UNUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Press Release

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Strengthening subregional economic cooperation in Central Asia

International Conference on Strengthening Subregional Economic Cooperation in Central Asia and the Future Role of SPECA
(Astana, Kazakhstan, 25-27 May 2005)

Geneva, 20 May 2005 - The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in cooperation with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), organizes the “International Conference on Strengthening Subregional Economic Cooperation in Central Asia and the Future Role of SPECA” in Astana on 25-27 May 2005. Its aim is to provide a forum for action-oriented discussion of ways of further strengthening subregional economic cooperation in Central Asia, including through the United Nations Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA). In addition to the other SPECA member countries, neighbouring countries, bilateral donor agencies, international financial institutions, international organizations, including regional cooperation and integration organizations and initiatives were invited to take part.

The Conference is also expected to discuss a reform-package to strengthen SPECA, to elaborate a new, broader Work Plan for 2005-2007 and to improve coordination and cooperation among international organizations, institutions and bilateral donors in the subregion. The Special Session of the Regional Advisory Committee (the highest decision-making body of SPECA) is expected to discuss these proposals and act upon them.

The Astana Conference offers a timely opportunity for the SPECA member countries, neighbouring countries, regional and subregional organizations as well as international actors to conduct a thorough and result-oriented discussion on how best subregional economic cooperation can contribute to rapid and stable economic development of all the SPECA member countries, their integration into the world economy and the achievement of Millennium Development Goals.

SPECA was created upon the initiative of the Presidents of its member countries to strengthen subregional economic cooperation. Its present members are Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Afghanistan will be invited at the Astana Conference to join the Programme. While there are many regional and subregional organizations and initiatives covering Central Asia and its neighbours, SPECA has a unique feature: it was created and is governed by its member countries, while UNECE, UNESCAP and other international partners provide technical assistance and financial support to the implementation of programmes and projects agreed upon by its members.

The strategic importance of Central Asia has been confirmed by recent political and economic developments. The subregion is a key transit hub between Europe, the Russian Federation, China and South Asia and its energy resources are of importance for long-term global energy security. It plays an active role in the stabilisation of Afghanistan. At the same time, some countries of the subregion, while having enjoyed fast economic growth in recent years still face formidable challenges. Central Asian States need to continue their economic reforms to develop full-fledged market economies. Many of them need to diversity their resource-based economies. Their integration into the world economy, in particular their participation in the multilateral trading system, including accession to WTO needs to be speeded up so they can enjoy the advantages of globalisation. Their land-locked status and the serious environmental problems they face further complicate their efforts to achieve sustainable and rapid economic and social development, including the achievement of Millennium Development Goals.

Subregional cooperation is no doubt a crucial factor that will influence Central Asia’s sustainable economic development and integration into the world economy. Countries of the subregion “under-trade”, limited market size hinders investment and difficulties of border crossing and transit reduce their competitiveness on the world markets. Common water and energy resources need to be developed and used more efficiently in a cooperative manner. Improved subregional cooperation is the most effective way to fully develop the vast economic potential of these countries. The numerous initiatives launched recently – often at the level of the Presidents – to promote subregional cooperation in Central Asia is the best proof of the growing recognition of the importance of this issue.

For additional information please contact:

Mr. Andrey Vasilyev
Director, UNECE Technical Cooperation Unit
Palais des Nations
CH – 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Phone: +41(0) 22 917 4221
Fax: +41(0) 22 917 0178
E-mail: [email protected]

Website: http://www.unece.org/operact/astana.doc

Ref: ECE/GEN/05/P07