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22nd session

Informal Documents

No. 26 - (CETMO) The Euro-Mediterranean transport network: Trans-Mediterranean Network of Transport (TMN-T)
English only PDF (459 KB)
No. 25 - (European Commission) The European Commission briefing on the progress made in the development of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T)
English only PDF (1,227 KB)
No. 24 - (OSCE) Euro-Asian transport initiatives -Promoting good governance at border crossings, improving the security of land transportation and facilitating international transport by road and rail in the OSCE region
English only PDF (28 KB)
No. 23 - (Secretariat) Hinterland Connections of Seaports - Follow-up activities
(English only)
PDF (53 KB)
(English only)
PDF (225 KB)
No. 22 - (Secretariat) Assistance regarding the institutional adaptation of government administration and transport enterprises to market economy
English only PDF (112 KB)
No. 21 - (Dr. Geoffrey Hamilton) Financing of transport infrastructure
English only PDF (121 KB)
No. 20 - (Secretariat) WP.29 Activities on Climate Change Mitigation
English only PDF (463 KB)
No. 19 - (Dr. Libor Lochman) Transport trends and challenges - Internalization of external costs of transport
English only PDF (1,860 KB)
No. 18 - (Dr. Şeref Tabak) Transport trends and challenges - The Turkish Experience
English only PDF (2,140 KB)
No. 17 - Note by the Secretary-General (E/2009/63)
English PDF (60 KB)
French PDF (5,320 KB)
Russian PDF (7,400 KB)
No. 16 - (Dr. Alan Woodburn) Hinterland Connections of Seaports
English only PDF (1,570 KB)
No. 15 - (TEM and TER project manager) Pan-European Transport Corridors, Trans European Motorway (TEM) and Trans European Railway (TER) Projects : Report on TEM and TER activities implemented in the reporting period 2008/2009
English only PDF (124 KB)
No. 14 - (Norway) Transport trends and challenges: Review of the transport situation and emerging trends in the ECE region
English only PDF (235 KB)
No. 13 - (Croatia) Transport trends and challenges: Review of the transport situation and emerging trends in the ECE region
English only PDF (55 KB)
No. 12 - (United Kingdom) Transport trends and challenges: Review of the transport situation and emerging trends in the ECE region
English only PDF (226 KB)
No. 11 - (Turkey) Transport trends and challenges: Review of the transport situation and emerging trends in the ECE region
English only PDF (249 KB)
No. 10 - (Switzerland) Transport trends and challenges: Review of the transport situation and emerging trends in the ECE region
French only PDF (181 KB)
No. 9 - (Romania) Transport trends and challenges: Review of the transport situation and emerging trends in the ECE region
English only PDF (198 KB)
No. 8 - (Lithuania) Transport trends and challenges: Review of the transport situation and emerging trends in the ECE region
English only PDF (325 KB)
No. 7 - (Ireland) Transport trends and challenges: Review of the transport situation and emerging trends in the ECE region
English only PDF (106 KB)
No. 6 - (Hungary) Transport trends and challenges: Review of the transport situation and emerging trends in the ECE region
English only PDF (64 KB)
No. 5 - (Germany) Transport trends and challenges: Review of the transport situation and emerging trends in the ECE region
English only PDF (95 KB)
No. 4 - (Belgium) Transport trends and challenges: Review of the transport situation and emerging trends in the ECE region
English only PDF (192 KB)
No. 3 - High level Freight Meeting - Vienna - 24 April 2009 - Declaration
English only PDF (1,361 KB)
No. 2 - Letter to the European Commission
English only PDF (370 KB)
No. 1 - IRU Resolution to reduce the impact of the economic crisis on road transport
English only PDF (341 KB)