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Resolutions and Publications of the Working Party on Inland Water Transport (SC.3)

(click on the titles below to display the documents)

Status and Parameters of European network of Inland Waterways (Blue Book, res. 30, res. 49)

Note: European inland waterways and ports of international importance (E waterways and ports) are identified in the European Agreement on Main Inland Waterways of International Importance (AGN), done in Geneva on 19 January 1996. Their technical characteristics are described in the regularly updated Inventory of Main Standards and Parameters of the Waterway Network listed below.

Inventory of Main Standards and Parameters of the E Waterway Network (Blue Book)

Map of European Waterways
Inventory of most important bottlenecks and missing links in the E Waterway Network - Resolution No. 49
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/159/Rev.2:  Eng/Fre/Rus

Classification of European Inland Waterways – Resolution No. 30
TRANS/SC.3/131:  Eng/Fre/Rus

Rules and Signs on Inland Waterways (SIGNI, CEVNI res. 24, res. 35, res. 90)

European Code for Signs and Signals on Inland Waterways (SIGNI) - Resolution No. 90

CEVNI: European Code for Inland Waterways - Resolution No. 24

6th revised edition
Included: Corr.1 (English only) - December 2021 and Corr.2 - November 2024 (French and Russian forthcoming).

5th revised edition
5th revised edition (online version): Eng/Fre/Rus
Other languages: [disclaimer: the UNECE secretariat was not involved in the translation of the following version and is not responsible for its correctness] Slovak / Ukrainian

CEVNI: Waterway signs and marking poster
6th revised edition
5th revised edition:
4th revised edition:
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/115/Rev.4: Eng/Fre/Rus/Ger
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/115/Rev.4/Corr.1: Eng/Fre/Rus

Standardized UNECE Vocabulary for Radio-Connections in Inland Navigation - Resolution No. 35
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/185: Eng/Fre/Rus

Technical Requirements for Inland Vessels (res. 61, res. 69, res. 107)

Recommendations on Harmonized Europe-Wide Technical Requirements for Inland Navigation Vessels - Resolution No. 61

Shipborne Barges - Resolution No. 107
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/221: Eng/Fre/Rus

Guidelines for Passenger Vessels also suited for carrying Persons with Reduced Mobility – Resolution No. 69
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/188:  Eng/Fre/Rus

Recognition of boatmaster’s certificates (res. 31)

Recommendations on Minimum Requirements for the Issuance of Boatmaster’s certificates in Inland Navigation with a view to their Reciprocal Recognition for International Traffic – Resolution No. 31

River Information Services (res. 48, res. 57, res. 58, res. 63, res. 79, res. 80)

International Standard for Tracking and Tracing on Inland Waterways (VTT) - Resolution No. 63

International Standard for Electronic Ship Reporting in Inland Navigation - Resolution No. 79

International Standards for Notices to Skippers - Resolution No. 80

Guidelines and Criteria for Vessel Traffic Services on Inland Waterways - Resolution No. 58

Guidelines and Recommendations for River Information Services - Resolution No. 57
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/165/Rev.1:  Eng/Fre/Rus
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/165/Rev.1/Amend.1: Eng/Fre/Rus

Recommendation on electronic chart display and information system for inland navigation (Inland ECDIS) - Resolution No. 48

Annexes and Appendices: Eng
Inland ECDIS symbols: ZIP

River Information Services in the region of the Economic Commission for Europe
ECE/TRANS/313: Eng/Fre/Rus

Automation and smart shipping (res. 95)

Automation and smart shipping (res. 95) - EN/FR/RUS

Pollution Prevention (res. 21)

Prevention of Pollution of inland Waterways by vessels -  Resolution No. 21

Inland Water Transport Policy

Facilitating the Development of Inland Water Transport, Resolution No. 265 of the UNECE Inland Transport Committee, 22 February 2019
ECE/TRANS/288, Annex III: Eng/Fre/Rus
Strengthening Inland Navigation and River-Sea Shipping in Europe and the Baltic Sea Region (Policy paper on the outcome of EMMA project) adopted on the conference “Visions and opportunities for the transport network. Inland Navigation and River-Sea Shipping in the Baltic Sea Region” (Brussels, 6 November 2018)
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2019/25: Eng/Fre/Rus
Ministerial declaration “Inland Navigation in a Global Setting” adopted at the International Conference on Inland Water Transport in Wrocław, Poland, on 18 April 2018 Eng/Fre/Rus
White Paper on Efficient and Sustainable Inland Water Transport in Europe
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/189: Eng/Fre/Rus
Supporting Further Development of Inland Water Transport, Resolution No. 258 of the UNECE Inland Transport Committee, February 2007
ECE/TRANS/192, Annex II:  Eng/Fre/Rus

Inventory of existing legislative obstacles that hamper the establishment of a harmonized and competitive pan-European inland navigation market, and proposals for solutions to overcome them, January 2005
TRANS/SC.3/2005/1:  Eng/Fre/Rus

White Paper on the Progress, Accomplishment and Future of Sustainable Inland Water Transport, 2020
ECE/TRANS/279 (Eng/Fre/Rus)

White Paper on Trends on and Development of Inland Navigation and its Infrastructure, 1996
TRANS/SC.3/138:  Eng/Fre/Rus

Recreational navigation (res. 13, res. 14, res. 40, res. 41, res. 52)

European Recreational Inland Navigation Network - Resolution No. 52
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/164/Rev.2: Eng/Fre/Rus
Small Craft Used Exclusively for Pleasure Navigation - Resolution No. 41
TRANS/SC.3/148: Eng/Fre/Rus
International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft - Resolution No. 40
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/147/Rev.4: Eng/Fre/Rus 
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/147/Rev.4/Amend.1 Eng/Fre/Rus
Consolidated version (non official)

Guidelines to Resolution No. 40: Eng/Fre/Rus
International Certificate (international card) for Pleasure Craft - Resolution No. 13
TRANS/SC.3/118 and TRANS/SC.3/131: Eng/Fre/Rus
International Certificate (international card) concerning the Competence of Pleasure-Craft Operators – Resolution No.14
TRANS/SC.3/96 and TRANS/SC.3/131: Eng/Fre/Rus

Glossary for Inland Water Transport

Glossary for Inland Water Transport

The Working Party on Inland Water Transport publishes an annual report on the acceptance of the resolutionsEN (Cor.) / FR (Cor.) / RU (Cor.)
For more information please contact the secretariat.