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Regional Meeting on Dam Safety Cooperation in Central Asia (11-12 November 2014, Bishkek)

Documents (Dam safety meeting, Bishkek, Nov 2014)
Document title ENG RUS
Agenda, report and list of participants PDF PDF
Dam Safety in Central Asia: Capacity Building and Regional Cooperation
Mr. Bo Libert, Regional Adviser, UNECE
UNECE regional project "Dam safety in Central Asia: Capacity Building and Regional Cooperation" in Kazakhstan
Mr. Medet Ospanov, Director, Executive Board of IFAS, Kazakhstan
Informational and diagnostic system of the Orto-Tokoi reservoir for controlling the parameters of dam safety
Mr. Oleg Makarov, Director, Research institute "Vodoavtomatika i metrologia", Kyrgyzstan
Examination of control and measuring equipment of the Kirov dam
Mr. Vladimir Sherbina, Consultant / Director, Facility Safety Diagnostic Center JSC “Rusgidro”, Russia
State regulation of safety low pressure (small) hydraulic structures in the Russian Federation
Ms. Inna Kaliberda, Consultant / Deputy director, Scientific - Technical Center “Energobezopasnost”, Russia
Experience of intersectoral working group in Kazakhstan
Ms. Latifa Bulekbaeva, Representative of World Bank project
The problems of the dam safety management on strategic objects in Azerbaijan
Mr. Sahib Hasanzade, Head of the Sector of hydraulic structures, State Agency for Water Resources in Emergencies, Azerbaijan
Dams on stamps
Mr. Yuri Steklov, Expert


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