UNUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Press Release


Geneva, 1 October 2004

Seminar will discuss the role of governments and offshore outsourcing in Internet enterprise development

· How is offshore outsourcing changing the world ICT industry?

· How are western and eastern European countries engaging in international outsourcing in ICT?

· How can governments best contribute to Internet enterprise development?

· What are the trends in e-regulation in market and transition economy countries?

These and related questions will be discussed during the Seminar on “Fostering Internet Enterprise Development by Governments and by Large Companies through Subcontracting”, to be held in Brussels, Belgium, on 5 October 2004. The Seminar is organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and by its Team of Specialists on Internet Enterprise Development.

As businesses make use of modern information and communication technologies (ICTs) to develop their activities, they evolve within framework conditions set by governments. Therefore, the policies, programmes and national e-strategies implemented by governments have a major impact on Internet enterprise development, which they may foster or hinder. The Seminar will discuss how governments are striving to build an enabling environment that is conducive to the development of entrepreneurship by making use of modern ICTs. It will cover the experience of industrialized countries, emerging markets as well as countries with economies in transition and will outline likely future developments in the relationship between government and Internet enterprise development.

One of the major recent trends in Internet enterprise development worldwide is offshoring in the ICT services industry and it is the subject of heated debate in political, academic and business circles. Offshore outsourcing means shifting of parts of the services production process to locations outside the home country of the company, a process that started in North America and is increasingly spreading to west European ICT service companies. India initially was the major destination of offshore outsourcing from industrialized countries and among emerging markets it still remains the major exporter of this type of services. However, in recent years other exporters have emerged as suppliers of offshore ICT services and have achieved a strong rise in their foreign sales in this area. Among them are countries in eastern Europe and in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The Seminar will debate developments in offshoring in the ICT industry and how emerging countries can tap the opportunities of this rising trend, as a way of strengthening Internet enterprise development. The experience with offshoring by both exporting and importing countries will be discussed, as well as the threats and opportunities for emerging suppliers in this market.

The Seminar will be attended by government officials, ICT company executives and academics from western and eastern Europe, North America, the CIS and Asia. The key-note address will be given by Ms. Signe Ratso, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of the Republic of Estonia. She will discuss how Estonia emerged from the transition period to become one of the most advanced European countries in terms of ICT adoption, while successfully developing a host of on-line services and exporting software.

The programme of the Seminar is available at www.unece.org/ie/wp8/tsied.htm. For further information on the event, please contact Mr. Rolf Traeger at [email protected] or at telephone number +41 (0) 22 917 5771.

Ref. ECE/IREEDD/04/P07