EXPLANATION OF TABLE STRUCTURE FOR FPAMR CHAPTER AUTHORS Enclosed please find the Excel tables (Excel 2010) containing the specific tables for each chapter. The 6 files have been zipped into one compressed file to reduce the size of the e-mail. This and the other, larger, data sets, will be on the web site. There are three sets of data. - The above-mentioned Excel tables by chapter. These are formatted and laid out as they will appear in the publication, however for reasons of space the tables will be reduced, showing only the last two years. They have no formulas. These are taken from the workbook "output tables" mentioned below. Each file also has the complete table list and the overview table (1.1.1). - An Excel workbook ("output tables") containing our standard data tables. These are tables as they will appear in the final data annex of the publication. The tables are selective, both in terms of items covered and countries listed. The sheet "table list 2013" lists all of the tables available, e.g. RW-1 is removals of roundwood. The actual sheets are listed, e.g. RW-3a, RW-3b, RW-3c etc. The first sheet (or sheets) in a series would be a data organization sheet, the last sheet in the series is always the table in final form, i.e. series RW-3 final table can be found on sheet RW-3c. - The third workbook ("worksheets") is a tool, designed to show all information available. The file is organized by product with each separate sheet containing tables on production, consumption, imports by quantity and value and exports by quantity and value. Each sheet has an identical structure although in some cases there is no data available as we don't collect that particular series. On the website you will find an Excel file indicating our product codes, product names, country groupings and status codes. Please note a number of issues that have occasioned questions in the past: - the status codes are used to identify the data "quality", i.e. where it has been officially supplied and where we or somebody else has made an estimate. The status "calculated" indicates that the data are not original but were calculated by an aggregation program by summing the component subitems (e.g. sawnwood data are the sum of sawn softwood and sawn hardwood). The various status codes are shown in the sheet "reference". - the file "worksheets" will contain cells showing an error. This can be for a variety of reasons but usually it means the data are not available. It seemed preferable to leave the error than add another level of "if" statements to tens of thousands of cells in order to replace the error with "not available". - consumption by regions is calculated according to the total consumption of the individual countries comprising that region (rather than calculating the region's production-exports+imports). This can make a difference when, for example, a country has trade but is missing production as the country's consumption data will not be calculated and thus the country will not be included in the regional total whereas the regional total for trade did include the country. The last two files are very large. You should not, theoretically, need to alter anything in the files but, if you do, please be aware that they will take a long time to recalculate (15 minutes or more). If you have questions about the tables or the data please feel free to contact me at stats.timber@unece.org or +41 22 917-2880 at any time. I would of course be happy to send you the raw data files as received from the countries as well.