Group of Experts on Cleaner Electricity Systems
The Group of Experts on Cleaner Electricity Systems is a subsidiary body of the Committee on Sustainable Energy that focuses on activities that significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel-fired electricity generation. These activities are developed and implemented with the active participation of UNECE member States, representatives from the energy and financial sectors and civil society, independent experts and academia. The work of the Group of Experts include regulatory and policy dialogue on modernization and decarbonization of electric power systems. Read more
Key areas of work
In focus
All Innovative Low and Zero Carbon Technologies Are Required to Deliver on Climate Targets
UN Energy features UNECE work on Carbon Neutrality in the Newsletter. Recent research from the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has found that innovative energy technologies are key to reaching carbon neutrality. UNECE explains how this next generation of nuclear power, hydrogen, and carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS) is particularly vital to achieving climate targets.
How does the land use of different electricity sources compare?
All energy production takes up land – whether it’s for a power plant, or to dig minerals out of the ground. Which sources use the most land, and which use it most efficiently? Check out latest analysis by the Our World in Data based on the UNECE latest report on Lifecycle Assessment of Electricity Generation Options.
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