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Analytical studies and surveys

In accordance with decisions IV/2, V/3, VI/3, VII/3 of the Meeting of the Parties on promoting effective access to justice adopted by the Meeting of the Parties, the Task Force on Access to Justice was mandated to systematically collect information relating to the implementation of article 9 of the Convention and prepare, studies, where appropriate, with the objective of identifying gaps and promoting good practices in access to justice in environmental matters.  

Ongoing survey:
Title Documents Deadline
Survey on measures to enable effective access to justice in environmental matters Questionnaire 1 November 2022

Responses received

Completed analytical studies
Geographical scope Title Year ENG FRE RUS
  Handbook on Access to Justice under the Aarhus Convention 2003 ENG    
  Access to Justice: Remedies 2011 ENG    
  Paper on Costs in Environmental Procedure 2011 ENG    
  Approaches to Access 2011 ENG    
EECCA Access to Justice in Environmental Matters: Available Remedies, Timeliness and Costs in the EECCA countries
Completed questionnaires and previous drafts are available here.
2012 ENG   RUS
EU Synthesis Report of the Study on the Implementation of Article 9, paras. 3 and 4, of the Aarhus Convention in Seventeen of the Member States of the European Union 2013 ENG    
EU Report on possible initiatives on access to justice in environmental matters and their socio-economic implications (courtesy of the European Commission) 2013


EU Study on environmental complaint-handling and mediation mechanisms at national level (courtesy of the European Commission) 2012 ENG    
EECCA Study on standing for individuals, groups and non-governmental organizations before courts in environmental cases in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Republic of Moldova and Tajikistan. 2014 ENG   RUS

Study on access to justice in environmental matters in South-Eastern Europe

2014 ENG    
Spain Study on access to justice in environmental matters in Spain 2013 ENG    
Bosnia and Herzegovina Analysis of Court Decisions in the Area of Environmental Protection in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2012 (courtesy of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina) 2015 ENG    
France, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal

Study on the possibilities for environmental NGOs to claim damages in relation to the environment
Previous drafts and comments are available here.

2017 ENG    
EU The legal debate on access to justice for environmental NGOs: summary (courtesy of the German Environment Agency; read full study in German here) 2017 ENG    
Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Montenegro Study on access to justice in environmental matters particularly in respect to the scope of review (courtesy of REC) 2017 ENG    
European Union, Georgia, Germany, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Montenegro, the Republic of Moldova, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Sweden and Switzerland

Study on access to justice in information cases
Responses received
Comments received

2021 ENG    
  Analysis of energy-related cases for improving implementation of the Convention: scope and methodology 2023 ENG    
Georgia Access to Environmental Justice in Georgia (courtesy of UNDP) 2023 ENG    
Bosnia and Herzegovina Overview of the Case Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Field of the Protection of the Environment (Author: Fatima Mrdović, Judge of the Supreme Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina; courtesy of UNDP) 2023 ENG