax Rules, and the UN/EDIFACT Directory Sets will be 
    coordinated, in conjunction with the UN/ECE Secretariat.



2.1 Rapporteurs currently appointed by UN/ECE Working Party 4
    represent Africa, Asia, Australia/New Zealand, Central and
    Eastern Europe, Pan America and Western Europe (including

2.2 The names and contact points for the above Rapporteurs can be
    obtained from either the UN/ECE Secretariat, or from local RT



Western Europe:

  The EC UN/EDIFACT Co-ordinator                Tel: +32-2-299-0250
  Commission of the European Communities        Fax: +32-2-299-0286
  DG XIII - D5
  Belliard 1/25
  rue de la Loi 200
  l040 Brussels

Pan America:

  The PA UN/EDIFACT Co-ordinator                 Tel: +703-548-7005
  DISA  (Data Interchange Standards Association) Fax: +703-548-5738
  l800 Diagonal Road
  Suite 355
  Alexandria VA 223l4

Eastern Europe:
  The EE UN/EDIFACT Co-ordinator                Tel: +3 5 9 287-4572
  BULPRO                                        Fax: +3 5 9 280-3968
  Ministry of Trade
  12, Al. Batenberg Str.
  BG-1000 SOFIA

Asia :
  The AS EDIFACT Co-ordinator                   Tel: +81 3 3437-6135
  JASTPRO                                       Fax: +81 3 3437-6136
  Daiichi Daimon Bldg
  Shiba Daimon
  2-10-1 Minato-ku

Australia/New Zealand:
  The AZ EDIFACT Co-ordinator                   Tel: +61 2 879-9135
  P.O. Box 422                                  Fax: +61 2 817-2085
  NSW 2111

Africa :
  The African EDIFACT Board                     Tel: +241763 652
  AFEB Co-ordinator                             Fax: +241765 838
  PO Box 561



  United Nations Economic Commission
                                                Tel: +41 22 9172773
  for  Europe (UN/ECE)                          Fax: +41 22 9170036
  Trade Facilitation Section
  Palais des Nations
  CH-1211 Geneva 10


Hierarchical structure of a message
See ISO 9735 (for the ISO reference) or ISO 9735 text